Chapter 65: Mermaid

Under the sea, merman and the mermaids are gathered before the king, and a lot of houses were destroyed and also some were injured or killed.

"Everyone I first want to say condolence for those who lost their family, second, a lot of houses are destroyed. So we will work and restore the places that are in rumbles" the king stated

"Yes your highness" all the people obeyed

While Shin was teleported to the entrance of the kingdom, he was heavily injured when a mermaid found him laying down.

The mermaid took him to the sea doctor and went to help the others to rebuild the city.


"Atria in the human world kissing someone means that...

You are In Love or Like that Person" Lyra said seriously

Atria was fake stunned and bowed her head like a child did something wrong.

"Di..did I make you angry? Is it bad?" Atria asked dejectedly

Lyra can't get angry at her since she doesn't know the human culture.

"I'm not angry Atria but be sure not to kiss other people okay," Lyra said sternly thinking that she was kissing other people Lyra's heart was being gripped by an invisible hand. Making her unbreathable

"Okay" Atria nodded obediently, only then released heart got released from the grip and she released a suffocated breath.

"Lyra can you teach me about human culture" Atria's eyes shone with curiosity, the original owner is very curious about new things.

Lyra chuckled at her expression like a child,

"Okay" she nodded

Lyra held her hands as she walked she was not used to walking yet her legs are wobbly, but after walking from the pool to the living room her legs stop wobbling.

"Having legs is troublesome" Atria pouted

Lyra giggled and then pinch her cheek, the feeling of her cheeks are soft and smooth like a newborn baby's.

"Don't pinch me" Atria complained like a child, Lyra's heart soften, and patted her head lovingly

Atria eyed her aggrieved so she just say on the sofa and waited for her to get enough of patting. But a few minutes pass she still kept going. Atria felt sleepy her head slowly leaned off her until her head was in her lap.

Lyra was smiling ear to ear, Atria was facing her stomach. She has long eyelashes, a delicate nose, and slightly opened lips. She subconsciously gulped and remembered when she kissed her suddenly.

"You hooligan" Lyra whispered while blushing


Two beautiful women are both sleeping on the sofa peacefully, when suddenly


A loud crisp sound of the door opening woke Lyra up she eyed the door and saw a panting woman in her twenties. Her face was covered in sweat, her hair is disheveled, and her clothes are wrinkled. The woman look at the sofa and saw Lyra.

"Yaaah, I kept calling you and you ignore me," the woman said angrily while walking toward her

Lyra covered Atria's ear so she won't be disturbed, she look at the woman glaring. The woman was stunned why she is glaring.

"W..why are glaring at me I should be the one who's angry" the woman complained

"Be quiet" Lyra said coldly

"W..what" the woman was speechless its the first she told her to be quiet and was cold

The woman got near her and saw a..... beautiful woman. Sleeping on her lap, she was stunned and immediately look at Lyra.

"W..who is this?" The woman whispered

"My future lover" Lyra smiled sweetly

Making the woman cringe, this is Lyra's friend Ann. Ann was her friend since childhood and knows that this is the first time she would have a relationship with a woman.

Ann look closely at the person on her lap, she was very beautiful with crimson hair. She knows that there were also girls who confess to her before but didn't go out with any of them.

She looks at her friend while raising her eyebrow, her eyes saying 'Who is this look.

Lyra saw her eyes and told her about her, except that she is a mermaid. Her story goes that she had amnesia and found herself on the beach unconscious.

"I see, but I didn't hear any news about the plane or ship sinking"Ann was confused

Lyra just shrugged and kept stroking Atria's head gently. Ann looked at her friend and this is the first time she showed a smile like this and was affectionate.

"What are you doing here Ann," Lyra asks confusedly

"Hmph you finally had a vacation so I wanted to hand out with you and yet you ignore me" Ann aggrieved

"Hahaha sorry Ann" Lyra giggled at her reaction

"Hmmm" Atria hmmed and she slowly opened her eyes.

Atria got up and stretch her limbs, she run her eyes, and yawn surely. Her crimson eyes look at a woman sitting on the other side of the sofa. Atria title her head to the side looking at the woman.


' cute' Ann thought looking at this woman, she was beautiful as a fairy, and the way she tilted her head like a confused baby is so cute.

"Hello, my name is Ann I'm Lyra's friend" Ann reach out her hand to shake with her

Atria looked at her hand and teach out, she held her hand then Ann shake their hands together.

"I..I'm Atria nice to meet you Ann" Atria said smiling

Ann had a good impression of this girl already, she parted with her.

"Atria are you hungry" Lyra holds her hand a little tight as if she's dissatisfied with something

"Yes, I want to try different kinds of food. The one I ate earlier is really good" Atria was excited to try different kinds of food, she even had drool on the side of her mouth

"You little foodie" Lyra kissed her cheeks, look at Ann smugly, and went to the kitchen

'W..why that little....' Ann took a deep breath

"So tell me Atria where are you from" Ann decided to get to know her

"Ocean," She said shortly

"Huh???... You live in the ocean" Ann said confused then thought of a house that's near the sea.

"Yes" Atria nodded seriously, then Ann nodded in understanding

"Must be nice to live in the ocean" Ann said enviously she always wanted to live near the sea but her parents didn't want to.

"Yes it's good there are a lot of fishes swimming around and beautiful stones" Atria vaguely describe the things she saw on the ocean floor.

Atria and Ann talked about a lot of things and Ann taught her about things like tv, phone, and other stuff. She thought that she was not exposed to technology since a young so that's why she didn't know.

"Atria Ann dinners ready" Lyra called from the kitchen

"Coming" Atria immediately ran to the kitchen

Ann followed behind while giggling, she's a cute little foodie. She saw her sitting down obediently while Lyra serve her some food.

The three of them ate dinner, Atria was engrossed in eating that she can't stop until there was nothing left on the table.


Atria patted her stomach satisfied. Lyra and Ann watched her devour the food in minutes.

"Your not a foodie but a glutton" Ann shook her head

"Am not" Atria countered

"Yes you are" Ann refuted

"Am not"

"You are"

Lyra watched the two having a childish fight over the food.

"Okay that's enough, no one is a glutton alright," Lyra said helplessly

Atria and Ann look at each other. "" Hmph"" they both look away.

Lyra shook her head helplessly at the two childish people.
