Shadow Incarnation

[Detected Guild Master has reached Projection Realm]

[Guild Master can use guild points to awaken a new Thaumaturgy]

[The more guild points Guild Master uses, the greater the quality until a certain limit]

"No need to ask more system. Take as many points as you want but give me the highest quality Thaumaturgy you can." Wang Li stated with absolute confidence since he had more then 17 billion points.

However hat happened next made his eyes pop out of his sockets.

[Following Guild Master's will, 1 billion guild points have been used up]


Wang Li was shocked. 1 guild point is equal to 1 soul point so imagine a thaumaturgy needing 1 billion soul points to activate it. Soul points are the most fundamental power of all beings, the origin of the soul. "Fundamental" and "Origin", those two words, always represent an extreme limit. In fact guild points are the same as soul points in a sense, just different names.

Whatever Thaumaturgy Wang Li got, it would be at the peak, a game changer. After 1 billion guild points were used up, the system stayed silent for a while before more texts could be seen infront of him.

[Guild Master has awakened Thaumaturgy Mystery Divine Skill: Shadow Incarnation]

[Mystery Divine Skill: Shadow Incarnation]

[Description: An Incarnation clone made of the Death and Shadow Laws which contains the original's will. The Incarnation with the same power as the original that can only disposed off by either the original's will or death to incarnation. Once dead, the incarnation's memories and experiences will be transferred back to the original regardless of space and time without any negative side effects or obstructions. If the original's strength increases, the incarnation's strength also increases at the same time and vice versa. The number of incarnations that are available 0/7]


Wang Li was speechless beyond belief. He has never heard of an ability as broken as this ability. With this Thaumaturgy, alot of plans he had would become simple without risk. Exploring the unknown would become easier. What's more this is a Mystery Divine Skill. Laws intertwine and converge everywhere. When the laws are built into a secret power that transcends ordinary appearances, they can be called Mysteries.

'I should try it first.'

Wang Li used Shadow Incarnation to create 7 Incarnations. Suddenly, 7 shadows split from a part of his shadow which returned to normal. Those shadows rose to form a figure each looking exactly like Wang Li. Once the shadows covering the figures were gone what was left was 7 human beings looking exactly like Wang Li.

Wang Li looked at them and said what any normal person in his place would have said: "Sup handsome"

All 7 incarnations looked at the original as though he was a fool. One of the incarnations suddenly had a pondering expression.

"Can handsome be said in a plural sense?"

It was now the original Wang Li's turn to look at his incarnation as though it is an idiot. Every one here felt the situation was too strange. Wang Li cancelled 4 of them.

Wang Li became serious and said: "All jokes aside, we should get back to work. The two of you should deal with the Projection Realm cultivators from the other world. You should go and deal with all the Sainted Realm cultivators and make sure to turn all of them in shadow soldiers. After that go and protect Shifu while she breakthroughs. I will stay here and prepare for the next breakthrough."

Following his orders without and resistance, the incarnations immediately left to do their jobs. Wang Li now started to ponder his next moves.

'From now on I can only advance by passing tribulations. At least until Void Beholder Realm, I only needs to worry about Lightning and Wind Tribulations.'

The Lightning Tribulation is the first Tribulations a Cultivator has to face starting from Rejuvenation Realm. Starting with the normal lightning, there are multiple types of lightning like the crimson Soul Annihilation Lightning or the Manifestation Tribulation Lightning, which will rain down from the Tribulation clouds or attack the Cultivator using weapons with the Manifestation Tribulation Lightning. Both of these manifested for Wang Li in one tribulation due to his insane strength for his realm.

If someone tries to help, the power of the Lightning Tribulation will increase. That cultivators, who only enter the range of the Tribulation. It will automatically think the number of people facing the Tribulation had increased, making the power of the lightning even more terrifying.

The Wind Tribulation is first faced by a cultivator, when breaking from the Sainted Realm through to the Projection Realm. During the Wind Tribulation evil creatures will appear to interfere with a cultivator's breakthrough. Though there are some worlds, like the Suspended World that is attacking Shen Wu World, where Tianma can't appear, who are trying to disturb the cultivator and to lure him into demonic possession, making it very easy for the cultivator to break through.

In the Wind Tribulation the evil creatures are split between the Fiends and the Devils who each take one of the Seats of Tribulation. For example during the Tribulation to break to the Sainted Realm there are a total of 8 Seats of Tribulation, split between the evil creatures, 4 Fiends (namely Flame-eater Fiend, Shadow Fiend, Asura and Tianma) and 4 Devils (namely Hunger Devil, Huang Quan Devil, Bloodthirsty Devil, Malahoh Devil).

In order to breakthrough to the next realm, Tribulation Realm, Wang Li will have to once again face the Lightning and Wind Tribulations. This time Wang Li has nothing but time with the help of his Incarnations and thus will prepare everything properly.

'In two days I will breakthrough.'

After making up his mind he started to create formations and pills that will be helpful for his breakthroughs.

Meanwhile in an area the 3 other Saints of Humanity were being suppressed by 5 Saints and a Projection Realm Cultivator.

"Bai Hua Fairy, you must escape and heal your wounds first.", Xuanyuan said while holding his ground.

"Amitabha, Benefactor Xie you should indeed escape." The Great Monk of Sorrow also added.

Just as Bai Hua Fairy was about to reply 3 men suddenly appeared between them and the enemy cultivators.

"Shifu leave them to me"

"Me too"

"Me as well."

"Can you guys shut up! We are all the same."

"Then why are you acting like a leader. Your not the original."

"But I was the first to form."



All three Wang Li argued. Both the 3 Saints and the enemy cultivators froze unable to comprehend.

"Guys lets argue later and deal with them first. Make sure to incapacitate the Projection Realm cultivator for soul reading."

Without saying anything else all the Wang Li looked towards the enemy. Only now did the enemy cultivators realize that the shadows of all 3 Wang Li had joined, enlarged and surrounded them. Unfortunately, they were too late to realize. Out of the shadows came shadow soldiers numbers hundreds of thousands of them with one Projection Realm and majority at Sainted Realm. Without saying anything all 3 Wang Li attacked the enemy cultivators. The Cultivators tried to escape or move but were restricted by the shadow.

[Yami Yami No Mi: Black Hole]

Two of the Wang Li punched the Projection Realm cultivator with Skyfall imbued with lightning laws.


[Lightning Shock]

Now the Projection Realm cultivator could not move and could not control their Spirit energy for a few seconds. However a few seconds was all that Wang Li needed. Wang Li crippled the Projection Realm cultivator. The other two Wang Li killed the 5 Sainted Realm Cultivator.

One of the Wang Li stayed and turned all the dead into Shadow Soldiers. The other Wang Li brought the crippled Projection Realm cultivator towards the 3 Saints.

"Li, you brokethrough?" Bai Hua Fairy asked

"Yes Shifu but before all else, you should use soul reading on him. Once you do you will understand the situation we are in." Wang Li said while he threw the crippled cultivator towards Bai Hua Fairy.

Bai Hua Fairy didn't hesitate to use soul reading on him. After digesting the information she spoke.

"They have another Projection realm cultivator currently on their way" Bai Hua Fairy said.

"Their Shifu, who is also the person trying to refine this world, is currently breaking through Tribulation realm, about to become a Virtualized realm cultivator soon"

"At that point, we're not going to be able to win" Bai Hua Fairy shook her head.

Hearing that, everyone's heart sank.

"Can't we attempt to ask for a truce and stop fighting?" Xuanyuan Tianzun asked.

"That's not possible"


"What I found is that this Guang Yang sect has already taken over three worlds, either massacring or enslaving their people"

"Why would they do that?"

"Their world is about to reach its end, each and every sect wants to steal and rob from as many worlds as possible before the world truly collapses, taking their entire sects with them to get away"

"Their world is about to end?" Xuanyuan Tianzun frowned.

"There are no words that I can use to describe that scene, it's better for you to soul read them yourself to see"

Bai Hua Fairy shook her head, suddenly feeling a chill as she recalled the scene she saw.

"Can't they peacefully take refuge with our world instead?" the Great Monk of Sorrow didn't give up and asked.

"When you want to eat beef, will you bother to bargain with the ox?" Bai Hua Fairy coldly asked.

She then continued: "Not to mention, the more worlds they can get, the higher their cultivation becomes"

"In order words, if they manage to absorb Shen Wu world, then absorb our world, their highest realm of cultivation will increase once more, can you imagine that?"

The air inside the area became still.

The Great Monk of Sorrow sighed: "The difference in strength is too great"

Bai Hua Fairy also spoke: "In that other world, they are but a single sect, there are even stronger cultivators there"

"Luckily, those people don't know anything about the Shen Wu world"

"Otherwise, we don't need to do anything anymore and just surrender, that way we can at least escape the pain of torture"

Xuanyuan Tianzun and the Great Monk of Sorrow both fell silent.

Xuanyuan Tianzun then spoke: "If that's the case, Sorrow and I have to breakthrough right away"

"Breaking through is very hard, at least 10 times harder than breaking through Sainted realm. I also had to give everything I had to barely make it" Wang Li said.

"If there's a peak, I will climb it, even if I die on the way, it's still much better than living as a slave" Xuanyuan Tianzun answered.

"That's right, let's go to the camp and call in the Ding Yuan Generals, after we finish arranging everything, we'll leave" the Great Monk of Sorrow said.

"Very well, then I'll come with you" Wang Li spoke.

"You're also coming?" Xuanyuan Tianzun asked.

"Of course, I'll help guard you" One of the Wang Li said.

"I'll guard Sorrow" the other Wang Li said.

"I'll guard Shifu" the third Wang Li said.

Saying so Wang Li killed the cultivator and made him a shadow clone.

Wang Li and the 3 Saints returned to the camp while Wang Li sent Gu Qing Shan a talisman telling him to return to the camp. After half a day Gu Qing Shan returned and was told about the situation by Wang Li.

Gu Qing Shan has been contemplating from the start, then suddenly spoke: "Shifu, can you give me the vase?"

"The vase?" Bai Hua Fairy was a bit confused.

"The Tianma's vase, the one that can connect to the Tianma's world" Gu Qing Shan answered.

"Here, take it"

Bai Hua Fairy didn't think much of it and threw the Tianma vase towards Gu Qing Shan.

Catching it, Gu Qing Shan asked again: "Shifu, I also want to ask you for a scripture"

"What scripture?"

"The soul reading technique"


Once again, Bai Hua Fairy asked nothing and just gave him a jade tag. After taking the vase and the jade tag, Gu Qing Shan greeted the other Saints before leaving.

The Great Monk of Sorrow and Xuanyuan Tianzun exchanged glances, both seeing the worry in the other's eyes.

Xuanyuan Tianzun said: "When I held the Tianma's vase, there were Tianma who frequently came from the void, wanting to steal it back"

The Great Monk of Sorrow also spoke with worry: "The Tianma vase seems like a priceless artifact to the Tianma, yet you're just giving it to him, aren't you afraid of danger?"

Xuanyuan Tianzun quickly followed up: "Right, that thing is too dangerous, we were almost taken to the Tianma world because of it"

"That's correct, if it weren't for Qing Shan who discovered their scheme ahead of time, you two would have already died in the Tianma world" Bai Hua Fairy casually blocked their words.

"And then, there's also the soul reading technique, I've never taught it to any of my disciples, because it's very easy for the user to permanently damage the soul vessel of the one being read" Xuanyuan Tianzun tried to talk her out of it: "Both the Tianma vase and the soul reading techniques are things that requires utmost caution, yet you gave it to him just like that, without even a word of advice? Are you not afraid that he'll succumb to demonic possession?"

Bai Hua Fairy was now a bit annoyed, glancing at him: "Even if you will succumb to demonic possession, my disciple will definitely not"

Wang Li also interrupted: "True. Also I have a shadow soldier in his shadow to protect him. Besides, I think I know what he is doing and if he succeeds then it will shift victory towards us."

"What will he do?" Xuanyuan Tianzun asked

Wang Li just remained silent. Seeing him remain silent, Xuanyuan tactfully didn't ask further.

"Alright prepare for your breakthrough. All 3 of me will protect you all."