Episode 22
Göttlich writers.
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One love
Jones Brandon pov:
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My eyes opened widely...my heart still beating faster.
Knock knock
I gasped and turned to the window.
"No, that's crazy" I said with a shaking voice.
I realized I was running out of time when I heard a whizzing sound outside. The drones has activated the little machine guns and the rapid bullets was about to rain on my door into my room.
Just at the last second, I jumped out from my window. Just then, I landed in the arms of the vamp sniper, I felt a rushing wind and he looked as though he was in a God-mode.
How magnificent!
He dropped me and we both stared up at my window.
I looked around and saw the iMen, surrounded with ammunition waiting at the entrance of the facilities.
"Who are those people?" I asked turning but I didn't see him again.
"Jones!" Lili called out, from a bulletproof vehicle. Just when I'd wanted to join her, General Jack appeared at my front and gave me an armor and a pistol.
"You won't run away forever, will you?" he asked, staring into my eye.
'Now dress and fight your way'
I looked at Lili at the now-shut car, the horror in her eye.
I swallowed, having a feeling of bravery. I positioned after having the armor on.
"Scared?" a huge man asked beside me.
"No...Just nervous" I said, not looking at him at all.
"Nervous huh? Where y'all get that feeling from...I never think I had one" he blunted.
What a psycho
Or maybe he sold his brain too...
Just then, he dropped dead beside me.
"What the...!"
A headshot
My body was littered with blood. Some soldiers started shooting from the direction the shot came from, while some soldiers looked less considerate as they focused more on the locked gate.
I suddenly realized how vulnerable I was.
The thought of me running back to the vehicle where Lili was flashed into my mind. I looked around to see my crib's window exploding, throwing the vamp guy from the window. He landed with a thud, groaning. I ran to him, to help him up.
Just when I didn't expect it, he pointed his pistol at me. I froze, but he fired a shot, bringing down a drone behind me. He got up, and zapped away.
"Leisure complex, launcher about to fired, target on a lone indestructible vehicle" said a comm behind me.
"Can we fire, sir?" asked the female voice over the line.
I stared at the device with horror, then at the vehicle Lili was in.
I picked the comm, and when I was about to speak, the huge gate flew up with the force of a grenade into the facility. I flew and hit hard at a caged door, The impact making me weak.
I couldn't find the device anymore. I picked up my gun and walked weakly to the dusty car. I knocked at the closed glass, and the anxious Lili opened the door. Entering, I went to start the car.
"What are you doing?" she asked scared.
"Taking you away from danger" I said, not looking at her.
"But I'm safe, maybe you trying to save yourself" she said.
"Don't you understand, you were just about to get killed" I yelled out of fustration.
Starting the vehicle, I drove in the very dusty atmosphere, hitting and climbing on corpses. The car was struck with lots of bullets but it seemed too strong for the forces.
I drove into the tracked desert-like road, speeding 180 to 120 speedometer, to Lili's excitement. We had some drones after us and after a long run, they retreated. Few minutes later, we were inside the city, we drove pass staring fellows, gangsters and clubs. We got to Apollo, an abandoned 5 star hotel and came out from the vehicle.
Standing outside the vehicle, we stared at the tall building in front of us. It really looked deserted and scary. We ignored the fact however and matched straight in, crossing the checkpoints and counters. Then into an elevator.
"What we gonna do now" Lili asked when the door closed and I bent to press the buttons.
"We look for Kira..."I said, trying not to look at her. She swallowed. Maybe to her, it was satifactory. We got to the top floor and the door opened. The power was on but no one's here, just a messy place and open large rooms. We entered a room and settled down.
"Dad will always find us, I know he will" Lili said sitting on the large bed.
"What made u think so"
"I can feel his heartbeat, I know what his next moves are, and I know he will find us" She said calmly.
"Do you have powers?" I asked closing the curtains and turning to her.
She was silent.
"Lilian, anything?" I asked coming to sit beside her.
"Everyone has powers, it depends on how powerful we all are" She said, looking downward.
"So you...you are a mindreader or something"
"No, I don't read minds, I'm Phoetic. I predict when good things gonna happen" She explained.
Then I realized the extreme silence in the hotel.
"Do you think we gonna save Kira?"
"Kira will be saved, but the question is "who is gonna save her"
I sighed, lying back on the bed.
I knew she had me in mind to do that. She believed her dad was so reluctant to do it
Just then, I remembered the vamp guy. His comm. The orders.
I got up immediately.
"Do you know much about that vamp sniper"
"You mean, Lincoln....yes, he's dad favourite and most trusted friend" she said calmly.
"Trusted..." I whispered.
"What.." She asked turning to me.
"I think he's the black blood here" I said, standing.
"How do you mean"
"I know you might think I'm sounding crazy but he tried to kill you, like every thing that happened there was him" I said.
"What the heck are you talking about?" She asked, pissed.
"I heard his comm. Someone was making orders from there and that's why I brought you here" I said.
"You freak!!, I thought you brought me here to save my sister. You made me follow your insaning idea, just because of what you think or heard?" she asked enraged, with tears.
"No, I'm just trying to..."
"Hold it right there and don't talk to me" she cried out, throwing a pillow at me.
I was puzzled. She angrily took the duvet from the bed and went out from the room, to another room.
"What am I going to tell dad?" I heard her admist sobbing from the far end of the passageway. I sat down back on the bed, with a bowed head.
Then a compliment from One made me feel selfish....
"Congratulations, you just passed the second task. You are saved"
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