Chapter 64: Mermaid

After a long sleep, Atria slowly opened her eyes her crimson eyes adjust for a while. Then she looked around she was in a...pool. An outdoor pool to be exact

"Thana where am I," Atria said in her mind

[Host, the heroine takes you back with her and put you in the water then she added salt to make the water salty]


After Thana started her location the door opened, and a petite woman dressed in white walked out. Atria immediately knew that this person is the heroine Lyra.

It was obvious since her face was pleasing, she had wavy aqua hair, beautiful peach eyes, and thin rosy lips. She was holding a tray while she walked to the pool.

____Lyra's Pov___

After taking the mermaid home I put her in the pool outside and poured a lot of salt into the water, the mermaid didn't wake up yet.

Lyra went to the kitchen and cook something for the mermaid if she woke up, she only notice that it was a female when she accidentally touch her chest.

(30 minutes later)


Lyra heard a splash outside, thinking that the mermaid is awake. She put the food on a tray and carry it outside. There she saw a crimson eye looking at her curiously.

The mermaid had her head on the water and only her eyes are on the surface. I walked slowly toward and gently put the tray near the pool.

The mermaid tilts her head to the side as if not knowing what she was doing. 'So cute'

"Hello, are you okay now," I said gently

The mermaid looked at her wounds and saw a bandage on them, then she look at me and nodded like an obedient baby. Lyra was shocked did she understand her, I thought that mermaids don't understand human words.

"Can you understand me?" She asked to confirm

The mermaid nodded again, Lyra was happy that she get to communicate with her.

"Are you hungry, come here I made some food" I showed her the food

The mermaid slowly but vigilantly approaches her, and the moment she's near the edge of the pool she surfaces her whole face.

"Look what do you like to eat," I told her the names of the food.

The mermaid raises her hand and point at a certain bowl of fish it is cooked. I took the plate and fork and then handed them to her. Then she remembered can mermaids eat human food.

"Can you eat human food?" I ask just to be sure

The mermaid nodded, then she holds the fork like a child learning to use utensils. Then she looks at me confused, I giggled at her

"Use this to pierce the fish then put it in your mouth" I demonstrate it in front of her, took a plate of food pierced the meat and put it in my mouth then took the fork out of my mouth.

The mermaid then put the plate on the edge of the pool and then hold the fork she pierced the fish, she put a lot of force when she pierced and the plate broke the fish fell into the pool.

"It's okay, you...." Before I can finish what to say

The mermaid drives down and eats the fish underwater, then she took the broken pieces of plates on the surface and tried to put them back together.

I chuckled at her she's so cute the look on her face when she can't put them back together is like a cute child that did something wrong.

"It's okay, I have more plates in the kitchen," I said and wanted to pat her head but held back so she won't be scared.

The mermaid looked at me and nodded, I was watching her swirling around the pool like a curious baby. Then she came near me and reach out her hand.

"Hmmm... Do you want me to join you" I point at myself the mermaid nodded cutely

"I'm not wearing my swimsuit right now maybe later" I gently patted her head

I realize my actions an about to take them back when a hand holds it back, the mermaid put my hand on her head and shrank cutely when I lightly patted her head. I inexplicably softened and continue to pat her head.

Her hair is so soft and silky, that it feels good to touch.

(End Pov)


"I almost forgot can you speak" Lyra realize that the mermaid can understand her

"I can," Atria said shocking Lyra

Lyra was stunned by her voice quite seductive and magnetic.

"My name is Atria," the mermaid said

"I'm Lyra nice to meet you too Atria" Lyra smiled sweetly

Lyra looks at Atria and felt her heart beating, she had been in a relationship before and she is very familiar with this feeling. She was slightly shocked then smiled widely. It was the first time her heartbeat was this fast and it also beat to a girl a mermaid girl.

Atria also stared at her eyes with clear and bright eyes, Lura's eyes are peach-colored, and Atria was starting intently making Lyra shy.

"D..don't look at me like that" Lyra shyly covered her face and her cheeks were red

"Why is your face red" Atria pretended not to know and title her head to the side innocently

[Host, your face is thick]

'Why thank you


"I..its nothing" Lyra waved her hand's side to side, and Atria nodded

Lyra and Atria were able to communicate freely, Lyra was the only one living in this place since she's is on vacation. She said that she was stressed at work and her father gave her a month's time vacation.

"Then will you be only here for a month," Atria said sadly

Lyra hummed she also didn't want to leave her alone, then suddenly Atria pick her body up and sat down on the floor. She put her tail out of the water and it dried instantly

"Atria what are you doing," Lyra said worriedly

Then she saw her tail disappearing, and a pair of two white legs appear. Lyra realized that she was not wearing anything her face blushed in embarrassment.

"A..stay here I'll get you some clothes" Lyra runs away

Atria giggled at her reaction and waited patiently for her, Lyra returned with an oversized white polo shirt. She reaches out her hand with the shirt. Her hands were slightly trembling.

Atria smiled and then put on the shirt, it was loose and reach her thighs. Her crimson hair was dripping wet and her erotic wet face is seductive.

Lyra was staring at her every move, while her heart is violently beating in her chest, she bit her lower lip and her hands are sweaty.

Atria noticed her and wobbly walked toward ward of her, Lyra didn't notice her until their face are near each other. Lyra subconsciously wanted to push her when she clasp her hands with hers. Then she leaned down dropping a kiss on her lips.

Lyra widen her eyes in shock and astonishment, her mind went blank. All she could hear was her heart about to burst and the taste of sweetness in her mouth.

Lyra responded to her kiss, she took the initiative to put her hands around Atria's neck and pulled her closer. Atria held her waist firmly and pry opened her mouth.


Lyra let out a low moan, then Atria explore every crook of her mouth, and sucked her tongue from time to time.

After kissing for a while, Atria parted with Lyra breathless a white thread connecting their lips. Atria smiled and kiss her cheeks

"Y...why did you do that? Do you know what it means to kiss someone?" Lyra was stunned when she came to her senses.

Atria smiled and nodded

"In the sea, it's the sign for thank you and well being," she said innocently

Lyra wanted to hide under the ground,

"Atria in the human world kissing someone means that...

Your In Love or Like that Person"
