Axel Augustine

Episode 25

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Göttlich writers.

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One love

Axel's POV)

Vision overly distorted, mind blurry, body feeling limp, to sum it all up the entirety of me felt really numb.

"Where am I?"

That's the first thing I could force my brain to think of after managing to open my eyes and seeing little glimmers of light from what seemed like the Earth's sun, but it was nothing like it.

I opened my eyes wider when I noticed that the colour of the sun, unlike the normal golden colour I've been exposed to my whole life, was red. At this point I got overwhelmed by fear, amusement and a choking feeling of apprehension. I tried moving my legs when I discovered that my right foot had been impaled by the branch of a tree. I opened my eyes totally and fully regained consciousness when I saw a human figure approach me. But the word "human" was probably not the best term to use as a description as the being was green in colour. It was all so surreal.

The "creature" approached me and when it reached where I was it stopped. Then opening it's mouth, it asked me with a very guttural, outworldly voice, "You're not from here. You'd better start explaining yourself before I make things really ugly for you. Who are you and where do you come from?"

At this point I didn't even know what to think. I was full-on afraid now, I was confused, I was in pains, to totalize myself right now, I was a mess. I started wondering, "What am I doing here?", "Where am I?", "What is this thing talking to me?", "Am I dead?"....I was still lost in my thoughts when it pulled out a gun that looked like one of those Evo guns I used to annihilate the opposition in Free fire and was about to open fire on me. At this point it dawned on me that I was in grave danger and all I could do was try to plead...."Please, please, do not shoot, I am as confused as you are, I do not know how I got here, please....."

It's obvious my pleas fell on deaf ears because I hadn't even finished setting up my pity party when he pulled the trigger...........


My name's Axel Augustine and I'm a 19 year old teenager from London. Now everyone probably thinks London is an epitome of heaven cause of it's innumerable monuments, rich historical background, world-class cuisine standards and whatever else you might have heard about the place. Now, in actuality, the majority of London is as beautiful as it's presented to be. But the case is overwhelmingly different in the really small cities in it.

Now, I was born in St Davids. You probably never heard of it and that's because it's your quintessential uneventful city with nothing fun ever happening in it. It's a part of London but it would seem as if after the builders finished crafting the most important parts of the city, they just set up a few things in the infinitesimal spaces left so as to make it inhabitable to whoever wanted to live in them. And with a very meagre population of 1,600 people, I am pretty sure I do not need to further explain anything. It is more or less like we do not exist on the world's radar.

My dad left us after I was born because things were really hard and everything pertaining to my upbringing was rested upon my mom. It was really hard to watch her struggle so much to bring me, her only child, up. I swore that I would do anything possible to make her proud of me. But growing up in such conditions made me stronger. Now, everyone can easily attest to the fact that I'm a very loveable and easygoing person, cause these are my salient characteristics. I, however, can't stand for injustice and I hate being disrespected. I'm your average responsible, simple and quiet guy. There was nothing, however, that I loved more than video games. It was like my only connection to the outside world.

I competed in a lot of gaming competitions as a growing child and I won some cash a couple of times. My mom was happy I had found my thing but you know how parents get. Always looking at the bigger picture. She'd say all the time, "You need to focus on your studies", "Axel, you control the controller, don't let it control you", "Games won't pay the bills or provide you with a good life in future". I knew she was only speaking out of fear because she didn't want history to repeat itself in my life.

I had my life set out...graduate high school, game, game, game, make millions from it, make my momma proud. That was literally it. You thinking it sounds pretty funny aren't you? Well, you're not the only one who thought that. You probably thought it'd be something complex like a lot of people make setting out a future seem. Well, not this guy. Simple, remember?

My mom had told me once or twice about the day she had finished her shift and on her way back home she helped a man find his way to a particular place he was headed after he had gotten lost. She also told me that he was from the major cities and that after she offered him her assistance in locating his destination, they got on talking and he gave her his business card after telling her he was a high ranking official in the prestigious Elliott University. She told me that the man, Mr Josh, had assured her that if she had any children who wished to go to the school, he'd be very elated to help her. Sounds really huge a reward birthing from a small good deed as helping a person find his way, right? I never understood how she got so lucky with people she came across but her beauty, charismatic attitude and overall good behaviors didn't make me stay wondering for too long.

I graduated high school with a really high GPA and my mom made me apply to Elliott. It was done with utter reluctance but I told her I'd do it anyway in order to make her happy. I did that and just took my mind off it because I knew there was no way we could even afford the college even if I got in. But I had forgotten she had a "friend in a high place".

She must've contacted him behind my back because a few weeks after I submitted my application I got a mail from the school.

The acceptance letter read,

"Hello applicant Axel Augustine. We at the Elliott University are pleased to tell you that after carefully considering all your credentials, you have been accepted into the institution. Proceed to the university portal to complete your acceptance process and we shall see you soon".

I did not know how to feel at this moment. Anger, confusion, nervousness, in fact I was completely dumbfounded. How? After some moments of thought, I just shut off my computer and lay on my bed. I eventually slept off.

*********Later in the evening**

"Axel! Axel! Where are you?"

Her voice echoing all over the house, I knew she was back

"Showtime", I thought to myself.

"Hello Mom, welcome back. How did your day at work go?" I had to welcome her first, right?

"It was pretty stressful. We had more deliveries than usual to make today and some really impatient customers just really made my day hectic. How did your day go?"

"Well, you know. Just the usual. Would you like to have dinner now?"

"No, I had some pasta before coming home and I'm not really hungry. Thank you my beautiful boy."

I was originally fuming at first within me. I mean, how could she plan this kind of thing behind my back and not let me know?! But seeing how stressed she looked, coupled with the title she just called me, made me melt. So I decided to talk to her like a matured man....

"Mom, did you by any chance talk to Mr 'what's his name' about my admission process?" I said this with evident bitterness portrayed in my voice.

"Mr Josh you mean. Say his name with respect!", She snapped. She then took a deep breath, and, with a calm voice, resumed speaking, "I did not mean to snap at you. Yes, I did speak to him concerning you. And he told me that he'd try his best to get you in. He actually called me today at work to tell me that admissions had been given to deserving students and to tell you to check your mail. I'm sorry I did not let you in, but me and Josh have gotten really close since that day."

I was dumbfounded, because my mom told me she'd never get involved with another man after my deadbeat dad departed from us. But here she is catching feelings for some...human. I do not jump into conclusions, but I don't think I like where this is headed.

"Congratulations on getting in my son. Now, I know we never see eye to eye concerning your future, but just keep in mind that I'm doing what's best for you. She got up and pulled me into a tight embrace and placed a kiss on my forehead. She then resumed talking," You know I love you very much. You're all that I have in this world and I can't afford to quarrel with you. But that doesn't mean I won't do what I have to, even if it goes against your wants for yourself. I've got your best interests at heart and I want to see you prosper. So you'll go to that school, stand out among your peers, contribute immensely to the development of the institution and make me proud. Can you do that for me, baby boy?"

I hate when she calls me that. It always makes my anger vanish in a puff of smoke. Women are such cheaters with their words.

"Yes Mom. You know I'd do anything to make you proud. So even if it means canceling my already perfectly set-up life and doing what I do not want to do, I will do it for you." We laughed off my response and she playfully hit my arm, while dabbing some tears from her eyes. "I love you very much, Axel."

"You know you can't love me as much as I love you, mom."

We then embraced each other and parted ways, calling it a night.

*******Present day, 9:00AM*******

The day had finally come for me to go to college. Yay! You'd see the glaring sarcasm on my face right now if you could see me. I was just trying to keep up appearances for my mom's sake. Though I honestly thought and hoped to myself, that college wouldn't be as bad as I had always thought it would. Hope I'm not gonna hate it as much as I think I will.

My mom was all smiles as she drove me to the school campus. It was a really long journey and I was quiet for most of it. After what seemed like forever, we finally got to the school's entrance and I gotta say, if this were SpongeBob, my eyes would most likely pop out my head. Whatttt!!! The school grounds were massive enough to have two cities built in it. I looked around and I saw people of diverse looks walking around. I was really optimistic about this whole new experience, which was surprising. Not just cause of my mom, but inside of me I was actually eager to experience college after seeing all these people. Weird right? But you try being caged in a very small world for most your life and you probably wouldn't judge me. "I'm totally contradicting myself now", I thought to myself. Lol.

*****Fast forward*****

After my mom had finished with the clearance and I had gotten to my room and got on with arranging my stuff, we both sat on my bed. She was about to get teary when I said, "Please do not get teary on me now, I honestly do not want people to think I've never left home before."

She laughed amidst held back tears and I laughed with her too. She pulled me to herself and said "Ohh the house is going to be sooo boring without you around. I am going to miss you very much my boy. Take good care of yourself and make sure you call me every single day, okay?"

At this point I had some loose tears fall and I said "You know I can't call you everyday, I'm not a wimp." We laughed heartily and I said "Nothing will make me forget you mom. I'll make you very proud, and always remember, I love you mom. Always and forever."

I was fully settled in and my mom was about to start leaving already. I accompanied her to her car and after one last, veryy tight hug, I told her right before she got in her car, "Mom, give dating a chance, okay? Not every man in this world is like dad. There are still good men and you never know just who might change your mindset on men. Please, for me. Okay?" She smiled wryly and then told me, "I will think about it, baby boy. I'll see you at Thanksgiving. I love you very much." She got in the car and I watched her zoom off into the distance and I stood there until her car was out of sight.

Later that evening, I took a stroll around the school premises and I saw some freshmen having some sort of induction ceremony. I sat around the fire with them and I heard one guy, Jones, really making the moment interesting. I wasn't really paying attention to what was being discussed even though they tried to get me involved and I just gave one word replies to whatever question was thrown at me. After a while we scampered into the forest for a treasure hunt. I didn't pair up with any other person but hey, what could go wrong?

I wandered into the forest and I could still hear their lively chatter at another part of the forest. I tried calling my mom but there was no cell reception. I put my phone away and I tried to join up with the others. It seemed like I was drawing closer to them but I could not see anyone. I could hear their voices scattered all around the forest but no one was in sight. Then I heard someone yell from what seemed like a distance, "Can you all see what I'm seeing?" "Yes, I see it", a couple others confirmed the first voice I heard. Suddenly, a golden portal-like circle appeared in front of me. It was really bright and it was a beautiful sight to behold. I didn't believe in extraterrestrial things or the supernatural but at this point my heart was racing and my mind was pretty unsure about what I was in front of. My curiosity got the better of me and I drew nearer to it. Before I could even begin to decipher what it was, I was sucked into it violently..............

*******Right now****

I was still pleading with the creature when it fired at me, point blank. I knew an escape attempt at this time would be futile because how could I run with a leg badly injured? I closed my eyes and said one final prayer when I felt hands as cold as death itself wrap around my body...............

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