The unending fight

Episode 24


Göttlich writers.

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One love

Shukashima Jusai pov

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We ran uphill...we could hear the snarls of the x-victims getting closer.

"We need to hurry and find a place to stay"Daniel said..."there is a small town,we can stay there"Veronica said and urged us to move faster.

We got to a field just up ahead,we saw alot of corpses both humans and x-victims...

"Stay close everyone and keep a sharp eye for any movement"Daniel said...I held firmly on my blade getting ready for any x-victims to attack.

"You sure you're ok back there short stuff"Daniel said trying to tease me..."yeah am good...just haven't seen soo much dead bodies before"I replied.

"Look kid I'm sorry for lashing out at you earlier,seeing Bridget in that state really got me pissed...I mean I just saw my best friend get eaten by those x-victims I wasn't ready to loose Bridget to"Daniel said apologizing for what he did.

I really didn't hold anything against him and had already forgotten about it..."sure I understand,I mean I would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes"I replied and gave him a smile.

Veronica looked at us and laughed..."I thought you boys were suppose to be tough"she said and gave Daniel a light punch on his arm.

Bridget on the other hand was just too weak to move,the virus must already be in her blood stream it will take a while day for her to fully transform.

To be honest I knew in my mind that we couldn't save her,we haven't found a place to stay talk less of going to look for the doctor...even if we do find him how sure are we he will know how to help her..."but I still have to try"I said to myself and Veronica and Daniel looked at me in confusion...

"You ok Shukashima"Veronica asked...I told I was fine and was just thinking of something.

Moments later we got to the town uphill...

"finally,quickly let's get in and find a place to stay for the mean time"Daniel said.

I looked back and noticed the sound of the x-victims were gone but still I wasn't at ease..."let's move"I insisted and quickly pushed us all into the town.

It was awfully quiet,I felt a chill down my spine.

We walked down a little and didn't see any sign of x-victims or vehicles around.

"Damn this place is creeping me out"I said as I kept turning my head side to side to keep a eye for any x-victim.

We suddenly heard a dog bark from a building we passed.

I stopped and felt kind of happy that atleast something nice was around here.

I faced the building and called out to the dog..."here boy...c'mon we won't bite"I said trying to calm the dog down and make it head towards us.

Suddenly we heard a snarl coming from the building...I thought it was a x-victim and held firmly on my blade ready to strike...then the dog stepped out...I fell to the ground at the sight of the dog,it was definitely a dog infected from the x-virus.

It gave out a loud bark and suddenly more dogs came out of other buildings...

"Oh sh*!"I shouted and got up and took to my heels.

Veronica took care of the dogs coming Infront of us while I handled the ones coming from behind.

"Wow these things are even more disgusting than the infected people"I said and sliced off the heads of two dogs. But they were too strong.

Daniel having Bridget on his back could only dodge the dogs and run.

We need to find a place quick"Veronica said...

Shockingly the electricity of the town was still in good condition unlike the other part of velos city.

We ran down the street and we're chased by the dogs.

Suddenly some x-victims came out of some buildings around us..."oh c'mon..not now"Daniel said as we paused our movement to fend off some of the x-victims attacking.

"Hey Shukashima...let's see who kills more"Veronica said and smiled at me..."sure"I replied as Daniel told us that it wasn't a good time for a competition,we ignored his words and began to cut the heads of the x-victims.

I wasn't good with a blade but since decapitating them was the way to kill them it was quite easy,"1 2 3 4...that's 4 dead from me" I said and looked at Veronica who just took out 6 x-victims and a dog..."you might wanna step up your game"Veronica said and continued her attacks..."you don't have to show off Veronica"Daniel said smiling.

I got back to decapitating the x-victims..."13 14 15 16...hey Veronica am catching up to you"I said to Veronica,she then speeds up and lashes out on the x-victims.

Daniel just stood and watched us behave like kids.

Then a x-victim crept up on Daniel from beside... luckily I was just close enough to react,I kicked the x-victim away from Daniel and charged at it...I swung my blade at it but it dodged my attack."what the is that possible"I said and leaped back..."Shukashima be careful that is a hybrid x-victim,they still have a little bit of there reasoning so they can dodge attacks and move a bit faster than the normal ones"Daniel said to me..."why didn't you tell me back at the garage"I said to him and charged back at the hybrid..."I forgot about that sorry"he replied.

Daniel was definitely right about the hybrids,it had nice reflexes and unlike the other x-victims attacked with punches of its own.

"Veronica hurry up with those ones and come help me with this thing"I said to Veronica..."no problem,I'm almost done with this ones over here"she replied.

The hybrid threw a punch at me and I used my blade to block it. The punch had alot of force and pushed me backwards a bit.

"That really stings...well this should be a challenge"I said and attacked again.

I picked up a couple of stones went at the hybrid attempting a fluke attack...I threw the stones to confuse the hybrid and ran behind it to attack from behind,the hybrid quickly turned around and used it's arm to shield it's neck and block my blade got stuck in the arm of the hybrid..."well that's just terrific"I said...the hybrid threw a punched at me,I dodged it and backflipped away from it.

Veronica then taps my shoulder holding the head of a x-victim..."now let's handle this piece of thrash"she said and we both took a stance at the hybrid.