Zishan Young Master

Out of the 3 Shadow Incarnations of Wang Li, 2 had been released and only 1 remained behind. This Wang Li incarnation, was resting in his military tent when a Talisman suddenly came flying. Wang Li held it and inserted spirit energy into it.

"Li, Qing Shan has asked for us."

Wang Li wasn't sure what Gu Qing Shan wants but if he had to guess then he should have already made a deal with a Tianma and should be making a deal with the two maids who are responsible for the rain of fire.

Wang Li immediately joined up with Bai Hua Fairy and went towards Gu Qing Shan's location. It has already been half a day and one and half a day left before the Zishan young master, the master of the Projection Realm cultivator Wang Li killed, will come to this world to kill the killer of his subordinates, namely Wang Li.

While Wang Li was thinking, they had already came floating to Gu Qing Shan's location. Still wearing a veil to cover her face, she only let her clear eyes be seen. A smell of hundred flowers softly came from her body.

"Shifu, how are Xuanyuan Tianzun and the Great Monk of Sorrow?" Gu Qing Shan hurriedly asked.

The three Saints has been fighting together for many years, their coordination in battle is nothing to joke about. Whether or not the Great Monk of Sorrow and Xuanyuan Tianzun manages to survive will directly affect the power difference in the final battle.

"Tianzun is no longer with us, Sorrow has broken through" Bai Hua Fairy's tone carried a sense of regret unlike anything ever before.

Wang Li also felt regretful, despite his help Tianzun still died. Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

He knew that the Projection realm Tribulation is both difficult and dangerous, and the fact that the majority of cultivators cannot survive through the Tribulation. But hearing the news that a Sainted realm cultivator dying without anyone noticing in the Tribulation like that still seems unreal to him. Cultivation is hard, but not cultivating is the same as letting others kill you as they please. Some manage to breakthrough, gaining the chance to fight against their own fate. But others can only pass away in regret.

"You said you wanted to see me to ask about the situation above the sky?" Bai Hua Fairy asked.

"Yes Shifu, just who is controlling the rain of fire?" Gu Qing Shan asked.

Bai Hua Fairy answered: "Two women, but it seems they are unable to cast any spells at all, only manipulating a gourd"

She continued: "The gourd is very hard to deal with; it was the gourd that managed to wound Sorrow monk from before"

"The rain of fire above Shen Wu world is also being released from that gourd"

Gu Qing Shan spoke: "I found a certain piece of intelligence here, Shifu and senior brother, please take a look"

He then took the bowl and put it on the table.

"This is my Shifu and senior brother, please also show them the scene at the time" he said to the bowl.

The bowl then let out a light to envelop Bai Hua Fairy and Wang Li. Looking at Gu Qing Shan for a bit, Bai Hua Fairy didn't resist. Wang Li already knew Gu Qing Shan was showing the scene of how the Zishan young master entered this world while providing evidence that the 2 maids can be made into allies.

Very quickly, they were sucked into the bowl. A few seconds later, Bai Hua Fairy and Wang Li reappeared inside the tent.

She seems solemn as she asked: "So it's like that, what do you plan on doing?"

"I want to see the two women just once, to see if I can convince them" Gu Qing Shan said.

"It's useless to look for them"


"They can't do anything at all, not to mention, I've checked the lock seal chains and shackles they were wearing. Those are lock seals that I've never seen before, even I wouldn't be able to resist them" Bai Hua Fairy said.

"As long as they still have their own will, if we try, we might be able to get some unexpected help" Gu Qing Shan replied.

"Why do you think so?"

"I've seen their expressions and language, they still hold empathy towards the world, which means their wills haven't been corroded"

"And then what?"

"It's possible that they have their own view about this as well, just what we don't know about it"

"The decisive battle to the death is already very close" Gu Qing Shan continued: "A Virtualized realm cultivator is unimaginably powerful. So even if it's only a slim chance, as long as they can provide us any bit of help at all, I want to try it, I want to meet them at least once"

Bai Hua Fairy's attitude changed a little bit, rubbing her chin as she spoke: "I'm pleased that you're able to think of such a solution in the face of battle"

She then stood up and said: "In the case that they decide to use the gourd against you, you won't be able to escape no matter how much luck you have, I'll personally take you to see them"

"Wait a bit Shifu, I have another thing to do"

Gu Qing Shan raised the bowl and asked: "I want to help you regain the former glory of your sect, are you willing?"

The bowl asked: "Do you have a Buddhist cultivator?"

"Yes" saying so, Gu Qing Shan looked up at Bai Hua Fairy: "I think we'll have to ask the Great Monk of Sorrow to come for a bit"

Looking at the bowl, Bai Hua Fairy casually sent out a Communication Talisman. A few minutes later, the Great Monk of Sorrow came into the tent. As soon as he walked in and saw the bowl, his eyes couldn't move away anymore.

"Amitabha, this is our sect's grand artifact!" he clapped his hands and said.

The bowl also sighed: "Amitabha, a bit old"

But it still flew up and slowly floated in front of the Great Monk of Sorrow. The Great Monk of Sorrow closed his eyes and clasped his hands, softly chanting a Buddhist scripture. Layers upon layers of golden light started to emit from the bowl, manifesting as countless golden Bodhisattvas.

"As a practitioner of Buddha, you must carry me to walk the world. I ask you, are you willing?" the bowl asked.

"I am willing" the Great Monk of Sorrow answered.

"Living beings are crying from agony, you must carry me to light the way for all beings, I ask you, are you willing?"

"I am willing"

"The world is collapsing, you must come with me on the path to destroy evil and eliminate demons, are you willing?"

"I am willing"

"That is good"

Saying so, the bowl slowly fell into the Great Monk of Sorrow's hands.

Holding the bowl, Great Monk of Sorrow nodded to Bai Hua Fairy and spoke: "Thank you!"

"This is your own fate, if you want to thank someone then thank my disciple" Bai Hua Fairy replied.

"Please don't, if the Great Monk can become stronger, our situation would be much better regardless" Gu Qing Shan said.

He then looked at the Great Monk of Sorrow and sincerely: "I only ask the Great Monk to help protect my Shifu during battle"

"Amitabha, this monk has received such a great fate, of course I will repay it" the Great Monk of Sorrow replied.

A few minutes later. An airship came out of the camp and headed straight through the clouds. About 40,000 meters off the ground, the airship couldn't rise up anymore. Bai Hua Fairy put the airship away, held Gu Qing Shan and kept flying upwards. Wang Li just continued flying alongside them. He was preparing for the possibility for the Zishan young master to appear early. Wang Li also made sure that another incarnation is in Gu Qing Shan's shadow.

About 30,000 meters later, Bai Hua Fairy stopped. She circulated her spirit energy to lift Gu Qing Shan hovering next to her.

"Look" Bai Hua Fairy pointed afar.

A faint light of flames was shining, emitting heat while raining down at the ground. The rain of fire.

"I see it, let's go meet the two of them" Gu Qing Shan said.

"Let's go then" Bai Hua Fairy took him by the wrist, bringing him forward.

They quickly came closer as the faint light of flames began to become clear. A gourd was being held upside down as the mouth of the gourd let out an endless stream of fire. The two peerless beauties wore white dresses with their hands and feet in shackles silently stood there among the strong wind. Feeling someone coming close, they both turned to look.

"Ah?" they were both surprised.

"He looks so similar to young master" one of them said.

"Not quite, he looks similar at a glance, but very different facial features" the other replied.

"Greetings, fellow Dao seekers" Gu Qing Shan clasped his fist and said.

Wang Li and Bai Hua Fairy only silently stood on one side, not greeting.

"What do you want?"

The women with a gentle and soft look on her face asked.

"Excuse me but are you the Zishan young master's maids?" Gu Qing Shan asked.

"We are his maids, looking for us like this, are you perhaps looking to sell your world and surrender to him?" the other woman asked with an irritated look.

The gentle woman continued: "Young master doesn't usually kill those who willingly surrender, perhaps you can at least live on as his servant"

"That's right, congratulations to you" the irritated woman followed up.

"No, I'm not here to surrender" Gu Qing Shan replied.

The two women looked at him suspiciously.

"I want to kill him" Gu Qing Shan answered.

The two women were stunned.

The irritated women suddenly burst out laughing: "What a joke, that's not funny at all"

Her expression suddenly became more animated, her presence full of spirits, almost like a carefree fairy descended from above. One second before she was still irritated and sorrowful, but the next she started to burst out laughing, the woman's mood swings were a bit incredible. But such a reaction actually fueled Gu Qing Shan's hope.

When a person is suppressed for too long and suddenly hears something they've always wanted to hear, this should be the correct reaction.

"Wan Er, you shouldn't be like that" the gentle woman reproached her softly.

She lightly pinched the laughing woman a bit to remind her to pay attention.

"Big sis Qing Rou, do you find this funny? He wants to kill young master, a Rejuvenation realm cultivator! He said he wanted to kill young master!" Wan Er was unable to control her laughter, breathing heavily in the process.

Qing Rou sighed, then stared at Gu Qing Shan and spoke: "Leave, quickly. Young master is about to return soon, with your strength, you're not his opponent"

Seeing their reactions, Gu Qing Shan was a bit more hopeful.

"I'm very serious. I have quite a bit of power that I can use on hand" Gu Qing Shan said.

"What power?" Wan Er opened her eyes wide and asked curiously.

Qing Rou pulled her back and very solemnly replied: "Trust me, no matter what kind of power you have, you won't be able to win against him"

"Why do you think so?" Gu Qing Shan peered straight into her eyes and asked.

Qing Rou kept eye contact and replied: "Guang Yang sect's Great Grand Elder is a Cryptic realm cultivator, and the young master's father is currently attempting to breakthrough to this realm. Aside from them, including young master, there are 3 other Virtualized realm cultivators, they're such a powerful force that even my world was destroyed. And you are alone"

Gu Qing Shan tried asking further: "Even you can't resist against them?"

"I'm only at Tribulation realm peak, I have yet to reach Virtualized Realm, and all of my powers were sealed when I got captured"

After saying so, she went silent, staring at Gu Qing Shan. Gu Qing Shan understood what she was trying to say, it's not that she doesn't want to resist, just that the enemy is hopelessly stronger.

Wan Er peeked out from behind Qing Rou, evaluating Bai Hua Fairy.

She suddenly said: "Ah, it's you, tsk, tsk, what a beauty you are. I think that if the young master's father was here, he would definitely keep you to himself instead of randomly being given to the young master like I was"

"What nonsense are you saying?" Qing Rou angrily reproached her.

But hearing these words, Gu Qing Shan understood them better.

This was a hint.

so what if you actually have a way to kill the young master? Don't forget, he still has an even more powerful father!

A Cryptic realm Great Grand Elder, and a soon-to-be Cryptic realm cultivator that is the Zishan young master's father. Once he successfully breaks through, Guang Yang sect will have two Cryptic realm cultivators, becoming a first-rate sect in the other world.

Gu Qing Shan already knew all these, but the more important thing is the two women's attitude.

These two women who got their cultivation sealed are still willing to reveal such important intelligence.

'I was correct to come here.'

Bai Hua Fairy was also a bit surprised and looked at the two of them.

Gu Qing Shan then clasped his fist and said: "I know the two of you aren't average cultivators"

Qing Rou just stood there, eyes closed, emitting a gentle yet isolated air, seemingly unwilling to be moved. While Wan Er was evaluated Gu Qing Shan from top to bottom, seemingly very interested in what he has to say.

Gu Qing Shan continued: "I have a way, not only to take his life, but also cut off this world from theirs"

"As long as everyone who knows about this world dies, no matter how powerful Guang Yang sect is, they won't be able to do anything about us"

Listening to him, Qing Rou shook her head.

Wan Er lifted her chin up and silently smiled at him. Gu Qing Shan looked at the chains and shackles on their bodies, looking at the dim light that it was letting off and enveloped around them.

'What a powerful sealing technique, it can even seal away Tribulation realm cultivators.

Can they be unlocked?'

But this is the first meeting between us, and their cultivations are still sealed, if I carelessly come up to check, it might backfire instead. Having strangers approach might change their attitude. They can still manipulate the gourd.

Gu Qing Shan's mind moved quickly, then spoke: "If your wills haven't died off, then I won't ask you to do anything, I only ask that you do nothing and leave the rest to me"

Hearing the implications of these words, the women thought and understood him.

"Could it be, you're serious?" Wan Er opened her eyes wide and tilted her head to ask.

"I don't joke around with my own life" Gu Qing Shan answered.

Wan Er silently held Qing Rou's hand, softly squeezing it. Before she could say anything, Qing Rou's expression changed.

"Not good" her face paled, "young master has overcome his Tribulation ahead of time and has arrived at this world"

Below the clouds, a golden light suddenly filled the sky.


A loud Buddhist chant was heard, echoing far away.

Right after, an angry roar.

"You worthless worms, you dare kill cultivators of my sect, I want all of you dead!"

"It's the young master!" the two women yelled at once.

Below the clouds, the blinding golden light was quickly drowned out by the searing flame. Massive spirit energy shockwaves collided, creating immense hurricane-force winds that kicked up dust all over On the ground, streaks of light flew out, gathering at the golden light, combining with it to defend and attack.

They are the weapon spirits of this world, countless spirits! They've all come out to help!

"Leave, both of you"

Lightly waving her hand, Qing Rou opened up a crack in space as numerous chaotic currents were flowing.

Clink clink clank clink!

The chains around her recognized her action as casting a spell and instantly restrained her. They were wrapping tightly around her body as blood soaked into her white clothes.

"What are you waiting for? These weapon spirits can't possibly compare to young master, go!"

Qing Rou frowned and urged Gu Qing Shan: "If you fall into the young master's hand, you will die, and the young sister here will live a life worse than death"

Wan Er also hurriedly spoke: "Quickly leave, don't let him find out about big sis. The last time big sis saved someone, young master punished her to kneel on a burning flame for a year"

Before Gu Qing Shan and Bai Hua Fairy could move, a scoff came from below.


The Zishan young master's voice came from afar.

"Just wait until I finish with these trash, I'll be punishing you bitch later!"

As soon as he finished, the chains coiling around Qing Rou started to let out a flame. Qing Rou screamed in pain, fell down on her knee and coughed up blood. The opened crack in space quickly closed.

"Big sis Rou!"

Wan Er whimpered, quickly flew over to catch Qing Rou. Looking at the two of them, Bai Hua Fairy's eyes became warmer.

She slightly let down her guard towards the two of them and sighed: "They're both pitiful people"

Bai Hua Fairy then looked below. Streaks of light were glowing as brightly as possible, attacking the boiling flames.

She suddenly muttered: "Right, it must be now"

"Shifu, what's wrong?"

Gu Qing Shan noticed how she was a bit unlike normal and hurriedly asked.

"I think I know this scene. Yes, I've seen all of this in the omen" Bai Hua Fairy looked again, then looked down below and answered.

'Omen? What omen?'

Then Gu Qing Shan suddenly remembered.

The omen of death. Bai Hua Fairy received an omen of her own death. And this was what she saw in her glimpse in the omen. And now that the scene is happening, her death will shortly follow.

Gu Qing Shan's heart tightened, his voice cracked: "Shifu!"

Bai Hua Fairy shook her head, then smiled at him.

"For my entire life, I've been an orphan just like you, never knowing what warmth is"

"After walking on the path of cultivation, so many things have happened, and shifu has always been strict with me. Before I could become close to her, the sect had already been destroyed"

"After that, I've always seeked revenge, up until I reached Sainted realm, I've always been alone"

"Fortunately, now I have you, Li, Xiao Lou and Xiu Xiu. I finally know what it feels like to have family members with me"

"All of you are my last lingering attachments" she extended her hand, softly touching Gu Qing Shan's face, then said: "No matter how tough or difficult it may be, make sure to lead them to live a good life from now on"

She looked at Gu Qing Shan one last time, still a bit unwilling, but ultimately flew ahead to the battlefield.