Projection Realm

At night.

Centre Tent

Both Wang Li and Bai Hua Fairy are the only ones here. The rest of the Saints had left.

"Shifu will you really tell him about the omen you had." Wang Li asked

"If I don't he will walk around and get himself killed." Bai Hua Fairy replied.

They both remained silent before Bai Hua Fairy asked.

"Li, How do you think we should deal with this omen."

"Shifu, omens are not fixed and can be misleading. When we entered the Shen Wu World I noticed that I could suddenly breakthrough to the next Realm. When we enter again, I will immediately use my shadow soldiers to protect me while I will breakthrough."

"Li that is a dangerous gamble." Bai Hua Fairy warned.

"Yet it will solve our worries and omens as well perhaps." Wang Li retorted.

Just then Gu Qing Shan entered the tent.

"Qing Shan" seeing him arrive, Bai Hua Fairy smiled and said: "Take a guess, what do you think this thing can do"

Bai Hua Fairy was pointing at one of the treasure the Tianma King had.

Gu Qing Shan wasn't quite sure: "It can summon Tianma?"

"That's not correct, its main use is actually to connect two worlds by opening a gate that connects to the Tianma's world in another world" Bai Hua Fairy answered.

"Then, doesn't that mean the Tianma can use this treasure to invade multiple worlds?" Gu Qing Shan asked.

"It's not that powerful, all it could do it make a one-way gate" Bai Hua Fairy shook her head regretfully, "this thing is basically useless to us"

She put the vase away and spoke: "Alright, let us speak about the problem of your post"

"Shifu, I really am willing to lead troops" Gu Qing Shan said in a low voice.

"Originally, I also intended to have you lead some troops, but after a bit of thinking, I decided against it"


Bai Hua Fairy calmly looked at him and answered: "I saw a few signs of myself dying, I've also confirmed them through a few Divinations"

"What! How would that be!?" Gu Qing Shan exclaimed, horrified.

Bai Hua Fairy is one of the strongest cultivators of humanity, yet she's feeling the omen of death! But being as powerful a person as she is, most of the time, unclear premonitions are common, and almost always accurate

"Out of us four Sainted realm cultivators, my spirit sense is the most powerful followed by Wang Li, so we've already recognized the danger"

"But I hid this from the other two, silently paid the price and made a few Divinations. I even used an ancient reading techniques a few times, but the results have always been the same"

Gu Qing Shan was looking at Bai Hua Fairy in shock, unable to digest such a thing right now.

Bai Hua Fairy just looked at him: "Because of that, you should be extremely careful. When we arrive at Shen Wu world, it's better that you just find somewhere safe to stroll around and run away if you meet anything abnormal"

"Your eldest brother is a Beast, Qin Xiao Lou still hasn't truly awoken yet, and Xiu Xiu is too young, if I and Wang Li are no longer here, Bai Hua sect can only depend on you alone, so you have to protect yourself as much as possible"

She then took out a fragrance bag and gave it to Gu Qing Shan.

"Our sect's entire inheritance and knowledge is here, the necessary resources like scriptures and pills for all four of you to cultivate and break through are also in there"

"If I'm no longer here, you have to keep the flame burning, you have to lead them and keep on living"

Gu Qing Shan looked at the fragrance bag to see it was woven from simple 7-colored strings, extremely unassuming and unremarkable.

"Shifu, you told me to run for my life if anything happens. Then why can't you also run away and not go to Shen Wu world?" Gu Qing Shan asked.

Bai Hua Fairy smiled and replied: "Under normal circumstances, it doesn't matter how lazy or irresponsible I act, but there are certain times that I have no choice but to stand at the very front of it all"

"Why is that?"

"Because there are some things that if I run away from, you won't be able to"

Those words sound a bit strange, but Gu Qing Shan completely understand them.

"You don't have to worry about me, Heaven's Will always leaves a chance of survival, I'm not exactly facing certain death here"

"Shifu also values her life you know; I'll fight my way to that single chance"

Saying so, Bai Hua Fairy made Gu Qing Shan mark the fragrance's bag ownership right in front of her before she's finally relieved.

"There's one final secret, but don't you go and spread it"


Bai Hua Fairy spoke: "That world has a problem"

"A problem?" Gu Qing Shan was a bit stunned.

"Yeah, it doesn't seem to be under the demon's control" Bai Hua Fairy was also a bit confused as she spoke, "even I have to fear the amount of demons that are there, but they're all mostly non-sentient monsters. There are some that a very strong, but none of them are capable of controlling the masses of demons"

"Overall, it's a very strange and eerie world that I'm still investigating"

"I'll remember it clearly" Gu Qing Shan spoke in a heavy tone of voice.

Then she said: "I've talked with Gong Sun Zhi, when you're ready to break through to Golden Core, go find him. He'll arrange the necessary formations to protect you until you finish your breakthrough"

"Remember, you have to live, got it?"

Gu Qing Shan silently nodded.

"Shifu, you also need to survive" he said.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to die that easily" Bai Hua Fairy replied fearlessly.

Although she was smiling, the look in her eyes contained nothing but anxiety and confusion. It's the first time Gu Qing Shan has ever seen Bai Hua Fairy make such an expression ever since he knew her.

Gu Qing Shan finally left the tent after a while.

"Shifu, you worry too much. Everything will be fine." Wang Li immediately said with a smile.

Bai Hua Fairy just smiled feeling a little more confident. After a while they both left the tent and met up with Xuanyuan Tianzun and the Great Monk of Sorrow.

He heard the collective voice of numerous cultivators ringing around the camp: """We bid the Saints good luck!"""

The 4 Saints were leaving flying towards the space vortex behind Demon Cloud River. They quickly passed the space vortex only to see a grand sight.

The rain of fire kept pelting the earth. The ground endured it, but occasionally still rumbled from the impacts. The demons who couldn't get away would be burned to less than ash under the intense rain of fire. They were scattered, running away from wherever the rain fell.

Different from the demons and beasts in the cultivation world, instead of being hostile and belligerent, these demons were constantly cautious, taking glances at the sky above. This has become their second nature.

Wang Li after observing this grand sight finally looked towards Bai Hua Fairy.

"As discussed Shifu, I will go and breakthrough." Wang Li said

"Do you need to ..."

Before Bai Hua Fairy could finish, Wang Li interrupted: "Yes Shifu, I must."

Wang Li immediately left before Bai Hua Fairy could further comment. Before leaving he left a few Shadow Soldiers in their shadows.

Once he was far away he immediately looked at his Omniverse Chat Guild UI.

[Wang Li: "@Tony is Rich, I need your help."

Tony is Rich: "What's wrong Guild Master."]

The ever so non serious Tony instantly became serious. The Guild Master had helped him alot so he was looking forward to helping him.

[Wang Li: "Tony could you hurry up and send me the spell to open the mirror dimension. While your at it send me a few soul magic arts."

Tony is Rich: "Ok Guild Master."]

After a while Wang Li heard a chime from the UI.

[Tony is Rich has personally sent a red envelope.]

Wang Li didn't hesitate to open the envelope.

[Congratulations on gaining Mirror Dimension spells and Soul Magic Arts.]

[Wang Li: "Thanks Tony. I have to go hurry up. I'll might not talk in a few days.

Ning Yi Xi: "Is it that bad?"

Wang Li: "Ah its just me being cautious. You should also stay cautious since our enemies are cultivators from another world."]

After saying such Wang Li closed the chat interface and immediately used the spell Tony gave him to enter the mirror dimension. He then ordered the Shadow Army in his shadow.

"Stay focused and protect me during my breakthrough."

After saying so, his inner sight passed through his entire body, controlling the residue spirit energy to concentrate at his Dantian to prepare for the breakthrough. Under his mindful accumulation, the spirit energy inside his Dantian slowly rose and reached a certain limit. The time for his breakthrough was approaching!

The Laws of heaven and earth immediately noticed the changes inside his body.

Inside the mirror dimension, wind began to blow. A blinking light began to manifest in the air. This is Tribulation lightning manifested from the Law of Heavens, as it felt a cultivator breaking through, it passed through the many layers of the earth and directly appeared here.

The Projection realm Heaven's Tribulation is about to begin.

In the air, 7-8 balls of black lightning manifested. After floating around for a bit, the black lightning started to strike Wang Li. Wang Li stood still, softly blowing at these purple lightning balls. His blow contained the absolute manipulation of Lightning. In just a second, the balls of lightning couldn't hold their shapes and dispersed, like fragile soap bubbles.

Seemingly furious with Wang Li's actions, a few dozen balls of lightning appeared at the same time, striking Wang Li. Casually grabbing them with his hand, Wang Li gathered all the lightning into one single bolt in just a few seconds. Then he squeezed it in his hands.


The lightning was scattered. The Tribulation suddenly started to mellow out, as if thinking of a way to deal with him. Very quickly, a dark red ball of lightning appeared. This ball of lightning is frightening. This is the strongest type of lightning in all of the Tribulation lightning, the Soul annihilation lightning. When a living being is hit with this kind of lightning, they'll die in both body and soul, not getting a chance to even reincarnate.

Wang Li became serious, ready to meet the enemy. But the dark red ball of lightning just floated in midair and didn't strike down. Suddenly, another ball of Soul annihilation lightning appeared in the air.

Then another.

Two more.

Five more.

Ten more.

All these balls of Soul annihilation lightning silently merged into a lightning wyvern, coiling around in the air before barreling down at Wang Li. Wang Li didn't bother to retreat, he struck upward against the wyvern's head.

[Haki: Sky Fall!]

This was a skill Wang Li made by combining [Haki] and [Divine Skill: Sky Fall!]. All the Soul annihilation lightning was scattered by the strike, breaking into tiny red sparks. All the pieces started to fly up and once again gathered in place. More Soul annihilation lightning appeared.

The newly manifested red Tribulation lightning started to merge with the pieces from before, turning into a giant hand. This is a giant hand formed from the Soul annihilation lightning, it wasn't sentient, but had a single-minded will to completely destroy the one facing the Tribulation. Carrying an air of utter destruction, the hand of lightning grabbed at Wang Li.

Wang Li's figure flashed and disappeared in place. The lightning hand disappeared then reappeared together with him, grabbing Wang Li.


Wang Li suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke, squished by the lightning hand, it was just his clone. The real Wang Li was inside his clones shadow all this time.

The lightning hand slightly stopped, slowly hovered into the air again. A few seconds later, more and more dark red balls of lightning manifested. These lightning quickly merged into the lightning hand again. The lightning hand expanded, got bigger and bigger until it finally turned into a masculine arm.

Another ball of lightning gathered the red lightning around itself, turning into a sword. The arm grabbed the sword, striking with all its force at Wang Li. Wang Li evaded in time as the whip left a deep mark on the ground.

But Wang Li didn't stop there, he was almost dancing around the ruins as he moved like a white tiger. This was because when the sword struck, tiny arcs of red lightning were scattered all over the place. Although these arcs were small, they still had the same power of a normal Soul annihilation lightning bolt.

No matter who it is, being struck by even a single arc could result in the instant destruction of both their body and soul. Although Wang Li had Lightning law manipulation ability but his cultivation was too low to be used against such strong a lightning type. Before the lightning was able to fully dissipate, the sword had already struck a second time.

Wang Li jumped up again, dodging where the whip struck. This time, the strike scattered even more arcs of lightning. The arcs of lightning began to spread, forming an ever moving grid of unpredictable death, covering the entire area. The Soul annihilation lightning arcs were littered everywhere.

If a single one of them were to touch a cultivator, that person would instantly die. The lightning sword slowly coiled back in the air, but Wang Li was still dodging the scattered arcs of lightning. He's only dodging, not the least bit concerned with retaliating.

This is only the start of the Tribulation, Divine abilities are easy and plentiful to use, but he has to save whatever he can. Right after, the third sword strike came. An overwhelming lightning strike came down on Wang Li. Together with all the scattered lightning arcs that haven't disappeared, Wang Li has nowhere else to dodge.

Suddenly he clasped his hands together, quickly forming a hand seal. A black shadow dragon instantly appeared, attracting a lot of the lightning arcs on its path onto its body. The black shadow dragon only managed to manifest for a split second before it was destroyed by the lightning. But the black shadow dragon managed to get rid of a lot of the lightning arcs around the area with its sacrifice, giving Wang Li room to dodge.

He casually whizzed around the arcs of lightning, dodging the sword of lightning. After a few attacks, seemingly felt that it won't be able to do anything to him at this rate, it stopped in midair. A red light flashed inside the Tribulation clouds. More and more flickering balls of lightning floated, gathering in the air. It formed a few arms of lightning, holding a new sword of lightning, manifesting above.

A total of 9 arms and 9 swords made of lightning! All attacking Wang Li!

Wang Li looked at the 9 arms of lightning in the air, smiling in a taunting manner: "This should be fun!"

"I am a sword cultivator, do you want to compete."

From the void of space, two sword manifested in his hand, one ancient looking while the other looked normal but was far from it.

The Earth Sword and the Fenlie Qi Sword.

Wang Li swung the two swords at the 9 arms. The majority of cultivators only try to defend or carefully avoid the Tribulation as they face it. Very few actually have the courage to attack the Tribulation lightning on their own.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

After three resounding slashes, the two swords destroyed three of the arms.

{The Heaven's sure as hell want to kill you.} The Earth Sword's, deep as mountain, voice could be heard.

"Must be because of my charming and handsome face. Jealous heavens."

{Master, there are 6 arms left.} Fenlie Qi's cold voice could be heard.

"Ah, is Fenlie Qi worried. I am honored"

As though angry with Wang Li's lack of attention, the rest of the 6 arms moved in at once. Wang Li retreated as he attacked and made quick work of all the lightning arms left. As the red lightning scattered, more and more red lightning came down from the Tribulation clouds.

When Wang Li looked back up to the sky, another 18 lightning arms has formed! From 1 to 9, from 9 to 18, the amount of lightning arms has doubled. They didn't even give Wang Li time to breath, immediately striking with their swords from above. This time, Wang Li was finally serious in dealing with them.

His figure weaved in and out among the lightning swords, as the slashes of the swords never stopped for a single moment. Occasionally some Soul annihilation lightning would scatter outside of the area.

A few moments later.

Wang Li while dodging and fighting, managed to avoid a dangerous angle and finally destroyed all the lightning arms. The air began to calm.

Wang Li was breathing a bit heavily, wiping away the sweat on his temple.

'The most dangerous moment is about to come. Unlike Gu Qing Shan, I am not part of them so I can't befriend them other then the Tianma, but that will only be when he makes an alliance with them.'

Sure enough, after 5 breaths, the Tribulation resumed. This time, it's not a Lightning Tribulation. The wind began to rise. It rose from the ground and got stronger the more it rose up. This is an unavoidable wind; a cultivator can only use their own power to resist it.

The Wind Tribulation.

This tribulation will summon evil creatures to kill the cultivator taking the tribulation. The wind tribulation during a breakthrough to the Projection Realm will summon 4 Devils and 4 Fiends at the Sainted Realm. Suddenly countless powerful presences began to appear inside the storming wind.

The Tianma, hungry ghosts, the Ashura, Huang Quan imps and fiends, as well as a multitude of other unknown creatures. They disappeared, hidden inside the wind, silently watching Wang Li. Wang Li looked around and found that he wasn't able to see their faces clearly, only feeling their near-solid killing intent.

The wind began to move. The fiends and demons hid inside the wind, waiting for that chance to deal Wang Li a fatal blow.

Wang Li had held back to preserve his energy precisely for this and now he no longer needed to hold back. Suddenly, a few dozen sharp blade gleams appeared from the wind, heading straight for his heart!


With a single sword strike, Wang Li broke all the blade gleams. Then a few hundred spears rose from the side, about to pierce through him. Wang Li's figure shifted and disappeared in place.

Divine Skill, [Ground Shrink]

As soon as Wang Li appeared at another corner of the ruins, a beautiful woman appeared from the wind, landing before her.

"Little Brother, why would you want to face the Wind Tribulation? Come with this one and enjoy the ecstasy of our Tianma world" the woman spreads her arms, wanting to hug him.

Wang Li ignored her failed attempts of seduction and used all his Divine abilities. He started generating intense flames and wind around himself, slashing and burning all the creatures around him. Without wasting time, he used his sword manipulation to perform a magnitude of sword arts at them.

Out of the 8 creatures 4 had already died and the rest were greatly injured. Before those 4 could react, 4 other Wang Li suddenly came out of their shadows and punched them.


The 4 creatures tried to dodge but they were restricted by a shadow on the ground and lightning.

[Yami Yami no Mi: Black Hole]

[Lightning Shock]

Lightning Shock is a technique Wang Li created using lightning law, after watching Gu Qing Shan use his Thaumaturgy [Severance]. All 4 creature had finally died. While waiting for the Tribulation to disperse, Wang Li converted all 8 creatures into his Shadow Soldiers.

A few moments later, the Wind Tribulation slowly dissipated.

"Maybe next time I should make a connection with them instead. That way I could have an easier time with breakthroughs." he spoke.

After those words, he closed her eyes. A gate opened in the air, releasing a large amount of heaven and earth's essence. This essence was pure, without a hint of impurities, turning into a liquid as it appeared and quickly flowed into the top of Wang Li's head.

This was the Shen Wu world's purest power of origin.

Reaching this stage, a cultivator must receive the gift of origin from the world itself to be able to gain enough power to advance to the next stage. And since the cultivation world lacks this sort of power of origin, their strongest cultivators could only reach Sainted realm at most. While Shen Wu world's power of origin was plentiful and powerful enough to help cultivators advance much further.

Wang Li was concentrating on absorbing this power of origin. After a few moments, the gate in the air slowly disappeared. Wang Li was emitting vast spirit energy waves like those of oceans. His spirit energy waves were like a hurricane, screaming as if sweeping through the entire ruins.

Wang Li suddenly opened her eyes and sighed: "Finally! Now that the laws no longer restrict me I can grow stronger. Due to my accumulation of Ki over the years, I will breakthrough at an increadibly fast pace. At the rate my reserves are increasing right now the next breakthrough should happen in 2 days."

He was finally a Projection realm cultivator.