Haki and Swordsmanship Package

[Come Become My Son: "I believe in my sons."]

Shirohige gave a firm answer showcasing his belief in his son. Unfortunately this belief was bound to be disappointing.

[Wang Li has uploaded a large-scale memory copy]

As always all 5 of them downloaded it. While they were watching the memory Wang Li took out his Military qi training and used a total of 20 points, which in his opinion were quite few, to comprehend it. He then decided to continuously breakthrough till seventh stage. After his breakthrough he realized he still has full energy in his dantian despite his breakthrough similar to the MC of his world, Gu Qing Shan. After about 2 hours he finally reached 7th stage of qi training. He now needs a foundation establishment manual to advance further. After pondering he decided it would be better to have a teacher/master so that he could gain guidance for his world's power system. The best teacher he could hope for is Bai Hua Saint but being her student will be difficult yet rewarding. While pondering on his future path he cast his gaze on the chat. It seems while Wang Li was breaking through, Shirohige dealt with Blackbeard which lead to both him and me gaining points.

['Come Become My Son' has changed the fate of his world gaining gaining 1,000 guild points. Guild Master who was the main reason for this has gained 1,000 guild points]

[Large-Scale Memory Copy One Piece is highly praised by all members! Guild Master gains 2000 guild points]

'Fuck that's a lot of points', Wang Li assumed. Unfortunately he thought too soon.

['Come Become My Son' sent you a red envelope personally]

[Come Become My Son: "Take these guild master, consider them a token of my gratitude."

Wang Li: "In that case don't mind me."]

Wang Li opened the envelope and gained the things he needed and an extra gift.

[Congratulations on gaining Busoshoku Haki (Shirohige Version), Kenbunshoku Haki (Shirohige Version), Haoshoku Haki (Shirohige Version), Swordsmanship (Shirohige Version), and Yami-Yami-No-Mi]

Wang Li was more then satisfied as he got what he wanted. Just as he was about to continue chatting a crisp cold voice sounded in his mind once again.

[Conditions have been met]

[Second privilege of guild leader has been unlocked. Guild Master can accept the abilities unconditionally without the use of points]

'Shit that's op and saves time. Now I don't have to learn the abilities I get but practice it to get used to it.', thought Wang Li and decided to modify his plans a little.

He gave memory copy for the rest and asked Kirito for sword styles books like kendo etc. From Kuroneko he asked for any hand-to-hand combat books he could get. And from Sasuke he asked for Kenjutsu styles, a few Genjutsu and a Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu. Normally using many shadow clones should not be possible for learning but thanks to my peak adaptability trait I could handle it. And thus I accepted all abilities. Next I took out the Yami-Yami-No-Mi and debated to eat it or not. Yami-Yami although invincible in one piece is not of use here due to there being no devil fruit users. Just as he was flustered he heard that familiar cold voice again.

[Do you wish to strengthen the Yami-Yami-No-Mi Devil Fruit and remove its defects?]

"Is there such a function", Wang Li thought not surprised by the guild system having this ability. What surprises him is the system being continuously nice to him which makes him wonder the reason for this behavior.

[Special Devil Fruit Strengthening Category]

[Remove Devil Fruit weakness against Seastone and inability to swim: 1000 points]

[Strengthen Devil Fruit characteristics: 1000 points]

Wang Li gulped upon seeing this. Devil fruits were already a cheat but after this wouldn't the become insanely overpowered.

'Being the Guild Master is same as cheating', exclaimed Wang Li.

Wang Li didn't hesitate to use 2000 points for strengthening it. The Devil Fruit had a glint for 10 minutes before going back to normal. Wang Li then ate it while debating its taste.

'Wasn't it said that Devil Fruits taste like dirt. Why does this one taste so sweet? Could it be the part that tastes bad is because of its weakness?'

After eating it he checked his skills to see how the devil fruit was strengthened but what he saw nearly gave him a heart attack.


Busoshoku Haki (Advanced)

Kenbunshoku Haki (Beginner)

Haoshoku Haki (Beginner)

Yami-Yami-No-Mi Fruit]

[Special Ability: Yami-Yami-No-Mi Fruit]

[Ability 1: Yami-Yami-No-Mi Mode

Description: By making contact with the opponent, you can forcibly seal all supernatural abilities that the opponent uses except physical strength]


'Imagine Breaker..... no this is stronger since it only needs contact as a perquisite. This is deadly and good but contact is a must which might be difficult for enemies that don't show their form.', analyzed Wang Li.

[Ability 2: Yami-Yami-No-Mi Elementalization

Description: An elemental form in which as long one has enough will power, user will be immune to any form of attack]


'Fuck with my peak adaptability can't I screw people with this ability. Shit why does it feel like this is all planned'

[Ability 3: Plunder

Steal and integrate a supernatural power of an enemy that has been killed as long as it is within the body's tolerance or else it will cause genetic damage]

"Fuck me, I'm becoming more of a cheater then a sword cultivator, not that I'm complaining", exclaimed Wang Li.

After calming down he decided to make a 40 shadow clones which was his limit. He told 10 clones for each Haki practice and 10 clones for Yami-Yami-No-Mi fruit's practice and finally I practiced my swordsmanship. After a whole day of practice I was now used to all my abilities. If I went all out going against a Mid stage Golden Core Cultivator is not impossible.

"Now its time to join Bai Hua Sect. With my abilities and 'plot knowledge' it might finally be possible", Wang Li assumed while moving towards Bai Hua Lists the only way to enter Bai Hua Sect.