Questioning Fake Divinity ??

Wang Li's vision blurred, then found himself fallen from the air inside a huge temple altar.

As he stood up, he carefully looked around.

Sure enough, this is very standard architecture from the age of Old.

On either side were 2 rows of statues, each of them showing a different face and expression, but all of them cultivators from the age of Old.

A total of 10 different cultivators, but they all have one thing the same that they all carried a Longsword.

'Fake Divine Sword cultivators. I have always wanted to do some divine face slapping so come be my stepping stones.', thought Wang Li with some excitement but made sure to make a face full of awe and continue on with the act.

"Young one, you see us and you won't even bow to greet?" one of the statues shouted.

Wang Li smiled and bowed, then looked deep into the center of the altar.

There was a statue of a 'Divinity'.

Wang Li walked in front of the 'Divinity's' statue and carefully observed it.

The statue depicts a golden-armored 'Divinity', on his left hand was a mountain, on his right a strange-looking sword, his expression firm and dignified.

Wang Li's eyes stopped on the sword.

The sword was fully black in color, but there were 5 deeply inscribed symbols along the shaft of the sword, making anyone look at it felt their heart beat faster without understanding why.

———–these are Divine Runes.

Divine runes are more advanced compared to regular runes, they're able to interfere with the essence of the world, thus every swing of the sword can control the essence of the world itself, creating devastating scenes like before.

Wang Li observed very 'seriously', then took a look behind the statue.

A wall that's 5-person tall, on it, a few murals were carved.

Wang Li glanced at them, seeing these murals depict the brave tales of cultivators from the age of Old, fighting demons under the command of a 'Divinity'.

The 'Divinity' that lead the cultivators against the demons was the same 'Divinity' sitting on the main seat of the altar.

At the end of every mural, it was always a cultivator who sacrificed his own life as the price to barely win against the demons.

Looking carefully, you can see the cultivators in the murals were the same as the ones depicted on the statues in the altar.

10 sword cultivators from the age of Old, 10 'heroic sacrifices' for the sake of 'humanity's survival'.

Indeed, they are 'praiseworthy'.

Bai Hua Fairy had always respected these type of people, no wonder she had advised me to be careful not to show disrespect.

Because she herself probably does the same.

'Unfortunately the one's she thought were honorable and heroic are merely con-artists'

In the middle of all the murals, a one-eyed creature was depicted, it stood on black clouds, in its hand held a city fortress, about to swallow it whole.

Around the creature, were the 10 sword cultivators, surrounding it by command of the 'Divinity'.

Every single sword cultivator had a dignified face, one hand holding their sword, the other making a strange seal as they pointed it at the creature.

This scene must be them attempting to seal the monster.

This mural took up the most room on the wall, on all sides of if were numerous divine runes.

Using common sense, these divine runes were probably all used to seal the monster.

Wang Li looked at the monster.

Seemingly noticing him, the monster's eyes turned and stared back at Wang Li.

"Seems like it was sealed inside the mural" Wang Li 'muttered'.

After looking a few more times, Wang Li went back the way he came, standing in front of the first statue.

The statue depicted a middle-aged square-faced cultivator, wearing a mist-white robe, even the Longsword in his hand emitted a bone-chilling air.

He was the person that shouted at Wang Li before.

Wang Li once again bowed, 'respectfully' asking him: "Can senior tell me how you died?"

The statue lifted its face and answered: "Sacrifice this one's life for 100,000 of others, worth it"

Wang Li asked further: "You can tell me in detail? So as to let this humble one witness senior's glory"

The middle-aged cultivator looked down at Wang Li and answered: "This venerable one's soul is still locked inside the mural sealing the demon, I'm not free enough to tell you in details"

Wang Li looked at his sword, seeing on the part connecting the blade and hilt a few small letters inscribed

"Freezing Mist"

Wang Li silently nodded, and asked again: "This humble one is also a sword cultivator, can senior tell me what Sword Style you use? That way I can also imagine senior's glory ——–this surely you can tell"

The middle-aged man pridefully said: "Grey Flame Heaven Origin Style"


Gu Qing Shan clasped his hand: "This humble one thanks you"

After that, he went to the next statue, bowed again, and asked respectfully: "Can senior tell me how you died?"

This statue was a handsome man at his prime, answered: "This one fought alone against a million demons, then died of exhaustion"

"You can tell me in detail? So as to let this humble one witness senior's glory"

The handsome man looked at Wang Li and answered: "This one's soul is sealing the great demon, I'm not free enough to tell you in detail"

Wang Li nodded: "This humble one is also a sword cultivator, can I ask senior what Sword Style you use?"

The handsome man replied: "Pristine Holy Sword Style"

Wang Li suddenly said: "Then, senior would have to be a rare Lightning-element sword cultivator, how admirable"

The handsome man looked at him and said: "It's good that you know"

After hearing that, Wang Li became silent.

'Checkmate and out, motherfucker'

And went straight to the central altar in front of the 'Divinity's' statue.

Suddenly a bow he prepared beforehand appeared in his hand.

Wang Li nonchalantly drew an arrow, pointing at the 'Divinity's' statue.

Suddenly the 'Divinity' opened its eyes, shouting with a thunderous voice: "How dare you! A mere mortal would dare point his arrow at a Divinity, bow down and beg for forgiveness right now, otherwise this one shall send you to reincarnation himself!"

Wang Li laughed, saying: "I'm a demon, today I've come to release the monster on the mural"

The 10 sword cultivator statues immediately acted, all of them raised their swords, emitting sharp sword wills.

"Fiend, I'll take your life!"

"Damn demon, you're going to die right here!"

"Say your prayers!"

Their voices rang like thunder, wanting to release their certain-kill techniques right at the next second.

Outside the green jade screen, the maid's expression changed, muttering: "What crazy things is this kid saying!"

She quickly prepared her hand seals, completing it in the blink of an eye.

Already prepared, she only needs to infuse spirit energy into the trigger, then her spell can be cast.

But right at that moment, the maid's thoughts shifted a bit, delaying the trigger of her spell.

She didn't even move her eyes from the jade screen, her face clearly confused.

Inside the altar.

Wang Li just stood there, but the sword cultivators still hadn't even moved an inch.

"Cursed!" The square-faced middle-aged cultivator shouted: "All my spirit energy had been used to seal the demon, there's only a piece of soul left out here, I can't kill this one"

"I as well"

"I'm also the same"

The whole group of sword cultivators were cursing and complaining.

Wang Li looked straight at the 'Divinity' statue in the middle, lightly pulled his bow into an arc and let go.


The arrow barely missed the 'Divinity's' ear, hit the mural straight on, breaking it in half as it came crashing down.

The group of sword cultivator statues became silent.

The whole altar became eerily silent.

Wang Li still unfazed, once again drew an arrow, pointing straight at the 'Divinity' statue.

"I'm sorry, my hand slipped, this time I'll definitely hit you straight on" he 'apologized'.

The 'Divinity's' statue couldn't say a word.

Wang Li pulled the bow, asking: "You won't say anything? After all, in a few moments you won't get any more chances"

The 'Divinity' statue suddenly asked: "You really aren't afraid that I'll release the world-ender demon?"

Wang Li replied: "A bunch of fake cultivators who only knows to fool people, how strong can the demon you're sealing be? I don't believe it"

The 'Divinity' statue asked: "You would dare slander the sword cultivators of old, and desecrate them so?"

"Are you sure you want to force me to talk? Once I talk, you guys definitely can't fake it anymore" Wang Li smiled and answered, thoroughly enjoying his ass kicking.

The 'Divinity' statue was silent.

Suddenly an echoing female voice was heard in the altar: "Speak, tell me everything"

This was the maid's voice.

Obviously, she had been paying attention to what's going on in here.

Wang Li nodded and said: "There are numerous sword cultivators who would study Sword Styles, but very few who are so free that they would study the naming of Sword Styles, simply because it doesn't do anything to help their cultivation"

"But I happen to be one of those sword cultivators that went a strange path and studied the names of Sword Styles very deeply"

'Since I was free most of the time and I remember what the MC said to these fakers thanks to adaptability giving me photographic memory.'

All the statues around didn't say anything and maintaining the strange silence.

Wang Li continued: "With Sword Style names, Pristine refer to Wind and Smiting is the name used for Lightning"

"A sword cultivator that uses the Pristine Holy Sword Style must be someone with a Wind-element root, I purposefully said he was a Lightning-element sword cultivator, yet he didn't correct me, obviously he couldn't see the verbal trap I laid"

"This was mistake number 2"

Wang Li couldn't help but laughed: "And the sword cultivator that's using a Water-element protective armor and using the Frosty Mist, is even lovelier"

"Lovelier? What do you mean" the maid's voice was heard again.

"He said his sword style is the Grey Flame Heaven Origin Style, the name Grey Flame would of course refer to the demon world's strongest undying flame, which would need a Fire-element root to use, yet his sword was at Water-elemental 2nd stage: Freezing Mist, if he were to use this sword to fight, Water and Fire would clash, resulting in spirit energy misfire and serious injury wouldn't it?"

"Right here they've indeed created a solemn atmosphere, the things they had were also very real, but they claimed to have sacrificed for humanity? Hm? How come they couldn't even talk about the details of how they did it?"

The 'Divinity's' statue stayed silent, then finally sighed: "There's a reason for this, please slowly here me out"

While he talked, his eye was already gesturing to the other statues.

Suddenly, they all made the same hand sign, shouting: "Sub-space Shifting Magic!"

On the altar's ground, numerous runes appeared.

"I'll let you go this time; we will meet again" The 'Divinity' statue laughed loudly as he spoke.

Wang Li made a face pitying the Divinity statue, but said nothing.

'Bunch of fools this is the Bai Hua Fairy's domain.'

A second later, a grand and angry female voice was heard.

"Xuanyuan Tianzun, you shitty old man! You dare to use a fake to trade for my Bai Hua jade wine, next time we meet I'll break your legs!"

As she said that, all the runes on the ground immediately shut down.

On the altar's roof, a twisted black hole was seen.

The 'Divinity's' statue together with the 10 fake sword cultivator couldn't even resist and got sucked straight in.

Afterwards, as heaven and earth changed places, Wang Li found himself already outside again.

As Wang Li's feet touched solid ground, the maid was still standing in place, but the huge green jade screen was not seen anymore.

"Congratulations, you've solved the problem on the Sword list" the maid said, her face unchanged.

Wang Li didn't say anything as he knew she was pissed right now so its better to remain silent and not be on her radar.