chapter 9: Deal with the devil.

Erik's car speaker(childish voice): "For a doctor you have awfully large enemy dude."

Everyone: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone looked to the direction of car to see the source of this new voice and when they looked, their jaw dropped from the absurdity of what they saw their.

They saw a jet black metal baby pod hovering in front of the car with the most unnatural baby one could ever see, sitting on it and the look on the eye of that baby can be described in only one word- "calmness" as if the whole world revolve around him.

Erik's car speaker: "hey, doctor what are you blanking come here and stay behind me!"

Erik(inner thought): what is this, how is this happening, this is just impossible!!!!!!

As doctor Erik was still dazed in his inner though Jessi was the first to come back to her senses.


Now everyone came to senses and Mark and other goons start to shoot at the baby pod.

***bang bang bang ...***

***bullet sound continues while 69(our baby) speaks through car speakers.***

69: "It's all useless guys the force field uses ion particles by rotating them in high speeds which make their momentum so high it can hold a building collapse on it's user....."

***click click click ... (everyone out of ammo)***

(Glup) horror , that the only emotion all of them are feeling at the moment, even Dr. Erik as he cannot be sure that if this new savior of his will turn into devil the next moment and if it does then no one could save him.

69: "hey, doctor are you deaf, I told you to stay behind me!"

Erik: (Glup)" wh....who ar... are you??n.. no what are you??"(Glup)

69: "Ohhh, so that's your problem. See we can talk about this later after cleaning this mess."

Erik: "o..ok, I understand."

Erik still scared but finally he does what he was told to and came behind 69 .

69: "Now shall we deal with you guys."

At these sentence each one of them took a step back out of fear but Jessi spoke first to minimize these new threat.

Jessi: (glup)"What are you and why are you protecting Dr. Erik"

69: "Well first of all why don't we relax a bit I am not planning to kill any of you"

Jessi: "Then why are-"

69: "Ok , wait a minute I will ask the questions lady not you, Is that clear."

Jessi: (gulp)"fine ask away"

69: "Who send you to kill or capture this doctor ?"

Jessi: (A bit hesitant)" We got orders from president directly."

At hearing this 69 closed his eyes for 3 seconds and opened them again, he is still surround by the blue force field.

69: "hmm, so Mr. president and the army want that super serum formula for themselves, as they thinks it's dangerous if other countries get the formula too"(he turns at Erik) "isn't that funny doctor"

Erik: "How do you know that?"

69: "Umm... I just searched it from the UN database : )"

Jessi: "Impossible!!, you are lying we have jammed all the networks around the area."

69: "Sorry to break it to you, but quantum data transfer don't need any medium to travel, the sender and the receiver are entangled"

Jessi: "That's absurd!!-"

Erik: "Wait a minute!! How can you search something from the UN database did you contact Z"

69: "-_- seriously dude, ----- I AM Z!!!!"

Erik: "WHATTTTTTT!!!!!"

69: "Yes , stop distracting me from the topic, now (he turns to Jessi) Jessi was it, as I was saying you are in a pretty fucked up situation where anyone will straight up murder you. But seeing that you were just doing your job I can give you a chance."

Jessi suppressed her anger and a looked at her team members, all of their faces are pale, even the all-time talkative Mark is scarred.

Jessi(inner thought): Fuck, this is not what we signed for.

Jessi: "What do you want"

69: "A deal" (A very provocative smile)

Jessi: "A deal?? what type of deal?"

69 gave a very menacing look, make their body numb everyone of them is thinking that what type of things they will need to do for getting out of here alive

***Everyone's inner thought***

Erik: what will he ask to them, Is there anything that requires their help. hmm maybe some sort of infiltration??


OTHER GOONS: Please god, save us from this thing.

Jessi: I need to make a contract with the base as soon as possible, after agreeing to his deal I will contact to the base, hmm yes that is the right plan ...


Sitting on the Sci-fi looking baby pod 69 raised his hand towards the group and spoke something that shocked them...

69: "I want you all to become my personal servants, you have to feed me, dress me up, play with me and many more... 😊"

On these statement all of them including Dr. Erik have an expression which is clearly saying only one thing "WHAT THE FUCK"

Everyone: "......"