Bai Hua List

Bai Hua Fairy, the strongest of the 3 saints, had created her own country and her own sect called Bai Hua Sect. Unlike Xuanyuan Tianzu, who likes to travel, and the Great Monk of Resentment, who sits in meditation all year long, Bai Hua Fairy stays at the Bai Hua Palace in Bai Hua Immortal Country tending to flowers and herbs, occasionally when she wants to, she'll put out a Bai Hua List.

To meet Bai Hua Fairy, you have to attempt the Bai Hua List and successfully solve the puzzle on it. Bai Hua List has puzzles revolving around all sorts of random subjects involving all the things she has interests in. Anyone who solves the Bai Hua List is provided a single chance to meet Bai Hua Fairy and if you can meet her standards, you even have a chance to join Bai Hua Sect. However it is only a chance.

Wang Li hopes to ask for future cultivation manuals as a request that will complement his Military qi training manual. As for the chance for entering Bai Hua Sect although he hopes to enter it he can only leave it to fate. Even the original MC managed to enter it through a series of coincidences.

Wang Li used a formation to reach the Bai Hua List. Since all formations in Bai Hua Country are in secluded areas he needs to glide towards the Bai Hua List.

Wang Li made sure to bring a decent amount of spirit stones and started gliding towards the Bai Hua List. As he was gliding towards it a pig rushed out from the side of the road, heading straight towards him. Remembering a similar situation happening to the MC, he spread open his arms to hug the running pig.

'Fuck its so heavy. Is this really a pig.', although complaining he still spun around with his back hitting the ground and the pig on top of him.

Both him and the pig were safe. Wang Li didn't bother to look back at the pig and moved towards his destination once again.

The pig just stood there confused but a moment later a hint of smile could be seen on its face.

"Interesting, so rare for it to be solved like that.", the pig spoke, turned around and went to a nearby field again.

As Wang Li moved forward the official road to Bai Hua Immortal Country's capital can be seen. After walking for about 10 minutes he saw a forked road. On the left was a large green stone on which was sitting a white goose.

The goose spread its wing, pointing at him: "Go right if you want to enter the city, come answer a poem to attempt a list. Don't push, even if you rush you won't get passed me."

As Wang Li looked he saw a long line of vehicles going to the city but on the left stood more cultivators from Foundation Establishment, Golden Core and there were even Rejuvenation realm cultivators.

"What is today's poetry?", quite a few showed troubled faces. Most cultivators wanted to get stronger everyday so most do not have the leisure to study poetry and literature.

Wang Li luckily studied quite a bit of literature and poems as 10 years of free time could not be spent on anything else especially when your mother is a literature lover.

"Complete the poem:

Fond are my feelings, yet unfeeling I feign,

Before our wine-cups, we merry-make in vain.", said the goose waiting for someone to complete it.

Before anyone could react Wang Li finished the poem.

"So heartful, the candle, our parting it grieves,

And in tears it melts, till the sky lights again.", Wang Li said while remembering his mother who loved these friendship parting poems.

The goose looked over in slight surprise before ordering:

"Go quickly, don't just stand there in front of me."

"Thank you very much!", Wang Li looked at the goose before leaving, secretly heaving a sigh of relief for studying a bit literature.

The crowd looked at Wang Li walking away while hoping they will be able to answer the next riddle.

Wang Li quickly walked along the way and after a while arrived at the dock. On the dock was a single old boat with a ferryman sitting on it and smoking.

The ferryman staggered a bit to stand up then looked at Wang Li seriously.

"Come lets go then."

Wang Li went on the boat as it left ashore.

"If you want to attempt the list you must pass my test", the ferryman said that while steering the boat.

Wang Li said nothing but clasped his fist indicating to go on.

"In this river there is a big red fish. You must catch it.", answered the ferryman.

Not saying anything more, Wang Li went into the water after using his Kenbunshoku haki to find the fish. After coming into contact with the fish he then used Yami-Yami-No-Mi to cancel all its supernatural power and then used Busoshoku haki to subdue the fish and brought it to the ferryman.

Wang Li knew that Bai Hua Saint is watching so he used a few of his powers from another realm to catch her attention. He was sure that at least his Yami-Yami-No-Mi powers will catch her attention.

"Not bad", the ferryman said in a surprised voice, using a similar boat to fish up the big fish.

"Next it is my job so wait patiently.", said the ferryman to Wang Li.

What followed was the ferryman cutting the fish while the fish begged for being 'gentle'. Wang Li found this scene eerie, as the fish was talking despite being cut in half, and comedic, as the fish begged for being 'gentle'.

"Will you not ask the reason for me doing this", asked the ferryman since it was the first time someone did not feel pity for this fish.

"I'm sure Her Eminence has her reasons for doing this."

In truth Wang Li knew that all these fish trapped here were unable to resist their urges and committed atrocities like swallowing islands thus angering Bai Hua Fairy.

"Okay no need to butter up to Her Eminence too much. Which list do you want to attempt, tell me now.

Wang Li clasped his fist and bowed a little: "I want to attempt the sword list"

Immediately the river started to be covered in a fog. In the thick mist the ferryman's figure slowly disappeared.

"Unsheathe your sword. Your test starts now. I will lower my strength to Foundation Establishment late stage. Find my location in the mist, only then will you have the right to attempt the sword list."

"The test from before didn't count?", asked Wang Li

"It does but Sword list requires more.... after all the test is about sword skills, not just anyone can attempt it. Now Begin!", said the ferryman while his whole body disappeared.

Wang Li didn't say anything more and unsheathed his sword. The sword in his hand moved creating a hundred sword phantoms towards the wooden boat.

'Kendo style: Wind Slash'

That's right. Wang Li combined kendo and wind slash skills to create this skill. Soft, gentle, fast and unblockable.

After a single slash the boat was no more. From a distance the sound of something hitting the water could be heard. Foundation Establishment late stage, as long as the wind element isn't awakened still can't fly.

Wang Li held the sword and pointed in that direction before using a wind slash sword skill causing sword phantoms to fill the area leaving no space for the opponent to dodge.

A joyful voice could be heard from the fog

"Clever brat you fit my style. You have passed the test, come with me to Bai Hua Palace."

Then the ferryman extended his hand and quickly made a hand sign.

"Hundred Flowers in Bloom", the ferryman silently shouted.

Suddenly a multitude of runes could be seen shining brightly before both the ferryman and Wang Li disappeared in place.