Back as eight

Lavender's viewpoint

I laid on my bed, stomach and chest pressed against Rominic's favorite pillow and my legs kicking the air. Don't ask me why I'm using his pillow, because I don't know. All I know is that using it made me feel better in a sort of way.

So I was chatting the guys up. Ferris added me to their group chat, a chat I hadn't left since I was added days ago. The guys were so happy and eager to meet me, even I too. I already had a plan to host a small reunion party, but the problem was the venue. Rominic's house is his baby and he would never let me throw a party, especially when it involved boys, Ferris especially. But, that's what makes it fun. I was going to throw it whether he likes it or not.

Ferris: I can't wait for you to meet the girls!

Me: girls? You mean your wives?

Link: and daughters.

Waylon: and sons.

Me: oh my goodness! You guys are fathers now!

Gael: you were gone for years, Jam, so of course we are married.