An empty room and a little help

She tried to open the third door, but it was impossible, it seemed locked from the inside, but she had to do what was necessary to open it, so she looked in the previous room for something that would help her break the door.

There was nothing useful although luckily almost at the end of the corridor there was a fire extinguisher on the floor almost covered by dirt.

Without much hesitation she took it and shook it against her pants to clean it up a bit and headed back to door number "three" where she quite forcefully knocked a few times until she broke the handle.

The girl set the fire extinguisher beside her and she went inside as she dusted her clothes a little.

"Huh?" she wondered aloud looking at everything. - "Nothing?" - strangely that room was clean compared to the others. Not a trace of blood or violence apart from some broken paintings and furniture scattered everywhere.

So she hurried to the bathroom herself, but there were no signs of any crime there either.

- "It can't be possible" - she spoke again somewhat confused. -"Perhaps there were no people in this room?"-she strangely she didn't feel spiritual energy although she still did the little "ritual" of her.

She closed her eyes and clutched a crucifix she found on the floor with both hands against her chest thinking that it might help her.


However, it was not. She spent a long time with her eyes closed and concentrated trying to visualize something strange. But the only thing she could see was the room, quite clean as if no one had been there during the crime. She at no time could see anyone.

-"Apparently the people in this room weren't here"-she tried to answer herself. -"Being like this... I guess I can use this room to sleep for tonight"-she said to herself as she looked out the window towards the sky and noticed that it was already getting dark outside.

-"If i had known where i would arrive, i would have brought something to eat and something to sleep"- poor Anastasia reproached herself when she felt her stomach growl and noticed that she would have to stay on the floor. -"unless"-she had to try something. So she went downstairs herself hoping that the front door had opened, but it hadn't. It was still sealed.

"Sorry. I don't think sleeping here is ideal for me. Could you let me sleep in my car?" she asked hopefully into the air.

- "don't go"-

-"Help us"-were the answers she heard.

-"I promise I won't go. I just need to rest and eat something"- apparently the spirits understood her and knew that she was telling the truth since the door opened as if pushed by the wind.

-"Thank you very much. I'll come back in the morning. I won't leave until I help you, I promise"-and she said that she walked a little through the parking lot to her vehicle. She unlocked it and sat in the backseat, intending to at least get some rest.


In the morning she was awakened by a tapping on the glass.

She freaked out a little, but she got out of her car anyway to see that it was outside. And the truth is that she was a little surprised to see a person in front of her since of all the hours she had been in that place she had not seen any other vehicle pass by.

- "I'm sorry to bother you, miss" - spoke the old man who was in front of her now.

"Don't worry. Do you need help?" she asked kindly.

- "To tell the truth, yes. A few meters ago one of my tires blew out. I thought I would be stranded, but luckily I was able to continue driving a bit until I saw your car parked here. Do you think you can help me, miss?" The girl looked sideways to where the old man was pointing and there she noticed that the front wheel of the vehicle was broken.

"Honestly, I don't know much about changing tires, but I'll do my best to help you. Do you have your spare tire?" The man nodded and walked to the back of her car and Anastasia followed him. Luckily the old man had all the necessary tools to change the tire and it was not so difficult.


"How can I thank you, miss? How much money do I owe you?" asked the man with a little happiness.

"Oh, you don't need to pay me, but if you happen to have some food, I'd really appreciate it. I haven't eaten since yesterday" - the man nodded and opened the passenger door.

- "It's a long time without eating something" - seemed to worry a little about the girl. -"It's not much, but I hope it works for you"-she handed him a bag with some bread, a few packets of cookies and a small juice-

- "I really appreciate it. I'm very hungry" - the girl was overflowing with happiness as she took a bread and took a few bites.

-"I appreciate your kindness. Now it's better that I leave before worrying my family. You should do the same, miss. This place is not very safe for a young lady like you"-

- "I will, but first I must do something"-

-"I see. I hope you are well. See you and thank you"-she said goodbye, got into her vehicle and left. He continued on his way while Anastasia watched him disappear into the distance.

-"I'd better hurry up or I'll have to stay here again"- she ate her a little and when she regained her strength she went back to the hotel. "I'm sorry for the delay"-she apologized thinking that perhaps her spirits would be angry with her. -"I guess now I should go to the fourth room"-she went up the stairs without much speed and walked down the hall until she reached the brown door with the number "four".