Chapter 66: Mermaid

The next day, Lyra, Ann, and Atria are going to the mall to get Atria some clothes. She can't wear Lyra's clothes since she's petite.

"Atria are you ready" Lyra called her from downstairs

"Coming" a soft and hurried voice shouted back

Atria came down wearing a simple white shirt and jeans, even though she looks simple it didn't hide her beauty. Ann was in awe, she made it look like simple clothes into something beautiful.

Atria's figure is about 175 cm and the jeans were a bit shorter than her legs but it was fine. Lyra made her wear a black cap as a finishing touch.

"Alright let's go" Lyra held Atria by the hand and the three went to the mall.

The girls went to the mall, Atria was so excited she look around the place with sparkles in her eyes. Lyra giggled at her she didn't let go of her hand in case she ran off.

"Let's go get you first some clothes" Lyra pulled her to the clothing shop and gave her to try some clothes.

Surprisingly, all the clothes that Lyra chose for her are sexy and handsome. Atria would patiently wear the clothes and showcase them in front of them. Even the staff are staring at her with their faces red.

Lyra became uncomfortable with the people who gaze at her.

"Atria wear this" Lyra handed them conservative clothes, and Atria nodded obediently, Ann saw the jealousy in her eyes and can't help but laugh a little.

"Vinegar Jar" Ann murmured

Atria came out of the changing room wearing all-black clothes, she was cool and hot. A sleeveless black shirt with an open jacket on top, mini jeans showing her long white legs, and black shoes.

Atria had a simple necklace around her neck and a ring on her finger. We heard a shrill sound among the crowd there was a small group of people around them.

Lyra immediately took Atria's hand and lean closer to her making it look like she is a clingy girlfriend. Ann shook her head helplessly while looking at her friend.

After they bought all the clothes, they made the staff deliver the clothes in their car. The girls walked around the mall and stopped from time to time to take food samples and pictures.


The sound of the camera sounded, Lyra thought Atria how to use the phone camera and she kept taking pictures of them or her every time she experienced something new.

Right now, they are a restaurant eating peacefully. Then suddenly a man came running in our direction, his face was obviously sweating and he was panting, his clothes and hair were a bit wet.

"Honey" the man suddenly said and he was looking at Lyra

Ann and Atria were shocked but the most shocked one was Atria, what the hell is the..... male lead doing here.


"Thana why is the male lead here," Atria said in her thoughts

[Host, I scan him and he seems to have regained his past life memories ] Thana reported

"What" Atria was stunned

[It might be the cause of the hurricane host. he hit his head pretty bad]

"F**k" Atria cursed

Lyra looked at the man who called her honey, she raised her eyebrow at him

"Who are you, I don't know who you're calling honey," Lyra said coldly, she was thinking what if Atria misunderstood what he said.

This is the first time Lyra chased someone and she doesn't want an unknown person to leave a bad impression on her crush.

"I...I'm Shin don't you remember me" Shin said aggrieved

"Sorry, you got the wrong person" Lyra didn't bother him and look at Atria who has a confused face


Shin who woke up after being injured, he recalled his previous life memories. Instead of being in a pool, he was at the sea doctor's hospital.

Shin recalled that he should be saved by Lyra and they would be together, he regretted leaving her without saying goodbye. He was a scumbag

After the treatment was done, he swim on the surface and saw the shore. Getting out of the water his tail turned into two pairs of legs.

He stood up wobbly and got used after a try, he ran to Lyra's house, and he knocked but no one answered. He panicked and tried to remember what day it is.


Remembering the past, he knew where she is now. He first took some clothes that are near the house and wear them. He ran to the mall but one then he went to the restaurant where she first took him.

Sure enough, she was there talking with some friends. Shin only saw Lyra in his eyes and didn't notice the two people beside her.

He ran toward her excited and wanted to hug her, tell her he loved her and only her. That he won't cheat and hurt her.

Upon arriving immediately I called her in a happy tone.


But what I got was that she didn't remember me and even look at me for less than a minute. He was hurt but he knew that the past and now are different.

Now he was only a stranger, they both meet once. Shin looked at the two who were beside Lyra and was shocked.

----Why is Atria here

----Isn't she supposed to be in the sea

Shin stared at Atria intently, Lyra saw how he looks at Atria and clenched her fist. Ann saw that Lyra was gritting her teeth and glanced at the man starting at Atria.

'Oh boy' Ann thought

"Excuse me sir, but can you please leave your disturbing us for eating" Ann politely said

Shin came back to his senses and reluctantly went away, even if he don't want to. Lyra don't remember him and worse she didn't pay attention to him.

"Just who is that man," Ann said confused

Lyra shrugged her shoulder not wanting to talk about it, she kept stealing glances at Atria while eating. Seeing her enjoying the food she smiled ear to ear.

After the girls eat they went and look around the mall a few more but Atria felt someone was following them since they left the restaurant.

'Thana who's following us' Atria said in her thoughts

[It's the male lead host]

'Tsk' Atria glanced behind sneakily and found the male lead hiding behind a wall starting at us or precisely Lyra.

"Atria how about this do you like this" Lyra suddenly asks

Atria turned her head to Lyra and she was holding a cute rabbit dessert, it look very realistic.

"Wahhhh so cute" Atria slowly held the plate

"Right, then how about you taste it" Lyra gave her a small spoon to scoop

"Ehhh..b..but" Atria didn't want tot to eat it, the rabbit was cute and tiny

"If you don't eat it, it will go bad" Lyra patted her head

"Okay" Atria reluctantly used the small spoon and scooped half of the rabbit's body. She put it in her mouth


Lyra saw the look in her eyes and laugh, her crimson eyes clearly showed her emotions. This time her eyes were like stars twinkling.

"So good" Atria held both her cheeks with her hands savoring the sweet taste in her taste buds.

"Lyra Atria we should go now it's getting late" Ann interrupted

"Okay" Atria finished the remaining dessert wipe her mouth and the girls all went home.
