0061 The Best Lackey

Boss? Who’s the boss?

Evie continued to watch the guy in confusion. Why couldn’t she remember this guy’s name although he looked familiar?

“Boss? Why are you not speaking?” the guy asked, looking like an aggrieved spoiled kid with his lips pouting.

He was a big kid on boy, and so acting coquettishly like that would send anyone some shivers.

“Who are you?” Evie blurted, and the boy was shocked speechless.

He dramatically placed his hands over his heart as his eyes looked accusingly at Evie as if she had massacred his family and broken his heart.

“Boss, you’re so heartless. You forgot about me, your most trusted underling just after summer vacation?”


Evie was speechless. She wanted to laugh at how funny the guy looked. He was totally a drama queen, but the fact that she had no memory of the boy made her feel anxious. Yes, another part of her missing memories, it seemed.