Chapter 67: Mermaid (R-18)

In a blink of an eye 2 weeks passed, and Atria was diligently learning about the human culture she had an understanding of how the world goes round.

But what was annoying is that every time they go out and hang out, Shin would 'suddenly' pop out and tried to get to know Lyra again.

This made Ann bring bodyguards so he won't approach us anymore, Ann wanted to be the bridge between the two it was her lifelong wish to see her friend be in a sincere relationship.

This time, Atria was in the pool having her sunbathing. Ann went back to Korea to work, her salvation was extended for a long time and her father was angry. So she had to return.

Atria was aimlessly swimming around the pool when she unexpectedly felt something get in her abdomen. At first, she ignored it.

But after a few seconds, her body heats up she felt very uncomfortable.

'Thana what's wrong with me' Atria shouted in her mind

[Host your in HEAT]


"F*cking piece of....." Atria stop before she could say the word.

She remembered that mermaids are like omegas and would have estrus every month but mermaids have estrus two times a month.

[Host hurry find a partner or else it will kill you]

"What!!! how can it kill me" Atria complained hoarsely

[Host, if you don't cure it. It will overwhelm and kill you] Thana said she read some books about mermaids while her host was busy learning about human culture

Her face was red and her mind is a bit muddle, she splash her tail to reduce the hotness she felt but to no avail. She kept splashing in her tail attracting the attention of the person inside the house.


Lyra was busy preparing what she would cook for lunch, she look in the fridge look at the ingredients but then




She heard the series of splashing outside, Lyra got curious and went outside only to see the mermaid struggling. She immediately ran to the edge of the pool.

"Atria what's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Lyra said panicking not knowing what to do

"" Atria splash her tail violently in the pool causing it to create small waves

"Where does it? Tell me" Lyra got into the pool, then she approach the mermaid whose face was red as an apple

"" Atria tried to get away but Lyra caught her wrist and pulled her closer to her she stood in front of her

"Atria what's wrong? Tell me" Lyra said softly

"" Atria tried to squeeze some words but the heat is making her mind a mess. She wants to release the heat

Lyra didn't know about mermaids having heat so she can only stroke the crimson hair soothingly but it was not helping instead it made the mermaid more unable to control her inner desire.

"G..get...away..I..don'" Atria bit her lower lip and tasted blood making her mind clear a bit

"I want to help you Atria tell me what should I do" Lyra was worried and panicking at the same time.

Atria couldn't hold it anymore and hugged the person, then sniffing her neck she smelled a familiar scent. Her instincts took over she then lick her neck.

Lyra was shocked when she felt a hot tongue lick her neck her legs almost gave up, she put her hands around the mermaid's neck and let her do what she wants.

Atria's tail wrapped the person in front of her, and her crimson eyes became darker. Her small fangs are now visible to see.

Mermaids are small fangs that are not sharp and can't hurt but can leave a mark on the neck of the person she mated. While mermen have long sharp fangs that can pierce through stones. If a mermaid is in the heat a merman can help her by making love and biting the neck as a mark that she was taken.

Another trait about the mermaid's fangs is that if it bites her mate, that person will also be in heat.

Right now, Atria had her fangs against Lyra's neck she took a bite hard, and the person in front of her flinch. Hreceives receive a harmless bite but she felt her body heating up.

"" Atria whispered in her ear

Lyra looked at the mermaid and was stunned her crimson eyes were darker and she had small fangs like a vampire. She may not know what is going on but had a bit of understanding. Though they didn't confirm what is their relationship, she was willing to give it to her.

"It's okay, do what you want" Lyra kissed her mermaid passionately

Atria then got up from the pool, her tail turned into legs, and carry the person inside the house. She still had a small sense of where they might do it.

Lyra wrapped her legs around her and kept kissing her until they reached her room. Atria laid her down gently and her hands ripped the clothes and her bare breast was groped by her hand.


Lyra let out a small moan, Atria parted their lips her mind was blank and her body was unbearably hot. Following her instincts, she trailed a kiss on her neck leaving dark hickeys along the way until she reach her nipples.

Her nipples were erected and hard, Atria then lick, suck and nibble on them. Lyra covered her mouth to muffle her moan, her body flinching every time her nipples got nibbled on.

After she got enough of her breast, she then trails her hand on her thighs. Atria went down her legs, kissed, and leave more hickeys on her thighs. Her wet tongue leaves a pleasant sensation.


Lyra was embarrassed it was her first time and she was shy, her chest going up and down her heart pounding loud in her chest.

Atria continues what she was doing, then her teeth bit the cloth covering her private part. Lyra felt her teeth biting her undies and wanted to cover but Atria had already torn off the last remaining cloth.

___Lyra's POV___

She closed her thighs shyly, she was very embarrassed. But Atria easily parted her thighs open, her pussy was very visible for her to see.

"D...don'" covered her face with both her hands her face was red and her breathing was messy

Atria was following her instincts so she normally didn't listen to her. She sticks out her tongue and gave the drenched pussy a very first lick.


She arched her back, and Atria then lick and nibble on her clitoris. Lyra was moaning hard and both her hands are on her head pulling her closer.

Atria's finger enters her pussy suddenly, and her body flinched violently. Her mouth went agape and her eyes rolled back.


She clenched the sheets and her legs wrapped around her head. Then she felt something weird and her body tensed up.


I tried to stop her but she thrust her fingers even faster, her other hand pinching her clitoris.


Lyra moaned loudly and she came for the first time, her body spasmed and convulsed. Her pleasure nerves went high, but the fun had only begun.

After she regained her senses, she saw the mermaid remove her clothes showing her well-defined body. My eyes widen and bit my lips.

Atria then went near her pussy and positioned her lower part on her, Lyra was curious about what she wanted to do when she felt her pussy spreading.

___end pov____

Atria positioned her dick on her entrance and pushed it in slowly, Lyra was sensitive after she came earlier. Her hands gripped the sheets more tightly.


Lyra moaned her name, the dick went deeper inside and broke her hymen. Atria leaned down and capture her lips, her hips thrusting slowly.


Lyra moaned inside her mouth, her legs wrapped around her hips locking it. Atria parted their lips and thrust her hips faster, the person below her kept moaning.

Her dick easily penetrates her pussy and her sensitive spot was hit every time Atria thrust.


Lyra moaned, Atria increase her hips movement and thrust even faster. Lyra arched her back her eyes rolled back her mouth was wide open. A trickle of drool on the side of her mouth.

Atria thrust her hips faster as she felt the heat in her body getting violent, then she felt the person below her tense, and her pussy clenched her dick. With one last push.



The two do them came at the same time, Atria released the heat inside her filling her up. Lyra had her eyes rolled back and her body convulsed from the cum.

A few minutes later, Atria regained her senses and was shocked to see Lyra under her and was breathing heavily.

"Lyra are you okay?" Atria ask worriedly

She didn't notice that she was still inside Lyra and she moved causing Lyra's sensitive body to flinch. Lyra gained her senses and saw Atria looking at her worriedly.

"Ahh..I'm okay but you're still inside me" Lyra put both her hands on her face

Atria blushed and gently remove her duck inside her, then leaned down and kiss her forehead.

"I'll be responsible for you," Atria said seriously

"Atria what am I in your heart" Lyra wanted to confirm their relationship and not just about what happened to them since she was willing to give it.

"What do you think?" Atria kissed her lips passionately

Lyra pulled her closer and deepen the kiss. After they parted she look in her eyes and said seriously.

"You're my girlfriend"

"Correct" Atria giggled and kissed her more.

"I love you Lyra," Atria said softly

Lyra cried and had tears in her eyes fall, she hugged Atria hard. She always wanted to hear her say I love you many times in her dream and right now she said it.

"Don't cry baby" Atria said in distress

Lyra obediently stopped and pouted at her, Atria felt that she was so cute so she dropped a kiss on her pouted lips. Which she felt Lyra smiled.

"Time to sleep baby" Atria cuddled her in her arms,

"Since when did you learn to say something like that" Lyra said curiously

"Since I met you" Atria kissed her cheeks

"Sweet mouth" Lyra smiled while blushing hard, her heart was pounding like a drum in her chest. She felt very loved and sweet.

"Now go to sleep my baby" Atria persuade

"Hmmm" Lyra hummed as a response since she was tired after their activity.

They both fell asleep with smiles on their face.
