Chapter 13: Quest of toon force

**Alex and Orion: HOLY SHIT!!!!!

Both Alex and Orion has their eyes wide after they looked at the new ability, because although the superhuman body is a boost but having the power to travel to a technologically advanced civilization will be a great help to them as these will mean Alex can increase his knowledge by studying their technologies.

Alex: Orion this is a great help to us by the toon force and I have to say my current ionic force field needs to be upgraded prepare all the equipment once we get out from this time-slowed state."

ORION: "Certainly sir, but I think toon force have more information coming."

Alex: "What do you mean??"

Just as Alex asked Orion about this, suddenly a stream of new information comes in front of his eyes

***User has met the basic requirement of above type-1 knowledge & above human body structure***

***Initializing quest menu***

Alex: "Quest menu????"


Main Quest:

Meet the Maker (5.97% / 90%)<>

reward: Know the Truth.


A somewhat intelligent being (1.5 / 2) <>

Body of a higher being <>

reward: compatibility with toon force increased


Alex is deeply staring at the information presented in front of him. His focus was so high that he didn't even realize the surrounding world have turned to normal.

Jessi: "upstairs.... hmm, alex ,alex, ALEX!!"

Alex: " (Gasp) HUH! wh- what happened??"

Jessi: "That's my question, what happened to you?"

Alex: "Jessi, call Grandpa & Mark I have something important to tell all of you."

Jessi: "ok, your grandpa is already upstairs, I will give a call to mark, let's go"

Alex: "OHH I nearly forgot, Jessi you go first I have to upgrade my force field."

Jessi: "Upgrade it? Isn't it already the way powerful ?"

Alex: "Well no, after I upgrade my body, toon force have increased my knowledge level to that of a type-1.5 and I can see that the force field can be made more durable and powerful."

Jessi: "Doesn't that means you can just upgrade your body and make yourself more knowledgeable, That way you could just repeatedly make more powerful super soldier serum and increase your knowledge level like from type-1.5 to type-2 ??"

ORION: "No, mam that's not possible, as the user can be successfully upgrade after five years of cooldown."

Alex: "Yes, me and Orion have previously thought about that idea but Orion got the reply from the toon force almost immediately about the timing. Though I don't understand this concept of limiting it's user's potential."

Jessi: "Maybe, it is to ensure it's user don't just started to think they are god or something."

Alex: "Anyway, Orion place the ionic force field generator on the table, I will be extracting some materials from toon force"

After saying this Alex closed his eyes and started to connect to the Information pocket, though he still wonders how this pocket is made.

***Selected item High-displacement material, 5 gram confined anti-matter battery***

***Are you sure you want to extract these?***

Alex: Yes


Alex opened his eyes and found a very small sized container and a frame shaped silver metal in his table.

ORION: "Sir, preparations are completed I have disassembled the Ion force field generator."

Alex: "Good work Orion. Now let's get started."

Alex used robot hands in the lab to make a frame made of the new silver colour metal and after that he made circuits and finally placed and connected a 5 gram confined antimatter battery to complete the upgrade.

The final product is a small chest piece with the size of palm of hand, One can see two different colour inside it, One is black & other is white.

Jessi: "Wow, beautiful but what is it."

Alex: "😊this is a upgraded version of my previous ion force field generator, It is made by a High displacement metal which is a aluminum isotope and can even withstand a energy output of 49 nuclear blasts and this new model can even protect me from nuclear blasts as this runs on anti-matter battery which is way powerful than previous model nuclear batteries."

Jessi: "....."(shocked expression)

Alex: "What??"

Jessi: "You are a true monster."

Alex: "umm anyway lets meet with grandpa and Mark, I have some important thing to say all of you."

Jessi: "(sigh) yeah let's go"

Alex: "Orion have Mark arrived upstairs?"

ORION: "Yes sir, they are waiting."

Alex: "then let's go."