Episode 1

Episode 1

Jones Brandon POV:


4 years ago

"I'm not lying, Jones. When I say I'm going to do something, I mean it." She said happily. I smiled as I watched her gallop around me, trying to tease me.

"Urm...Katie, I wouldn't want you to do that again" I said. She stopped right in front of me.

"It's unfair, right? But he deserved it" She said, turning and walking into the woods.

I sighed. She always think I'm so dumb and insecure. Katie Alison was the first girl I chose as my lover, though she was older than me. She has got into lot of fights because of me. I seem cool and so religion, and weird to be violated. So she was more of the brave one in our relationship...or so she thought.

I watched her enter the woods, absent-mindedly. I bit my lips, trying to feel the evening cold breeze. The sky looking unfamiliar, as though it will rain soonest.

"Arrrrrhhhhh.....Jone..Jones...." Katie screamed out from the woods. My eyes widened.

"Katie!..." I ran into the woods. Everywhere got silent.

I paused to hear a noise.

"Katie...Where are you?"

I went deeper, doubting she went that far. I called her name again.

For the first time in my life, I never got scared of the woods, despite the weather condition. It was getting dark.

Getting tired, I turned back to see Donald, the rogue that Katie dealt with few hours ago. He had a knife which was blood stained, as well as his hands and clothes.

"What did you do....you freak" I said charging to him. He held his knife firmly and positioned for my incoming attack.

I took a handful of sand filled with dry leaves and little sticks. I felt like exploding with anger when I saw him ready for fight. I threw the sand at him, and just when he tried to wipe his eye to see, I pounced on him. He still got his knife, as I threw numerously punches at him. He was older and more mascular than me, so my punches didn't really matter.

When he was sure he could see a little, he stabbed my left lap, making me shriek in pain. Then he pushed me away, making me strike my head on a tree.

My vision was a little bit blurry and I was bleeding already. I saw his shadow coming to me, I'm sure, to kill me. As weak as I was, I laid still and searched with my hands, for a weapon.

He was now above me.

"I'm not leaving you this time, so I'm taking you to God. Tell him I'm sorry..." with that he bent to stab me.

I dug a long stick deep, into his left eye, just when he least expected it. He aborted his mission, and yelled in pains, bleeding. That did it. Still on a blurry vision, I got up. His shadow staggered left and right. It was drizzling already. I picked up a log of wood and went to him. He was now kneeling as I came behind him. Then with all my strength, I stroked it on his head. Just then, the thunder rumbled, as though it didn't agree with my action. It was raining heavily already.

"I will find you...ahh, and...and...I'm gonna kill..you" he manage to say amidst pain. I went for his knife lying feet's away. Taking it, my anger arose. I felt it running in my vain, taking control of every part of my body. I smiled, I was gonna have my first kill in a wet night. The feeling was getting me proud. I came over to him and kneeled

"Clearly, you ain't gonna live till then, because the strong are shit holes and the weak are considered great. THIS IS FOR KATIE AND FOR THE NEW JONES, DON'T FORGET THOSE NAMES" I spatted with vengeance.

I stabbed him once, twice, thrice and till, I don't know how many times though. Leaving the knife on his body, I laid down beside him as the raindrops washed off the blood stains from my face.

My name is Jones Brandon, and there's one thing I surely know.

I have a lot to explain to the cops.

"What a Night" I whispered smiling and I was off, sleeping maybe.

Present Day

I woke up at noon. I lazily yawned as I was in a mess since yesterday and couldn't sleep properly at night.

The previous years was nice after the death case of my girlfriend, and the Judges declaring me free due to my self-defense from Donald. After the incidents, I went to stay with Anne, my elder sister. And I have been with her with no regrets.

I tried sleeping again. After a while, I gave up as I wasn't able to go back to sleep and got ready for absolutely nothing.

I went to the kitchen to see Anne eating breakfast. She looked at me and smiled.

"Morning" I faked a smile, trying to cheer up the gloomy atmosphere.

"Morning, J" She replied.

"So, Anne, you going to work today?" I said making a cereal for myself and taking an apple from the fruit basket on the table. I started munching my breakfast.

"Not really, there's something I want to tell you" She said.

I frowned.

What's that? Will she make me go help the old granny next door? Or was it something positive?

"What's up" I said, sitting down besides her as I realized that this is going to be something serious...

"About your schooling, J" She said.

I looked down like I couldn't meet her eye. My smile went upside down.

We always argued on this since I turned 17.

" But, I told you I can't. I want to settle down, and don't want to hurt anyone again."

"Jones, Look at me" She said, coming closer to me.

"You are 19, you are a young, handsome intellectual. You have what it takes to be there. What happened four years ago wasn't you. Believe in yourself, because I believe in you already, Please"

I swallowed. I hated her begging me. She knew I'd always listen to her if she use that charm on me.

I simply nodded. Then she hugged me.

"That's my baby boy" She whispered.

"Meanwhile, you got a letter from the school, Congratulations J. I'm proud of you, bro" She said rubbing my already scattered hair.

"I will be going now" She said filled with smiles.

I sighed, and stared at the letter as soon as she went off.

Thus written:

"Congratulations Jones Brandon. You are admitted into Elliot's College, A Prestigious College for the Intelligent."

"You got everything?" Anne asked for the 5th time. I would have complained about her worrying but how could I when I'm already worried myself. What if my sister's decision is putting me into trouble? What if something bad happens?

Just....what if?

We were at the Gas station, and Anne's finance, Fredrick, had to refill his tanks.

Few minutes later, we hit the road again.

I sat still, wondering how life will be for me in school. This was my first time after 4 years staying away from family. But that was the least of my worries. My room was now empty, no wallpapers of Dracula, no stickers of Annabel, and El cherre, my skull. I wouldn't help keeping them, because Anne hates when I crave for them.

She sometimes think I'm a psychopath and kinda creepy, but she wouldn't reveal it to me, for the fear that it might hurt me.

"...J, are you alright" Fredrick asked, still on wheels and looking at me from the rear mirror. They must have been discussing me for a while but I got lost.

"I am....fine" I replied with smirk.

Anna stared at me intently. She must have noticed the gloominess on my face.

" J, I know its a big time. But look at it as a big to-do list.

Number 1, Do contact me after settling down

Number 2, make friends with a useful roommate

Number 3, don't be rude to anyone, no matter what.

Number 4, fit into the school very well, and promise me you will keep doing great in performance

Then number 5...." Anna got interrupted.

".....get your grade up and you can leave the rest to me.

Okay?" Fredrick chipped in. Anna gave him a playful punch on the arm, smiling slightly

I smiled. It was hard trying to keep a straight face when this was the best head up my sister could give me.

But it did help.

A to-do list.

Yeah, I'll do it.

But that wasn't the thing I was worried about.

"Anna, forget at me. When you are gonna wed? I looked at her concerned. She looked at Fredrick then to a far distance for a while and smiled.

"We will tell you when the time is due" Fredrick assured.

" But don't worry about that, just don't pressure yourself. Have a bit of fun at times, also don't get engage with sharp objects" Anna concluded.

I nodded with affirmation.

In less than 30 minutes, we were in school.

The school seem big, and grandeur. High fences and long gate and an unfamiliar statue of an old man, I'd guess the owner of the school.

This is it.

Fredrick went to bring out my luggages. Giving them to me, Anna and I walked into the school.

"You'll do great, baby boy. Just remember to be nice to everyone. You may be a bit angry, but not too much that you will scare them off"Anna said half joking and half serious.

I sighed.

"Don't forget to lock my door and make sure you don't let your friends in my room" I said.

I had to say something.

Rules are meant to be stated from my side too.

"I maybe gone for a while but I'll be back" I added. She laughed and then a tear fell from her cheek.

Is she crying? I can't believe it.

So many first in one day. She hugged me tight.

"Urm hello, sorry to interrupt.." a guy said in front of us. Seems he has been waiting for minutes.

"I'm Rodrigues, and I'm an older student. Would you mind me helping you with your luggages" he offered smiling.

"Sure..." Anna replied before I could say a word.

"That's a goodbye then" I said to her. She smiled, wiping her eyes.

"Yea, bye J. Be careful" She said and that was it. We separated and after a few steps ahead, I turned to see her in the distance waving at me.

I waved back, smiling.

Who would ever know? I miss Anna already.


"Do you mind me helping you with that?" Rodrigues asked for the 100th time.

Man! When someone says no, it's a no.

I was trying to put my heavy suitcase, on my cupboard. It was hard but I finally did i. I gave him a fake smile and sat on my bed.

I grinned when I noticed him giving me weird looks and leaving my room without a word. What do you expect when you annoy someone like me?

I guess they only asked when they find out you are good-looking and kinda mild. They make me laugh. I stare around my room. and the walls, imagining how my wallpaper will suit in. What an installation!

Initially, I didn't want a roommate but if I must, he must stay away from my privacy. I glance at the windows, I could hear different noises, and chattering.

Then I went into work...

To organize my room, of course...


Waking up, it was past 3. My stomach rumbled. Damn, I must have missed lunch. I locked my door, and went to the cafeteria Lunch was long as I stared at the students. Everyone seemed to be familiar with themselves.

Just when I was done, I took an exit. i wanted to stroll around when I saw a field. There was fresh new grass surrounding the place with benches to relax.

I sighed.

Here I am.

In Elliot. School of dream.

I sat on one of the benches and got my mobile out. This should be a good time to call Anna.

"Hello J" A tiny voice said.

"Hi Anna"I replied.

"How are you doing, sweetheart" She asked sounding happy. Well, I guess she wasn't worried.

"I'm doing fine. Just hanging around in Elliot College" I said making the last sentence a little loud. She giggled.

"So how's Fredrick? How you doing?" I asked

"Nothing much. I got my nails done and I'm out with Fredrick right now" She said normally. I heard a rumbling sound from the other side of the line, then I heard Fredrick's voice.

"Sorry, I will talk to you later, call me okay? My friends are here. Take care. Bye" She said before hanging up.

"Hey!!" I looked up to see Rodrigues with some other boys. They were in Rising Bulls Cardigan, and they look great.

I gave a big smile.

"Urm, sorry for what happened earli..."

"It's nothing, dude. I came to your room, I guess you left it open"

"Open!!" My eyes widening.

I raced off, towards my room.


I walked hastily to my door. I froze when I saw it slightly open.

Like how the heck, did the intruder get in?

I slightly opened the door and peeped in to see a Japanese looking guy, sleeping ON MY BED!!. I looked around to check if he had tempered with my wallpapers, everywhere was cool though. And he got his luggages neatly arranged at a corner.

But I'd love to know this stranger. I don't mind him being upset.


"Hey sleepyhead.." I tapped him. I sat down trying to feel comfortable om my own bed. Just one reason why i won't want a roommate. He turned around with a heavy eye and nearly yell out of fear.

"I'm...I'm Shukashima" He said trying to catch his breath.

"I'm Jones, but how the heck did you get in" I asked, trying to be polite.

"I was given a spare key, I'm your new roommate" He explained.

"Urm...Shu-ka-shi-ma huh, like that anime haikyu" I asked trying to make sure we had something in common. I wasn't a big fan of anime.

"Yea, kinda" he said looking at the horrific wallpaper at his left.

I realized he was bold and less scared, unlike my sister. He has this Japanese accent, and I enjoyed him speaking English.

I suddenly remembered the flyers pasted on the walls, concerning the freshman party night tonight.

- George-Clinton