Settling in

After leaving Bai Hua Palace he toured his surroundings while opening the Omniverse Chat Group only to see all the guild members chatting happily with each other. After exchanging pleasantries with them he asked Sasuke for a Sealing scroll and an in-depth guide to Fuinjutsu which he readily accepted.

After that he toured the area before seeing a white duck..... no a white goose coming towards him.

"Let's go, your place is already settled, I'll guide you" the white goose said.

Wang Li clasped his hand: "Thank you first brother"

The white goose nodded and took Wang Li flying.

"We here don't have many other rules, just that we all take care of each other and cultivate ourselves, that's already fulfilling Shifu's biggest wish" the white goose said

If any other sects were to hear that Bai Hua Fairy's sect was founded with such a pure wish, not many would believe.

But Wang Li, having been through today with them and reading about them in the novel, could honestly believe it.

He felt a sense of warmth in his heart.

'Bai Hua Fairy's cultivation is higher than any other, but she really doesn't mind managing her sect as much.' Wang Li silently thought, 'Just like Gu Qing Shan once said 'This isn't like a cultivation sect at all, more like she's building a home.'...'

"Come! Let's go see your home from now on!" the white goose flapped his wings and flew.


Since Wang Li still can't fly yet, he can only glide after the white goose.

They went deep into Bai Hua Palace, passing many buildings and finally arrived at a large building.

On its name plate were two large words:

"Shadow Hall"

As Wang Li saw those two words, he couldn't help but turned and asked the white goose: "This is where I'll live?"

"That's right" The white goose nodded.

Wang Li lightly smiled.

'This name has a nice ring to it.'

A person and a goose walked into the Hall.

As Wang Li extends his sight forward, he really was "extending his sight", as the interior of the hall was quite large, about as big as two football fields.

"This is really my place?" Wang Li couldn't help but ask again.

This place is big enough to hold a concert.

The white goose answered: "That's right, your place"

"Just for me?" Wang Li again.

"Just for you" the white goose answered.

"For you"

"-or you"




The sound echoed across the entire hall.

Gu Qing Shan: "..."

White goose: "..."

"Ehem" the white goose was a bit embarrassed and explained: "Before, when it was built, the Saint thought that the bigger she built everything, the easier it would be to make others feel a sense of respect"

"...Truly it will make others feel a sense of respect" Wang Li reluctantly said.

"Rest up, at night we'll all have dinner together, to congratulate you joining our sect"

As he said that, the white goose turned around and flew away.

Wang Li just stood there for a while at the door before entering Shadow Hall.

He walked around the entire hall once.

After only circling it once, he already feel his body warmed up and a bit of sweat on his back.

It's like he had just done some exercise.

Shadow Hall...

Ok, at least it's big enough, Wang Li convinced himself.

In a corner of the hall, lots of cultivation resources are neatly left there.

Wang Li picked up one of the pill bottles, opened and smelled it.

The excess spirit energy went into his nose, making the entire 30.000 pores on his body felt alive.

Such excellent pills!

Wang Li silently praised it, then went around to check the rest.

After all is said and done, the treatment in Bai Hua Palace really is without equal, everything he gets is first-rate, and whatever he wants to get are all top-notch.

You could see that Bai Hua Fairy treats her disciple very dearly.

Since this will be Wang Li's permanent residence from now on, he activated and set up JARVIS in here.

Wang Li thought for a bit, then took out a spirit thread cushion, randomly placed it on the air in the hall and sat on it.

Then he closed his eyes and started meditating.

Night falls.

Cherry Blossom Palace.

One male, and a goose was sitting together.

The table was full of fantastic dishes and drinks, still warm to the touch.

The two brothers had a talk about life, cultivation and dreams.

White goose reminded him before leaving: "Second brother, sleep well tonight, tomorrow I'll help you with cultivation"

"Thank you first brother" Wang Li answered.

He doesn't ask why it's him but not Shifu, and he also doesn't ask what kind of cultivation.

This really pleased white goose.

"Shifu took you in" white goose burped, "seems like she took in the right person"

Then he flew away and left.

Wang Li laughed a bit then returned to the Shadow Hall, recalling all that has happened today.

With this meal, he seems to have successfully settled himself into Bai Hua sect.

Returning to Shadow Hall, he silently sat on a cushion to rest, and opened the Omniverse Chat Guild and looked at the new mission they got when he was partying with the white goose.

[Mission Detected]

[The Guild has detected and incredibly minor apocalypse in the One Piece World.]

[The apocalypse information has been deciphered.]

[Name: Eddie Brock]

[Alias: Teddy Bear]

[Faction: Marine]

[Location: Will be present during Fire Fist Ace's execution]

[Guild Mission: Destroy the apocalypse]

[Mission Reward: 30000 guild points(for each participant), 2 guild invitations (to intended party)(only for Guild Master)]

[Mission Requirements: All Guild members and Guild Leader]

'An apocalypse?? What and How?'

[Tony is Rich: "What is an apocalypse"

Wang Li: "Creatures that destroy/annihilate all living beings. They can contains unexplainably strange powers so caution is advised."

Tony is Rich: "Everything can be explained with Science."

Wang Li: "There is an apocalypse out there about which if u know more then the fact it exists then you will die immediately. Can Science explain this bullshittery to me?"

Tony is Rich: "..."]

After some discussion they decided to arrive in the one piece world after 3 days. Once decided he created 40 clones and told 10 of them to learn Fuinjutsu and the rest to practice his other skills. He then wrote a letter to Ning Yue Xi, returning and thanking her for the bow. He also gave the sealing scroll and a cure to most poison pill made by Bai Hua Fairy but told her to use it only as the last resort.

With everything done Wang Li decided to go to bed and rest to prepare for tomorrow's breakthrough.