Go Team

Mariella Kuibreza

“It’s only one banquet, Mari.” She said, “It’s nothing to be serious about.”

“It is not just one banquet, it is serious, and it’s unfair!”

Shanz looked at me, an eyebrow raised quizzically. “You wanted to go? With your brother?”

“No.” I frowned, “But you are. Look, Shanz, you may not care about what people think, but I have a family here. What will they think when they see the two of you together? I don’t want any more courtship rumors around us, not if I can help it.”

She closed her wooden locker door, and turned to me, eyes squinted and mouth pursed. “Is this really about me? Or is it because you’re agitated that you haven’t asked Daz?”

I gulped.

She hummed. “Thought so.”

“Either way!” My pitch rose an octave, and we started down the halls. “I don’t want to give people the wrong impression. You don’t even have any intentions towards Samuille in that manner. Why did you accept?”