0021 Interrogate

Evie Hunt might be vengeful, but she was not a scum. The man did not do anything bad to Evely so he was not part of the people she planned to take revenge on. Besides, according to Francis, they had a good relationship. Since she’d already decided to live on as Evely— at least while she still had no idea how to go back to her world, then shouldn’t she take her fiancé too?


Another wave of headache came and she marched out of the bathroom in a defeated state with her hand on her head.

“What’s wrong? Are you having another headache?” a voice asked and Evie looked up to see Dr. Jensen sitting on one of the couches in her room. “Do you want me to ring for a nurse?”


Evie had totally forgotten she had a “session” with Dr. Jensen. She looked at the clock at the far wall, and realized he had been waiting for her for ten minutes. He always came to her room on the dot.