
Shadow Hall

In the dark of night, Wang Li went towards bed.

He silently took a small bottle in hand, dropped a pill in it on his hand and swallowed it whole.

This is a top-grade healing pill, capable of curing all wounds except fatigue.

After two double hours, Wang Li woke up from deep meditation, as he viewed himself with inner sight, he found himself returned to peak conditions.

Wang Li now began to ponder.

Thaumaturgies can only be obtained when breaking through a realm when cultivators and the essence of the world are resonating.

Right now, all he has to do is break through qi training realm and reach Foundation Establishment realm and hope for a useful Thaumaturgy!

Once he becomes a Foundation Establishment realm, his strength will be increased exponentially

Wang Li was itching to do it right away, but stopped himself.

Breaking through a realm is always a dangerous task. If you aren't careful you can easily lose your mind, all your hard work poured down the drain as you become crippled forever.

Qi training to Foundation Establishment is the very first large step of a cultivator. Wang Li doesn't dare to underestimate it.

Countless cultivators didn't die in the belly of monsters, but instead threw away their lives in the process of breaking through a realm.

When your cultivation is higher, moving up from a high realm to a higher realm, you'll eventually have to face the Lightning Trial, a frightening obstacle to many.

But right now, he's a disciple of Bai Hua sect, a disciple of the Saint. What rush could he possibly be in that he can't wait until till dawn to ask for help from Bai Hua Fairy?

This is the surest way to do things.

Not to mention, with the insight and experience of the Saint, he might be able to gain some knowledge that he didn't have from reading the novel.

As Wang Li decided, he sat still on the cushion and continued to meditate.

Dawn comes.

White goose flew into Shadow Hall.

"Junior brother. Ah? You're preparing to break through?"

White goose scanned Wang Li and found that his spirit energy has already reached its peak. His state also the best it could be, almost like a bow that's already pulled but haven't been released.

"Very well then, I knew you were at qi training stage 7, so originally I was about to give you the method to break through today" white goose nodded his head.

"Thank you senior brother" Wang Li said.

"No need to be so formal, let's go, first we'll have breakfast, your second brother and I will give you guidance" white goose said, then turned around and flew away.

Wang Li also stood up and followed him.

Breakfast is eaten in the main hall of Bai Hua Palace.

This is the place where Bai Hua Fairy deal with all matters big and small, but it's also where the entire Bai Hua sect go to have their breakfast.

"We'll eat right here?" Wang Li asked.

"No worries, Shifu likes things to be just a bit rowdy" white goose answered.

Their breakfast today is Snow Spirit Flowers.

This type of flower has a mild sweet flavor, very beneficial to a cultivator's soul vessel.

You can use these flowers to make pills, or made into spirit cooking. Eating them for an extended period of time will help nurture a cultivator's soul vessel's flexibility.

A soul vessel that's more flexible is harder to be charmed, and isn't easily wounded.

One Snow Spirit Flower is worth 10,000 low-grade spirit stones.

What can you do with 10,000 spirit stones?

You can rent a shop front of a busy business district for a month; you can buy yourself a position in the military that's mostly odd jobs and doesn't require you to kill demons; it's enough for a single cultivator to use from qi training realm all the way to Foundation Establishment realm.

Yet the bowl in front of Wang Li had a total of 5 Snow Spirit Flowers in it.

This breakfast of his cost 50,000 low-grade spirit stones.

He breathed in, looking at the bowls of others.

White goose had the same thing him does, 5 Snow Spirit Flowers.

But you can see, breakfast for the 2 of them cost a total of 100,000 low-grade spirit stones.

Wang Li is so used to spending sparingly in both the previous life and this one, that when suddenly met with such luxury, he couldn't help but silently sighed.

Then he suddenly remembered a line from an old poem.

Painted gates have the stink of meat and wine.

Hmm, but flowers are vegetables, so it doesn't count, yeah it doesn't count.

"Where's Shifu?" Wang Li asked.

"Shifu had some important business to attend to at night and will be coming later to oversee your breakthrough.." White goose said.

A bit later after white goose and Wang Li finished eating Shifu arrived.

"Breaking through a realm really is dangerous indeed, We'll need to use some formation, plus your first brother and I have to be there ready to protect you to ensure safety"

Shifu seriously spoke.

"What about the method of breaking through?" Wang Li asked.

"You don't need to worry about that, I'll go prepare it" white goose said as he flapped his wings and flew away.

Breaking through a realm is very serious business, enough to mobilize the entire Bai Hua sect.

——–although they only had 3 people in total.

By noon, everything was ready

White goose carried a jade tag in his mouth, giving it to Wang Li.

"This is the method, it can ensure your soul vessel will not dissipate, even if you fail to breakthrough you won't lose your life. But you absolutely must fully comprehend it before attempting to breakthrough" white goose very solemnly said

"I will, thank you first brother"

Wang Li held up the jade tag, scanning it with his inner sight.

"100 Revolutions of Ascension Method, first part"

Wang Li looked over all of it very quickly.

This was the technique Gu Qing Shan was given by Bai Hua Fairy.

Looking at all the changes and fixes in the method, as well as the jade tag itself ———there's not even a single bit of wear on it, a pure white color, this was obviously a newly made jade tag.

Such an awesome sounding name, was probably made up by Bai Hua Fairy on the spot.

Even the content inside was probably made by her overnight.

But he could tell, the information inside was specifically made to help sword cultivator breakthrough, further improving on the methods of "military qi training method" to help increase the flow and capacity of his spirit energy

This was something Bai Hua Fairy herself made specifically to help Wang Li breakthrough.

Wang Li felt an indescribable sense of warmth inside.

How many people in the world could say that they've received such treatment from the Saint?

'I'm glad I entered this sect.'

After reading through the entire jade tag once, he spent 10 Guild Points to fully comprehend it again.

He immediately understood all there is to understand about it.

But Wang Li still couldn't stand up right away, because there is no one in the world that's so monstrously talented that they could fully comprehend a scripture as soon as they read it.

He could only hold the jade tag, eyes closed, sitting on the cushion and acted like he was thinking hard about something.

Bai Hua Fairy immediately started divining.

After a bit, she muttered: "3 PM is a suitable time to breakthrough, but it's usually used for beheading, Li might not like it, I'll have to find another time..."

While Bai Hua Fairy was calculating with Divination, a large sound was heard inside Bai Hua palace.

A pill furnace that's 3-person tall dropped inside the hall, staggering a bit before standing up straight.

White goose landed on top, checking it again.

"Hm, it hasn't been used for quite long, but seems like there won't be any problems" white goose said with satisfaction.

Bai Hua Fairy was still muttering, calculating.

After finishing, she took out a formation plate and began to arrange formations all around the pill furnace.

"Wind, Fire, Lightning, Water, Spirit Funnel"

"Wood spirits turns Water, Soul Nurturing"

She arranged formations one after another and ordered white goose: "Go to the treasury and find me 9 kinds of forging materials"

"I'll be back right away" white goose just accepted and flew away.

Wang Li acted like he was meditating, but he silently paid attention to everything happening in the hall, as he deeply imprints the sight of them busy helping him prepare in his mind.

In the past life, has anyone else ever worried about him like this?

Two hours later.

Wang Li looked up at the 3-person tall pill furnace, and became speechless.

"First brother, don't tell me you want to turn me into a pill?"

"What nonsense are you saying? The hall has a giant protection formation, both me and Shifu will protect you can both sides, and in the very middle of the hall is the 300 years old spirit pill furnace, and finally inside the pill furnace is you, that way Tianma won't have any chance to attack" white goose glared at him.

Wang Li smiled, saying: "When do we start?"

"Wait for another minute and it'll be the best time to breakthrough today" Bai Hua Fairy answered.

Two people and a goose stood there for 1 minute.

Wang Li then jumped up directly into the pill furnace.


Bai Hua Fairy turned the formation plate, his hand quickly created hand signs, activating the 71 formations at the same time.

She made some hand seals and silently activates the defensive runes inside the pill furnace.

White goose and Bai Hua Fairy stood still in the hall, silently protecting the pill furnace.

Inside the pill furnace, Wang Li was silently circulating spirit energy according to Bai Hua Fairy's method, attempt to breakthrough Foundation Establishment realm.

Everything was going well, his spirit energy is already saturated, even his mental state was at its peak.

Inside the dark furnace, a dim light suddenly appeared.

The light circled behind Wang Li's head, almost like it was a mist, then slowly concentrated into what looks like frost.

Time passed as more and more light appeared, the circle of light began to light up more and more.

After the entire circle of light was frozen into shape, it emitted a milky white light that illuminates the entire pill furnace like it was the middle of the day.

A full moon was floating behind Wang Li's head.

This is called an illuminating light, representing this cultivator's round of cultivation reaching its perfected state.

You only truly reach the requirements to breakthrough a realm if you can enter this state.

At this very moment, Wang Li's spirit energy is rushing around his entire body, travelling through every acupoints before concentrating at the full moon behind his head.

"Open!" Wang Li breathed out one word.

With that word, the full moon broke into pieces, each piece disappeared into nothing as they shattered.

The intense spirit energy released from that created a storm inside the pill furnace, blowing Wang Li's sleeves fluttering.

One second later, he opened his eyes and found himself back inside the pill furnace.

As he opened his mouth, Wang Li exhaled.

The breath he exhaled concentrated in the air, swirling and formed a natural rune.

When spirit energy naturally forms runes, that means you've successfully entered Foundation Establishment.

At the same time, an intense light appeared on the Omniverse Chat Group.

Large lines of text appeared on the UI one after another.

[Detected user to have broken through and became a Foundation Establishment cultivator]

[Begin attempt to awaken Thaumaturgy: 1000 Guild Points]

'This can happen?'

Wang Li didn't think twice and paid 1000 points for it.