

Göttlich writers.

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One love

AXel's POV

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Noooo!" I yelled as I tried to dodge the blasts headed towards us. I tried to get to my mom and I saw that she couldn't move. She was badly injured and she had a terrible injury on her forehead which caused her to lose a lot of blood. " let's go...we can't stay here." I said tearfully. I tried to pull her from underneath the now made rubble which we used to call our house but to no avail. There was a lot of pandemonium as everyone tried to take evasive action from the attacks the aliens were unleashing. "Axel, Axel, I won't make yourself," she had tears running down from her eyes. I tried harder to pull her out but a very large pillar had her legs trapped. "No, I will not leave here without you. We either escape together or we die together." I kept pulling and pulling as the building continued to cave in on itself. To worsen the situation, there was also a fire engulfing the entire vicinity. "Axel! Leave me now! Save yourself!" She yelled. I was not going to leave her there. Not a chance. I started calling for help but everyone was too busy trying to get themselves to safety. The collapse intensified as more parts of the building fell. "I love you very much, Axel. Never forget that." "" I hadn't finished talking when the entire building fell and she was completely covered up by the rubble. It was like a dream because I was completely speechless. I just opened my eyes in shock and kept it that way for a couple of seconds. It was when I came back to reality that I got up and started running away, trying to save myself. I was crying harder than I had ever done before because now my worst insecurity had come true...I had lost my mom. Tears fell uncensored as I looked back and saw that nothing remained of our house. I looked forward and kept running when I was struck by heavy gunfire and I crashed to the ground. I felt my lifeblood ooze onto the ground as my life slowly faded before my eyes. I closed my eyes which were now burning hot with tears as I felt the aliens tower above me. I closed my eyes and awaited what was to come...............

*******But alas, it was all a dream*******

My eyes jolted open violently because of the lucid dream I just had. A tear actually fell from my eye as I realized that I did not know how my mom was faring or why something that terrible happened to her in that dream. I looked at my right foot and noticed that the injury had completely gone. I was surprised at that when I remembered that I overheard them talking about treating my injury as I slept. I felt my head ache but I also felt a bit relieved as opposed to yesterday. I got up from my room and I came out. Seems like everyone was up early because I saw them having breakfast in a very large circle as they chatted and laughed heartily. Seeing them that way really warmed my heart. They're unsure about if they're going to make it out of here alive or about what's going to happen to them the next minute, but they still find a way to be happy. It's really nice to see.

I wanted to go over to them but they sighted me first and invited me over. I obliged them and went to the circle. I get the feeling that Nala is a devout Christian because she led the prayer sessions perfectly. I never really believed in God but, joining in is the least I could do to appreciate their kindness. After that, they had breakfast....surprisingly it was bread. I used the word "surprisingly" because I thought I couldn't see anything human like here apart from the few human beings I had come in contact with. One of the boys my age, who I later came to know as Kyle, seemed to notice my astonishment. "It's really good. And it's the bread you're used to. Just that it's not from a grocery store this time," he said and we all laughed. Still not convinced by his vague explanation, I asked,"So where did it come from?" "Look, this city we're in, whatever or wherever this is, used to be inhabited by humans or at least something close to that. So it's not really surprising that some people on the other side of the city still secretly sell some human food. Our captors supply a weekly shipment of "food" to the major regions including this one but we won't eat what we do not know," he said pointing to some sacks in a corner. "Probably when we run out of normal food, we'll try what they're serving us, then probably die." He got up and walked away, sadness emitting from his countenance. Every other person seemed to feel the same way because they got up and walked away too. I had successfully made them remember their sorrows. Nice job, Axel. Nala, noticing how I felt, put her hand on my shoulder and said," It's not your fault. Don't be hard on yourself."

*******A few moments later****

I was zoning out, lost deep in thought when I felt some kind of way. I seemed to hear someone call my name. I came out of my room and I didn't see anyone. I walked a bit further out of the tents and I kept walking until I got to a riverside. I looked in the water and stared at my reflection. I looked so tired. I was almost startled to death when I had a feminine voice say," Hello, Axel Augustine." "Woah!" I shrieked in fear. I turned back immediately and I saw no one. The voice continued, not minding my fear," I am ONE... Sorry to welcome you here so late. This is Zelda city, the city of Evil propaganda." I actually felt amused by what the voice was spitting. "Evil propaganda??" I laughed out loud and said," Hold up. Firstly, show yourself so I can tell you to your face just how ridiculous you sound. After that, you can probably........" I hadn't finished talking when the voice continued," There is no amusement here, Axel. This place is ruled by the cruelest entities you'll ever see, twin alien siblings Zalga and Zorg. The conqueror of worlds. They are entities that are known and feared across all areas of the Galaxy. Now, I will not tell you all there is to know, as discovering the hidden agendas here is also part of your mission. At the end of seven days here, you are to pick one of two options, to either try to save this city, or survive it. Whichever you choose, the outcome is entirely up to you. Failure to choose one, will result in your unavoidable demise. You are to ask me only two questions each day after which, you are entirely on your own. All you need to do to summon me, is to call my name." The same scenario I found amusing a couple seconds ago turned the tables and I was filled with overwhelming apprehension. Sweat broke out all over my body as I asked her, or the voice,shakingly," What is your name?" "I am One."

One? The hell you are. "What is your real name?" The voice repeated again," I am One. You have now used up your two questions daily allowance. The first task will be known to you soon. Good luck, Axel Augustine." Oh God! I had no idea that my curiosity would cost me my two questions. How stupid of me! I felt really scared now as I didn't know what to expect. "Hello, are you there? Hello? Hey, One? Where you at?" There was no response and it dawned on me that I was alone now. So I stood there, staring into the water. After swallowing hard, I offered a silent prayer up to God, who was, due to my current situation, suddenly existent. After that, I began to slowly walk away. Awaiting my "first task".

I was walking away... slowly pondering in my mind everything I had heard the voice say. "Save it or survive it". What does that even mean? I was walking aimlessly towards no direction in particular when a shadow covered me. It looked like it had been cast by some kind of giant caterpillar until I looked up and saw that it did have the shape of a caterpillar, but it was an alien ship. It suddenly stopped, still suspended in mid- air. My eyes widened in fear when the huge hatch opened up and walking out of it were green, human like figures with heavy armor strapped to their bodies and guns which looked like they could deal a colossal amount of damage equipped in their hands. After what seemed like an army of aliens came out and floated down to the earth, two entities looking very different from the rest came out and floated to the ground. They strangely seemed...royal. Before I could even say a word, or think another thought, I was struck across the head with an Evo rifle and I blacked out, the alien royaltie's images fading out of sight........