Getting Caught

Andrew was standing in the hallway listening in on their conversation. He tried to keep out of their sight when Avery ran to him and squealed, ‘Dada!’

He scoops him up and apologizes. ‘The boy calls me that because there are no other male figureheads in this house,’ the lame excuse rolling off his tongue did not taste so good. He did not want to lie to his in-laws, but right now, they had no choice. Protecting their secret was at the top of their priorities. It was too early for them to venture out on their own, as he did not have enough saved to give them a comfortable life. The money he saved was good enough to open his business, and wish that everything would go well.

‘Dada! Kiss! Kiss! Mama!’ the child chanted. Andrew whispers to the child, which made him giggle and scamper away from the adults.

‘Ma’am,’ Andrew nods as he excuses himself.

‘Wait! What is your name again? Adam, Anthony?’ Tory’s mom zeroes in on him.