Chapter 2 :The Beginning ?

**Inside a womb of someone ***

"heart beat" "heart beat" "heart beat" ...

**Establishing soul link**

**Link Established **

**calculating user current capability for using toon force**

** result-0.000001%**

**report- brain enhancement is required...attempting for comprehension increase to 1million times**

**processing processing processing.....successfully done**

**user bonding in 3..2..1..done**

???:"AHHHHH" what the f.. , what ,where no no who am I ??

it seems i can't open my eyes , wait how do i know about eyes i am a baby? wait how do i know what is a baby ? fuck how am i thinking like this ,i am in my mothers womb.....???

you know what FUCK offfffff...

**30 min Later **

???: ok ok lets not freak out and access my situation

"My current situation"

* I am in my mother womb

* I have a brain power of a super quantum computer

* and I somehow know extra knowledge of diverse and comprehensive subjects like a freaking space-age goggle.

now that i think about it only point 2 and 3 are odd and can't be explained hmm well it's not like i have no idea i have some of my hypothesis like:-

1. I am a hybrid between advance alien race and human (cause i am inside a human womb) and these advance alien race use HIVE mind for information and thought transfer.

2. I am some result of experiment to connect a "human mind" with a "computer server" to enhance and boost the human race in intelligence.

3. I am something beyond my current knowledge , which is surprising given all the knowledge i have .

Well these scenario are my current hypothesis/conclusions on the current situation , any one of them can be true.

Well i will think about my origin later i don't have enough data and without data it's a waste of time and my mental power, which is totally inefficient .

**15 min later**

OH MY GOD it's so fucking boring , i have literally nothing to do my eyes are shut close , i can't do anything except for a little hand and feet moving , it's the definition of boring here , all i can do is think and think ... WOAH wait how can i miss this , That's right THINK how can a baby who can't even move his body have the energy required to think at such speed and remember such complex stuff's it's impossible because my brain won't have necessary energy reserves and sources unless My mom is eating and digesting energy capsule capable of powering a super quantum computers

or else I am , or more precisely my brain is doing computation in another brain/device and my baby brain is like a receiver which is just receiving the output data of that brain/device , Yes a very possible scenario ...

** "Noise of something breaking" **

What was that ??

Woah Hee , heee, Heee it tickles

"It seems like it's birth time ok ok i will think about the subject at hand after my official birth , got to know what is my origin and whose knowledge it is right"

** Birth protocol initiated **

baby: i am sorry what protocol and also who is that ??

** calculating user compatibility with toon force **

baby: toon force ??

** processing .. processing .. processing **

** result: 0.001% **

baby: ??

** assessment : initiate a lesser version of HIVE MIND and install to user mind**

baby: !!!!! HIVE MIND so my hypothesis is correct my processing is down in a different mind and my baby mind is just a receiver.. HAA

** lesser version name: ORION **

baby : ORION sounds familiar ?? but why ?

** activation time: 1 day in primate timeframe**

baby: hey wait , ah whatever its seems like its a non-intelligent system , more like some pre-defined instructions (sigh ) guess i will wait ...

** coding .. coding .. installing a package file to the cerebral cortex **

baby: EXCUSS ME ! That's my fucking brain you are talking about!!!!!

baby: (heavy pain) AHHHH FUCKKKK YOUUUUU!

** operation cabin**

baby: "WAHHHHH!!!"

doctor: "congrats it's a healthy boy mam"