(Happy reading ❤)
"Where am I?" that's the only question that came to my mind because after all where I am it was a dark place and when I try to see if I still have hands I can't see or instead I can't no I only saw black and I could I don't know what was happening to me because I didn't even know what I was a soul or something else I couldn't know
As I ask myself this question a voice makes me turn around
"Hello, I see you just woke up mortal," said a voice that sounded like a child's.
When I turned around, the first word that came to mind was "Loli"
"Yes and then it bothers you that I'm a Loli mmh", said the person to me in a slightly annoyed voice
"No I don't mind and also why do I feel so calm," I asked in that voice because normally any logical mind will panic and try to get out of this situation but I was calm or rather appeased
"First of all my name is Lala and you can see me as a goddess of reincarnation even if some see me as the goddess of lolis even if I don't mind that there are sacred fanatics even if I don't I can only shiver in front of these people, said Lala in a trembling voice.
"In short, you're calm because I especially hate it when people freak out like crazy and won't let me speak or see me as if they're the protagonist and immediately ask for a power OP so I decided to change the environment so that the whole soul can calm down" explained Lala
"Can I ask questions"
"Yes you can but don't ask me unnecessary questions," Lala said
"What is this place?"
"This place is the border between the river of reincarnation and the path that leads either to hell or to heaven" answered Lala
"Can I know why I'm here because I didn't do anything special even on the contrary I had my parents killed because of my naive thought" I answered calmly even if one could detect a feeling of guilt and remorse
"Indeed, you are not special you were chosen because of your parents" answered Lala
and before I can say anything, Lala steps in and says
"Before you tell me anything, I want to tell you that your parents never got mad at you for killing them and even your mom tried to ask me to text you while you were alive because she knew you well enough to know that you were going to feel guilty again but it was impossible according to the law so they preferred to reject their choice of reincarnation and rather prefer to try the path and before you asked me that question they went to the sky"
"The message from your mother and your father who left for you was that they loved you and your sister and they never regretted their choice to see their child grow up because for them the name Naru was a suffix from Naruto because for them it was that you were born with the same very difficult birth problems to the point that your mother was almost dead, from your primary to high school verbal and physical harassment but above all because you and your sister were their pride because when you were 10 you always wanted to be an astronaut and even with the difficulties related to the physical and the external environment of never gave up on your dreams and you always proudly show your dream even if people don't didn't believe you never forget my darling although naruto is something fictional you are our naruto so our pride is taking this chance praying that you come here much older here is their message" answered Lala then after that Lala fell silent and let p speak mortal sound
And as if the feelings that were kept in me I cried how will you say because Lala deactivated her soul power for who remains calm because it was a time that had to pass to move on and also even if it's a soul you could see the soul was shaking which meant he was crying
(Always tell me if you have any tips and thanks for reading ❤)