0062 Third Best Lackey

A dagger?

Evie stiffened.

“A dagger hung on top of his head?” she asked, and James’ head bobbed up and down.

“Yes. It was really strange. It appeared out of nowhere and it was just there on top of his head ready to fall anytime.”

Evie’s heart constricted. Based on the description, there was no mistaking that it was a type of Sword of Damocles. But she had to know more to be sure, although she already believed her guess by eighty percent.

“What’s stranger was that when he tried to return to the cabin, he could not step out of the area. When he tried to run back to his group, he always bounced back as if hitting an invisible wall. But his friends could move freely.”

By now, Evie was a hundred percent sure that it was a Sword of Damocles. There must have been a mature demon gate somewhere in the area, and the master of the gate chose that boy as a sacrifice.

“The rescue team also came, but they could not take him back.”