Episode 27
Göttlich writers.
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One love
Axel's POV
"God, I really don't know what's going on here. I don't know where I am, what this thing in front of me is or why you would even let this happen. But, I hope I meet you in heaven though. Amen." That was the prayer I said ever-so-quickly in my mind as the creature took the shot. I had closed my eyes awaiting death when I felt two very ice cold hands wrap around me tightly and in a split second, I was very far away from the thing that wanted to so desperately end my life. I threw up because I felt my insides fold in on themselves and I swear in that moment, I felt my stomach do a backflip. I never even got on high speed trains because there was a thing about high speeds that just freaked me out. But this was even faster than any train I'd ever seen. I kept vomiting when my "saviour" came to stand by my side and tapped my back a bit, as if trying to make me feel a bit better. And I did feel better, not because of her action, but because I felt safe. Or at least, safe-ish.
I couldn't stand on my two feet because I had a really bad injury on my right leg. I don't know how that happened though. She helped me down as I sat and before I could begin thanking her for saving me she said in a very cold voice, "I don't know who you are but you'd be better off keeping a low profile around here. Or you might as well go meet Zelga and ask to append your signature on a death note." At this point all I could think was, "What is she talking about?... Zelga? Is that some kind of monster movie franchise or the offspring of two flawed humans who couldn't think deeply enough to come up with a decent name for a child? Or...."
I was still lost in thought and feeling really confused when she came and squatted in front of me and said, "Stranger, I do not know how you got here, but you're never leaving. This place...this agonizing world, it's the definition of hell itself. I brought you to the "habitable" area. Other humans like us.... you...stay in this place. You should lay really low if you want to survive. I'll prolly see you around, okay?" Before I could even get a word out of my mouth she had ran off at a speed I'd never seen a human move at before. Now, even though I played all those video games that featured fictional characters, I didn't believe in anything supernatural. But seeing how fast she just moved, I really had to re-evaluate my beliefs.
Tiredness engulfed me and to worsen my situation, I felt severely hungry too. At this point I really wished she hadn't run off. She's the only person I "know" in this place and I don't even know where to look for her. Even if I knew where to look, my impaled foot, ache struck head, distorted mind and food-deprived stomach wouldn't do a near good job at getting me there. After evaluating my situation, I almost wanted to give up. Oh, correct that. I most certainly gave up completely because my eyes began to get dim and I noticed the lights fading around me. "This is it," I thought to myself. Doesn't matter now anyway. "Arrivederci, universe." Eyes fully closed, brain completely shut down, my limp body slumped over and plopped down on the floor.**********
I could tell that, by some miracle, or really well- timed divine intervention (I don't believe in these things but I'm starting to re-evaluate my beliefs now), I was still alive when my eyes slowly opened and rays of light filtered lightly through them. A part of me wanted to just close them back, open them again and see my mom waking me up to tell me she's off to work. I really missed my mom. I couldn't even talk to her before I got dragged to this hellhole, wherever it is. I opened my eyes fully and I realized that I was on the ground in the midst of humans...like myself. They looked tortured, like they'd gone through a whole lot of hardships. There were people of different ages, even children. I felt intense pity for them and wished I could help them but I remembered my state and I had to rethink. "I need to help myself first", I thought inwardly as I dragged my body up and crawled to a chair nearby.
"Hello, stranger", a man who seemed like the oldest among them said to me. He resumed talking, "Where do you come from? What's your...." He was interrupted by a pretty, old woman who said, "Jeremy, it's important that we know who he is. But look at him," she said pointing at me, "He needs food and rest. Now all of you, go to your tents. I will give the stranger some food after which, we can then begin to ask him questions." "My name's Axel, kind ma'am", I managed to say. "Alright, Axel, it's nice to meet you" she said and walked away. At this point the crowd around me had dispersed and I was left alone to my thoughts.
*******Few minutes later*******
She approached me with a plate which looked like it contained something really hot because of how much steam was emitting from it. She brought it closer and I noticed that I had not seen this kind of food before. Noticing my queerness, she said,"It's omera. A kind of bird that only breeds in this part of town. It's really tasty. I have a feeling you'll like it." The fact that she referred to this place of utter desolation as "town" really piqued my interest. I could not keep it bottled within my mind and I had to ask her," Town? You refer to this place as town? How did you even get here? How long have you been here? How....." I wanted to keep asking questions but I was interrupted by the woman, who at this point had some tears well up in her eyes," I remember feeling the way you feel now, young one. My case was literally the case of a dream. I kissed my parents goodnight and went upstairs to sleep. I woke up the next morning and I was here. It might sound impossible to believe, but that's the last I remember of my home. So that night, I also kissed them goodbye."
I didn't know what to say at this point. I felt really emphatic because she felt sad and I could see it even though she tried to hide her tears. "I am very sorry, ma'am. I really wish I could make the pain go away." I rubbed her shoulder as if trying to make her feel better. She smiled amidst tears and she said to me," It's okay. We'll be okay. We've been here...for only God knows how long. And we have lost all hope of ever getting out. But I have a feeling that your presence here...will change that." At this point I had started stuffing my face with omera, which tasted pretty good. That's an understatement....it was divine. I didn't ask any questions about how it was made...I just ate and ate and with my face stuffed full of food, I managed to say," Thank you very much for your kindness to me, ma'am. I don't know how to thank you." She got up to go and as she stood she said, " You can start by quitting with the ma'am moniker you've allocated to me. I'm Nala. And I have sent Abigail to make arrangements for your sleeping space," she said pointing to a room in the distance. "Make sure you have a good night's rest, and try not to think about where you are. It's safe at this part of town, okay? I'll see you in the morning." "Alright ma'am...Nala. Have a great night's sleep too." She flashed me a really beautiful smile and walked away.
I took one last look around my vicinity and swallowed hard. I had finished eating, put the dishes away in a bowl nearby, drank some water from a brown jar which was provided alongside the meal and I went into my space to sleep. My mind was very crowded with so many disjointed thoughts but after a while I managed to quieten my mind. "Whatever this whole thing is about, I'll figure it out in the morning," I thought to myself and without wasting much time, my eyes shut as I plummeted into a snooze session.
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