chapter 3: ODIN

previously on power ran... oh shit sorry sorry "The master of toon force"

baby: "WAHHHHH"

doctor: " congrats it's a healthy boy mam "

** Now **

???(women voice): "It doesn't matter"

doctor: "I am sorry mam but why you are saying this , he is your son"

mother : "Well i am a prostitute and his father just contacted me for the baby in exchange of 10 million"

baby: "WAHHH" ( What the Fuck!!!!)

doctor: "!!! that's that's completely illegal, i am calling the polic--"

???(men's voice): "I don't think that's a good idea doctor"

doctor: "who(dramatic pause) , mr mr mr Anderson , i i i didn't know you are his father"( shit shit i don't want to couped up in mafia gangs shit)

men: "you better remember that sir and don't worry we will send you a 1 million check by evening "

doctor:" haa sure sir haa sure sure "

Anderson: (ordered his men)" take the boy to lab he is a important subject and give this gentleman and lady their checks"

**scene change - inside a car**

baby: (inner thought) so let me get this clear my biological mother is a prostitute who give birth to me for money and my biological father or should i say who used his sperms because after hearing all that i am sure i was implanted in my mother's womb through artificially, is going to use me for some test in research, though i am getting intrigued what will be the research topic

Ahhh !! what am i thinking i should think how to get out of this shitty situation but with my current physical condition seems posible...

wait when was i going to get that lesser system again??

**ORION : execution time remaining- 23 hours 10 minutes**

baby: (sigh) at least that is going well, except for the fact the system is in my cerebral cortex but i guess a device capable enough to increase mental activity of a baby to that of a adult need cerebral cortex for transmission

Driver(men voice): sir, we are near the facility.

Anderson: Ok , inform Dr. Erik that i have the last subject and they can ready the equipments.

Driver: Yes sir.

baby: WOW the building it's in dome shape but all the surrounding looks so classy with with texture to decorate it. COOL heeeee

**Scene change -inside the dome through a hallway**

Anderson is holding the baby with some guards around him walking through the hallway to the lift.

Anderson: (to guards) "you all stay here"

guards: "Yes sir!"

baby: a lift huh, hmm maybe the real facility is underground , hee boring villain style.

Anderson press the button and the lift starts to descend , after a few minutes...

AI voice: "Scanning for retina structure....complete"

AI voice: "Voice confirmation and password required"

Anderson: "Mathew Anderson, illuminati"

AI voice: "Identity confirmed , Mathew Anderson , clearance level- alpha prime"

***lift door opening sound***

???: "Hello Mr. Anderson"

Anderson: "Hello Dr. Erik, I presume that all things are ready."

Erik: "Yes, of course I can't wait to start the first physical trail for project ODIN"

baby: "project ODIN sounds interesting..."

Anderson: "What about other 68 subjects ? are they in the capsule?"

Erik: " yes they are , we will start injecting minor doses of ODIN serum after some physical test on subjects"

Anderson: "Hmm how long will these physical test happen Doctor"

Erik: "Around 1 week sir"

Anderson: "that long , any special reason"

Erik: "Well the general test can be done quickly but we needed to stabilize their body for the serum"

Anderson: "These project is very important for organization as this will be the first 'super soldier' project"

baby: Ah so the so-called project ODIN is actually a super soldier project , HAAAA Aaaaa i...i have so many super soldier serum formula in my head right now because of the HIVE MIND that it will blow their minds if they know it.

heh but lets see what i can do in the mean time from what i hear I have about 1 week to stable my condition in this place , right now i can only wait for the system to activate....dammit how much time is left??

***ORION: execution time remaining-20 hours 2 minutes***