A little different

×× After such brutality against two people who were already dead on the bed that was now crimson, the subject left there as if nothing had happened.

Anastasia couldn't believe it and all she could do was fall to her knees on the floor and cry.

"It's not fair!" she yelled into the air. -"They just wanted to see their family! They didn't deserve this!"-she was so sad that she started to tremble a little. -"I'm so sorry!"-when she said that phrase she closed her eyes tightly and it seemed that they had covered them again.××

Opening them again she found herself in the same room, only now she was in the present. With all the dried blood, the place destroyed and dirty.

She picked up the pad and jotted down a few last details, including the news the dead wife had read in the message. She knew that was important.

- "I'm really sorry about all this. It was horrible. I really hope I can help you guys out of here"- anyway he prayed a little to "calm" the spirits in that room.- "I guess I should go on." -She said goodbye momentarily and slowly left that sad place and then went to the room that was in front of it. Although before entering she looked at her hands; they were still shaking.

-"I have to do it"-she gave herself strength knowing that maybe that wasn't the worst thing that happened in that place and she opened the door.

In that room there was no blood and that seemed strange to the seer girl, so she went directly to inspect the bathroom and there was the crime scene; the walls of the shower area, which used to be white ceramic, were now stained with a mixture between the gray of accumulated dust and the dark red (almost black) of dried blood. Ironically there didn't seem to be much suffering or struggle as the blood was just spatters and a small stain on the floor. She still knelt down and closed her eyes to try to do the same ritual she did in the first room.

- "I ask who was murdered in this bathroom to let me see every detail of that moment. I just want to help their deaths not be forgotten and to be able to discover those who did it so that they receive their punishment. That is why I ask for your help to recreate that last moment."

It was a little more difficult to achieve, but she managed, by opening her eyes, to see the image of that bathroom a moment before everything began.


××The bathroom looked spotless, it was clean and nothing was out of place.

A few seconds later the door opened and a fairly young man entered, perhaps 20 or 25 years old at most.

The boy was wearing his hotel robe and sandals. He closed the door and stood in front of the mirror and stared at his reflection for several seconds, then smiled oddly, as if he had a hard time smiling genuinely. Anastasia found it strange, but she thought that perhaps the boy was feeling sad.

And well, seeing him enter the shower still dressed, she began to suspect something.

The young man turned on the water faucet, sat down on the floor still without taking off his robe and took out something shiny from his pocket.

- "no" - said the seer, futilely trying to make him hear her, but it wasn't like that. The boy smiled again, only now it was noted that there was sadness in his gesture. He tightened his grip on that piece of metal and slowly passed it over his left wrist. Apparently he didn't have much edge since little blood came out. At least he didn't do it again, although the young man let the blood flow freely and mix with the water that came from above.


About ten minutes later the noise was heard from outside and followed by a loud knock on the door of the room. The seer knew that the terrible moment had come.

So it was. Less than four seconds passed until the bathroom door was pushed open and a guy in black clothes with a cloth on half of his face peeked out. Anastasia noticed that on his left eyelid was a somewhat oddly shaped tattoo, but it appeared to be a cross. She immediately wrote down that detail in her notebook since it was a very useful clue in addition to the color and shape of the hair.

-"Wow. I could let you do it alone, but I won't risk leaving witnesses"-she spoke with a hoarse voice and something mocking that stranger while he pointed his gun at the boy who lay bleeding in the shower ..

It was only one shot, but it was enough for the young man to stop breathing forever.

Anastasia watched in slow motion as his body fell to the side, hitting his head on the floor and leaving a small bloodstain that expanded a bit as the shot hit the side of his skull.

The killer made a noise as if he was laughing at what he had just done and simply left that room.

- "That explains the little amount of blood" - said the girl seeing how the water erased some blood stains.

She felt a bit sad seeing that young man lose his life, but it had also been his decision to take her life so there wasn't much to help him with. So she just closed her eyes until she could return to the current time.××

- "perhaps you wanted to end your life, but a stranger came and did it for you. In any case, I will do my best to make your soul calm" - he said a short sentence as in the first room and then checked his notebook to see everything written and make sure nothing was missing. -"I must continue or I won't finish soon"-she made a slight bow as a sign of respect and walked to the room with the number "three" written on it.