Bai Hua Fairy

The maid was silent for a while, as she was about to speak, a fire talisman flew from the sky, arriving where she was.

The maid pointed at it.

A voice was heard from the fire talisman: "Hah, no need to be so angry, fellow Daoist. At the time I had a bad habit of gambling, so all the good things I had were all taken away, it was because I didn't have any other choice that I had to resort to this. However, right now I have something good that can be used to make it up to you, a Tianyin ceremonial staff from Miao Yin Sect, I can guarantee it's real, if it isn't may the 5 lightning from the sky strike me down"

The maid's face was still horribly blank as she listened, it was only when the fire talisman swore that her expression loosened a bit.

A cultivator who swore to something cannot go back on his words, otherwise he'd be punished by heaven itself.

If the person sending the fire talisman had said so, the item must also be real.

The ancient Miao Yin Sect was also a famous large sect.

If the item is real, then it certainly would be something to desire.

The maid uttered a 'humph' as she replied to the fire talisman: "Make sure there isn't a next time like this"

Then she let the fire talisman go.

When she looked again at Wang Li, her expression was already much better.

"Come, let's go see Her Eminence"


The two of them walked one behind the other through a long twisting corridor, passing through layers upon layers of palace ground, before reaching Bai Hua Palace's main building.

"Send a word, today's Sword list was successfully attempted, see what does Her Eminence say" the maid said.


Two other maids replied as one of them quickly entered the main palace, then quickly went back out.

"Her Eminence happens to have some time; she's ordering the attempter in"

The maid looked at Wang Li, waved her hand gestured him to enter and said: "Go meet Her Eminence now"

"Then I shall take my leave", Wang Li clasped his fist and bowed.

The maid smiled and said: "I'll have to advise you, you cannot say a single lie before Her Eminence, whatever you know, you tell her, otherwise you can't handle the consequences"

"Thank you for your guidance" Wang Li answered.

The maid lightly nodded and stepped aside to give him passage.

Wang Li walked alone into the main building as he silently thought about many things.

Before he knew it, he was already standing in the middle of the main palace.

The building was huge and breezy, the gentle wind carried the smell of spring flower through the clean air.

Wang Li breathed in and felt his soul lightly shook.

Tracing back where the smell came from, he saw a fountain in the palace's garden, where countless flowers are carved from Immortal Jade.

But as he looked closer, he saw that the fountain itself was also made from Immortal Jade.

Immortal Jade, also called transcended-grade spirit stones, is more valuable than the 3 traditional grades of low-mid-high for spirit stones. They're things that you couldn't buy even with money, resources so rare you can only wish to find but never asked for.

A piece of Immortal Jade that's as big as a fist could be used to run a mega defensive formation for a whole year, an Ascended realm cultivator can replenish spirit energy from it 100 times over, it can literally buy a small-sized sect.

Yet in this palace, they had made a fountain purely from Immortal Jade, what's more, even crafted the over ten thousand species of flowers in it also from Immortal Jade.

'As expected of Bai Hua Fairy. She is rich. Is this how Tony feels when surrounded by luxury.'

Right in the middle of this fountain was a large blooming flower, revealing the throne inside the pistil.

A throne of ten thousand flowers.

Wang Li muttered in awe.

On the throne, sat a woman wearing an emerald feather coat and a thin silk veil on her face.

"You were the one that successfully attempted the sword list?" the woman asked, her voice like the chirping of a hundred birds.

"It was this humble one" Wang Li answered, immediately continuing his humble cultivator mannerisms taught by his mother.

"Your knowledge of the sword is decent, your observation ability is also praiseworthy, to help this Saint recognize a fake item, very commendable"

"Yes" Wang Li replied.

This was Bai Hua Fairy, a person whose face no one knows.

She was the strongest of the 3 Saints of humanity, who in their right mind would dare peek under her veil?

'Its not like I'm interested in her romantically so i don't particularly care about the veil. According to Gu Qing Shan in the novel she is insanely beautiful though.'

None the less, he did hold great respect for this woman.

In the palace, as she saw the youth before her as silent as a statue, refusing to even say a single extraneous word, Bai Hua Fairy became a bit interested.

"Very good, if this Saint doesn't question then you don't answer, that's exactly the rule of this Bai Hua Palace, you did quite well indeed ——–which sect are you from?"

"This humble one is a lone cultivator"

"Ah? You don't seem like one, but since you've come here, what is your wish?"

Bai Hua Fairy leaned on her throne of flowers and questioned him.

Wang Li clasped his fist, bow and answered: "This one only hopes that the Saint would save someone."

"Saving their life? From disease or of old age?"

Bai Hua Fairy nonchalantly asked.

This type of matter is as simple as waving a hand to her, so as soon as she heard 'saving life', she instinctively felt bored.

"Poisonous Heart Tormenting Demon Spider"

'Might as well use this chance to save my mother.'

Yes, Wang Li's mother had a problem but the parents hid it from their son. Probably not a smart move since they did a horrible job at hiding it.

Once this spider attach to a person, they'll be unable to even use half their strength, and if they won't listen then the spider will start gnawing on their heart.

This demon spider was born with a certain power, whenever it gnaws the victim's heart, it would also slowly devour their soul vessel.

Almost no one can withstand this unbearable pain that affects both body and soul, and they would have no choice but to obey every word from the spider's master.

Luckily the master was killed by Wang Li's father but the spider still exists.

Bai Hua Fairy's half-closed eyes suddenly opened, her face became a little serious.

"What you said is true? Know this, if your words contain any falsehood to this Saint, you cannot handle the consequences" she spoke with a low voice.

Wang Li replied: "There is no falsehood"

"Do you have your badge with you?" Bai Hua Fairy asked.

"I do", Wang Li said as he just joined the military one year ago as a tainee.

"Take it out" Bai Hua Fairy ordered.


Wang Li took off the bronze alloy badge on his waist and presented with both hands.

With a wave, Bai Hua Fairy had made the bronze alloy badge flew across the palace and into her hand.

As Bai Hua Fairy infused it with her spirit energy, a light appeared on the badge, showing a name.

"Vanguard legion, Wang Li"

The badge isn't fake; it naturally carries a connection with this youth before her.

She pointed at the bronze alloy badge and made it float in the air.

"Divine Skill ——–Truth From Spacetime!"

Bai Hua Fairy made a set of hand signs.


A loud sound was heard from the air.

A large spirit light pounded the air, breaking and turning it into a two-person tall black hole.

In the black hole, a few moving images were seen.

Is was showing the past, the past of all creatures whose aura had ever came into contact with the badge.

In a dead pit, numerous bodies of dead soldier emitted a dusty grey color.

Human-faced Bird.

Demon Snake.

Numerous faces appeared.

'Aaah my one year of hell in the battlefield.'

These images were of life and death situations Wang Li faced when sneaking out of camp while his father assumed he was obediently sitting in a safe camp. After all humans and demons have been continuously fighting each other.

Seeing that much, Bai Hua Fairy nodded: "Having been through so much killing, and successfully attempted the sword list, you indeed are praiseworthy"

Wang Li once again spoke: "This one beg the Saint to save her"

Bai Hua Fairy replied: "Don't mention that just yet, everything must be done within this Saint's rules"

She opened her jade-white hand covered in a green aura as she quickly counted something.

In just a few moments, Bai Hua Fairy's face relaxed and said: "I've just made a divination, within the next 10 days, she will not die"

The hardest of the 6 arts, Divination!

This is the very first time that Wang Li had seen someone perform real divination.

Of course in the past life, it wasn't that he had never seen someone do divination, but it was always with a stooge, a trick to fool people.

'Considering she has been suffering for a week now, this is already praiseworthy. As expected of mother. Her will power is amazing.'

To be able to bear continuous suffering for a week yet still hanging on to dear life is indeed nothing short of praiseworthy.

While Wang Li was thinking, Bai Hua Fairy once again spoke.

"Even though you attempted the sword list, you've yet to use a single sword skill in the green jade screen, and this doesn't fit my rules"

"Successfully attempted the sword list without using a sword, if everyone does things like this, wouldn't my Bai Hua lists become a total joke for you people to fool around with?"

"Because of that, I can't consider you to have fully completed the sword list"

Wang Li has been using a trainer sword up until now since he never owned a proper sword, a negligence from his part.

She clapped her hands and summoned two maids who appeared without a sound.

"These are two of my sword maidens, I will limit their cultivation to qi training stage 7, you have one chance to battle them"

"Within 15 minutes, if you can't defeat them, this Saint shall consider you to have failed the sword list instead"

"If that's the case, this Saint shall take this information to the frontline to let them deal with it, this Saint shall not deal with it herself"

Wang Li was now a little worried.

'Those bastards who betrayed humanity in the future are not trustworthy in the slightest.'

As soon as she said that, the two sword maiden had stepped forward, bowed and took out their swords.

Wang Li grabbed the air with his hand, holding a steel sword.

Bai Hua Fairy is hard to predict; she has her own set of rules that no one can ever interfere with.

If you don't follow her rules, if you can't satisfy her, then even if the sky itself is falling, she won't lift a finger to help you.

He can't help it; he'll have to show his best.

Luckily he can use the novel as reference but it will loose its eligibility later on.

"Please" Wang Li breathed in, held his sword up and said.

The two sword maiden looked at each other, swung their swords and attacked.

The two swords are one long, one short, one quick, one slow, covering for each other's weak points, weaving strike after strike, reaching Wang Li in a matter of seconds.

This type of combination, this type of swordplay, there's no imagination to it, no flashiness and definitely no justice, everything is for the sake of taking the enemy's life, a swordplay that's simple to its limit.

Seeing how well they complement each other, even calling it one person using two styles at the same time isn't enough.


Wang Li praised them.

Then his sword also moved.

Bang! Bang!

Two consecutive sounds.

The two sword maiden stepped back a few feet, surprised.

"Wind Slash?"

"No, Kai Shan"

"Or something else"

They hesitated, unable to determine.

Wang Li pursued, the longsword in his hand looked slow but was very quick, striking several times in a row.

The two sword maidens blocked them all and was forced back 7-8 more feet.

"This is Wind Cutting Consecutive Slashes!"

"No, it's Kai Shan Sword Hammer!"

The two of them opened their mouths at the same time.

They silently fixed their styles, wanting to attack, but their combination was no longer perfect.

As the sword flashes before their eyes, the two of them wanted to block, but only felt an impact on their hands as their swords were knocked away, flying to the other end of the palace.

A voice lightly exclaimed from atop the throne.

"Sword wills weaving, naturally shifting"

Bai Hua Fairy seemed to be in full excitement, smiled and said: "You two didn't lose for nothing, this is a style mixed between the Wind Slash true will and Kai Shan true will and the will of a sword technique I do not know of, only someone who've perfected all 3 of these styles would be able to do something like that"

Seeing her like that, you'd think she doesn't care at all about someone else's life.