Episode 2

Episode 2

Shukashima POV


I woke up from my bed... feeling a little bit weak, looked out the window and saw my neighbor Mr Lee beating his daughter as usual...I picked up my phone and checked what time it was...it was 7:17...meaning mum will soon be leaving for work.

Mum called me downstairs telling me a mail just came in for me...

I went downstairs to get the mail,my mum was already leaving for work ..."make sure you clean the house before you go" she said as she handed me the mail and left.

My mum is a nurse at St Morison's hospital.ever since my dad died from a lung disease things have been difficult especially for my mum,sometimes she had to work both day and night shifts to cover our needs, and I had to find a job as well to support her.

I turned the back of the mail to know the sender and was surprised to see it was from Elliot college,I remembered writing an exam for admission into the school about six months ago...guess I completely forgot about it.

I became nervous as I opened the mail,the thought of my request being rejected came into my mind...I took a deep breath and brought out the letter in the mail,I slowly unfolded the letter and began to read it's content...

"Oh my goodness..I got accepted...I got accepted!"I shouted as tears came down my eyes.

I couldn't believe I got accepted,well I wasn't too surprised,i was already a smart kid...but getting into Elliot college you will need some kind of special connection...which kind of made it a bit suspicious but I was just too happy to think about that.

I quickly did my chores and went upstairs to get ready for work.

I work at a coffee shop just down the street which made it easy for me.

I got to work and went to tell my boss the good news.

My boss miss Lee is a nice lady,she has also been helping my mum and I since my dad passed away.

"Morning miss Lee"I greeted her with a smile...

"Morning Shukashima...you look real happy today" she replied with a smile as well...I told her the good news...she suddenly looked gloomy but faked a smile and congratulated me...I wanted to ask her why the sudden change of mood but felt it would be better if I just ignored it.

I went to my post and started my day at the shop,it was surprisingly busy today,well I should expect it since it was a Monday.

It finally got to the lunch break...I quickly went back home to eat the peach pie I made for lunch...

My lunch break was over so I headed back to work,when I got to work I saw a news about a group of high school kids who got mysteriously missing in a field trip...

"That's the second one this week"I said as I wondered how mysterious it was....my thoughts were quickly interrupted by a cute girl...

She had long dark hair,sparkly blue eyes and a dark skin...

"How can I help you today"I said with a very nervous smile...

"I'll just have one cup of latte with a ginger bread"she said with a voice So soft and pleasant I

almost forgot to ask her to pay...

"Thanks...you look cute when you smile"she said as she hands me her cash and takes her food to go...I couldn't help myself but smile all through the day,the thought of getting accepted into Elliot's college and a cute girl saying she loves my smile...I felt like my head was gonna explode.

Finally my shift was over for the day...so i headed on home to tell my mum the good news.

I got home but mum wasn't back yet,so I decided to make dinner.i made chicken soup considering how cold it was,plus dat was what we had available.

I turned on the TV and as I waited for my mum to come home...I got a call from my friend kitashi,

he was telling me how he was going for a birthday party tomorrow and would like me to excort him...I wasn't interested so I just turned him down and continued watching my TV.

Moments later mum was home...she looked awfully tired as always...she went upstairs to freshen up as I started dishing out her food.

My mum was done freshening up and came downstairs to eat...I asked her how her day was and she told about the funny and crazy things that happened at work...i went upstairs to get the letter from this morning and showed it to her ...my mum couldn't believe it...she was so happy for me and hugged me, I told her the letter said someone will come to take me to school next week so I would be leaving this Saturday...my mum agreed,smiled at me and said "your dad would have been So proud of you"tears began to roll down my eyes as I took the letter,thanked my mum and went upstairs to my room...

The next day my mum and I went to get the stuffs I'll need for school...since I'll be staying in campus...

We came back later that evening...I took all the stuffs we bought upstairs to my room...my mum was busy calling my aunt and uncle telling them the news...

The next week a black car parked in front of our house...a man came out and knocked on the door...my mum answered the door and the man said he was from Elliot college..."am here to pick up a Mr Shukashima jusai "he said as he showed my mum a letter saying he will be my guide to the school.

I got ready and my mum helped me take my stuffs downstairs...I hug my mum goodbye and went into the car...

We got to the school later at noon...the driver helped me take my stuffs into the school...he took me to my room and gave me his number Incase I needed anything...I was told my roommate wasn't around at the moment but with all the posters of skulls and scary clowns around the wall I instantly knew my roommate was kind of a psycho...

I began settling into the room...when I was done I went out of the hostel to see how the campus was..I walked around the school for a while... being a science student I was mainly looking for the school lab...as I walked by I saw other classes going on..I was given a list of classes I would attend tomorrow so I decided to know where each class was for easy locating tomorrow.

I got to the chemistry class first...the class was a bit small in size...I was heading to the geometry class when I bumped into a guy and accidentally spilled his smoothie on his jacket...with his well built body and with the school's rugby team logo on his jacket I could tell he was a member on the rugby team...I quickly apologized but it didn't look like the apology meant anything...

"Sorry ain't gonna get this strawberry smoothie off my jacket"he said with a angry look on his face...I apologized once more so as not to make a scene but he was still too angry to let it slide...i wasn't scared of him...im actually a good fighter but I don't want to get in trouble on my first day...he grabbed my shirt and was about to hit me when a feminine voice yelled out a name and insisted he stop at once..."Troy stop that at once..."the female voice said...he immediately let go of my shirt and walked away...I realized that the lady who just told to stop must be a lecturar or someone of ranking to make him let me go that easily...

"Thank you ma'am"I said as I arranged my shirt properly..."not a problem... please call me miss Natasha"she said as she tapped gently on my shoulder and went away...to make sure I don't bump into troy again I quickly went back to the hostel...my roommate wasn't back so I just took out my phone and called my mum...she didn't pick up so I took it that she was busy...I fell asleep after a while but was woken up later that evening by Jones my roommate..."hey sleepy head"he said as he sat on his bed..."hi am Shukashima"I said..."Jones Brandon"he replied.

I couldn't help but wonder how he looked So cool but was addicted to creepy stuffs...I mean every corner of our room was covered in scary posters.

"Shukashima huh...like that anime haikyu"Jones said..."yea kinda"I replied.

"Nice...so hey are you going to the freshers night out party"Jones asked me...I didn't know about any party so I replied with a no...shockingly Jones turned out to be a very persistent guy and insisted we both go to the party...I had no choice but agree to go to the party...."dude let's go grab a drink"Jones said and we headed to the food table.

We got to the food table, took a can of soda and watched at how lame the party was going... suddenly I heard Troy's voice from behind me" hey short stack"he said with a disgusting grin on his face.

"I didn't introduce myself last time...am troy Mitchel.. quarter back of Elliot college rugby team and I think you owe a few punches"he said as he took my soda and poured it on the floor...

"Look Troy I said am sorry"I replied as Jones took my arm and wanted us to leave the place... Troy then punched Jones and told him to stay out of this...I got mad and side kicked troy to the face..he fell to the ground finally cowering away he left us saying he will get us back for what we have done. We both laughed and sat by the campfire in the outside freshman's party.

Discussing with my fellow freshman, we all came from different backgrounds but we all understood each other kinda. I observed the place carefully, the noise, the games.... exactly the games! ...how could the ask us to find a certain treasure at this time of the night... chasing us into the woods.


"Yes bro.." he said his voice sounding so carefree.

"I think we are lost"

Devy N.