Chapter 8: Secrets (Part 2)

** Dr. Erik point of view **

Erik is walking towards the capsule where subject 69 is currently sleeping and making some plans on how to get away from the facility without any suspicion. After coming to capsule he saw a cute baby sleeping without any worries.

Erik: "So, this is subject 69, what can someone like this is hiding that even the mysterious guy Z wants to protect him?... well let's find out that later right now I need to leave quickly"

Erik picked the baby and started to walk out of the room to his personal office where he have arranged all tools to get the baby out of these place unnoticed but unknown to him a certain baby which he thought to be harmless is now staring at him curiously and making all the security system in their way completely useless.

**Change of perspective- Subject 69 & ORION**

**Few minutes earlier, when Erik entered the medical capsule room**

Richard: "Dr. Erik I thought your shift is over sir, why are you back? "

69: hmm, wait did I just hear Dr. Erik?

Erik: "oh, if it isn't Richard well what are you doing here"

69: Fuck , it's really Erik, hey Orion did you mistakenly give our real identity to him?

ORION: Negative sir, I am certain that with his caliber it's impossible to deduce our identities.

69: Then why he is here, (sigh) ok let's first observer and then in worst case if he attack us I will just drop a battalion of terminator T-800 droids on this base with toon force.

ORION: But sir if he attack us now, you won't have enough time to extract anything

69: ORION did you forget I have a Ionic force field generator attached to my body in invisible mode right now? forget about normal bullets even an RPG will not be able to scratch us right now.

ORION: oh umm yes sir, I am sorry but sir how are you controlling it, is it neural connection?

69: yes it is neural connection. OH look it seems that he scared off that Richard guy and now he is coming here, ok Orion wish me luck I will start my cute act now. Heeeee

ORION: All the best, Sir.

Erik walked close to subject 69 and looked at him curiously

69: Why is he staring at me for this long? did he discovered I am not normal baby? this is not good I can't figure out his intensions.

Erik: "So, this is subject 69, what can someone like this is hiding that even the mysterious guy Z wants to protect him?... well let's find out that later right now I need to leave quickly"

As Erik said and picked subject 69 and started to move out of the room.

ORION: Sir it seems that Dr. Erik has determined that it is best to take you out of the facility for best protection, I must say I am impressed by his decision as a lab is not good for a baby to grow.

69: Yeah, you are right Orion he made the right decision but he is still foolish.

ORION: Why do you say that sir?

69: I am currently checking the base security system and disabling some of it's functions, as this idiot didn't have the common sense to at least take care of the base defense system before playing a hide and seek game with world's most so called advance security system. (ಠ_ಠ)

ORION: oh, I just noticed don't worry sir you can rest I will take care of it. : )

**Change of Perspective- Dr. Erik**

**Current Time**

For some unknown reason to Dr. Erik all the security systems in the base seems lackey in the work today as someone is helping him but as he is currently very tensed he take the good fortune as a blessing and after coming out of the elevator he ran toward the parking area with a big movable box with him with the height of a table.

As he reached the parking lot he opened the box and from their he picked a baby who is currently sleeping and placed him at the passenger seat in his car and he himself get in the driver seat and turned on the engine.

Erik: "Ok, let's get out from this place as quickly as possible."


with that Erik left the facility and get on the road to his house in the chilly winter night.

**scene change- highway at night**

Erik: "strange where are all the cars, today I can't even see a single car here ??.... I have a bad feeling about this"

As Erik was in his thoughts his eyes fell upon the cute looking baby boy sitting beside him who now seems to awake and looking at him.

Erik: "hello there cute one did you sleep well?"

69: "Wah"(cute baby smile)

Erik: "haaa,: ),ah I still can't believe your father is that evil capitalist Mr Anderson, life sure is stra--"


Just then a Tyre bursts from a bullet shot!!! and the car starts to get skid in the empty highway and stop when Erik tries his best to stop it.

Erik: "What the hell, did the organization somehow founds about my betrayal ?? but Z said he will help me to cover my tracks"

???(male voice): "damn! seems like this doctor knows some stunts, haaaa"

???(female voice): "stop wasting time and focus on work"

Erik got scared because he knows that his life is in danger but then he suddenly remember about the baby and quickly checks his condition, making sure the baby is alright but also superised that the baby is much less crying not even scared as if the baby didn't feel any threat at all. He takes of his coat and covers the baby in a hope that even if he dies the baby might remain unharmed if he get unnoticed.

Erik(inner thought) : at least I can save this innocent child.

???(male voice): Come out doctor,(whistle sound ) we don't have all day.

Erik: "WHO are you? do you even know who you are messing with!!!!"

???(male): "Oh, a man with some fighting sprits!! Finally someone fun to kill"

???(female): "Stop it, Mark enough with your child games,(ahem) Allow me to introduce us doctor we are from a organization which have a particular interest in you."

Erik: "Oh and may I know why are you interested in me?"

Mark: "hah, isn't that easy to figure out, we want that super serum from you buddy"

???(female): "Mark!!!, I am talking here"

Mark: "Sorry Jessi, my bad"

Jessi: "As I was saying doctor, we would like if you cooperate with us by giving the serum formula, and do realize doctor that all communications have been jammed within the area"(creepy smile)

Erik is currently thinking if there is any possibility on getting out of these situation then suddenly a idea came to him.

Erik: (sigh)"well, I guess I don't have a choice, if you want the formula I can tell you but not here somewhere safe"

Jessi: "Sure doctor follow us to the care we can go to the safe house now"

Erik:" At least let me take some important file from my car."

Jessi: (a bit hesitant) "OK but quickly"

Erik nodded and move to his car, he opened the drawer near driver seat only to reveal a jet black "Beretta" gun as he hides it in his coat and turn around to wait for right movement as he only have two opponents and he personally also have a hand to hand combat experience.

Jessi: "let's go doctor."

Mark: "Yeah, let's go! holy hell that was easy."

As they were turning around Erik pull out his gun from the coat to aim at Jessi's head and was ready to pull the trigger thinking

Erik: This is the best chance I will get...

**bang bang**

2 shots fired one in his hand and one in his right leg, he fell to the ground and screamed out of pain.

Erik: "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Jessi: "oh doctor do you really think that we will ambush a member of illuminati with only 2 people, Haaaaa it even funnier than Mark's joke. "

Mark: "Hey, don't insult me."

Erik tries to control his pain and looked at those people who fired at him , and almost immediately he got horror. As he saw more than 40 people each with automatic mini machine guns in their hands.

Jessi: "It's a regret doctor that you make the foolish decision of not joining us, Mark finish him"

Mark: "Yes mam, hee goodbye doctor"

Mark pointed his gun toward Erik's head as he said that and ready to shoot.

Erik(inner thought): well at least I have save that small baby successfully, cops will find him after this commotion (sigh) my only regret is I can't seem to find that true identity of that Z guy....


After hearing that sound Erik waited for his consciousness to fade away but that feeling didn't come. So he opened his eyes and that when he saw it, something only could possibly exists in a science fiction movie or something like that not only that even the eyes of his opponent was wide-open with shock and disbelief

What he saw was a translucent blue sphere surrounding him and his car at a radius of X m.

**Erik's mobile phone starts to blink and it's install a unknow app**

Mark: "What the-"


***BANG BANG BANG ......... ***

Erik's Car speaker (childish voice): "For a doctor you have awfully large enemy dude"

Everyone: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!