Chapter 14: I need to go, please.

Alex is standing in a living room in front him, three people are sitting One women with long blond hair, an elderly person who still looks fit for his age and a carefree dude with black hair smoking a cigarette.

Yes, you thought correct they are Jessi, Dr. Erik and Mark respectively, all three are here to listen to the important talk that Alex told them about.

Erik: "So, Alex what is it that you want to talk about?"

Mark: "Yeah dude, is there something bothering you??"

Alex: "I will speak to the point, After completing my body upgrade to superhuman level this morning, me and Orion got a new info from toon force."

Jessi: "What info?"

Alex: "A mission, to travel throughout the multiverse and gain knowledge to increase my connection with the toon force, and in doing so I will know the Truth."

Jessi, Mark & Erik: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Glup)There was a silence in the room for a few minutes as three of them are currently processing the information that they got just now. This was something huge, they all know that whoever created this toon force thing is way powerful that even Alex can't understand what type of principles it uses but to think it can make it's user travel through multiverse it's beyond belief.

Erik: "If, that is the case, it is a good thing, we all could support you for preparations on your journey every time you went to different world, You could just use this place as your base."

Alex: "Umm about that, you see my travelling thing is a randomizer, soooooo"

Erik: "So, you can't decide where to go and once you leave there is no guarantee that you could come back."

Alex: "Yeah, most likely"

Erik: "...."(staring at alex)

Alex: "..."(staring at Erik with puppy eyes)

Erik: "you can't go"

Alex: "OH COME ON!!! pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Erik: "like hell I will through my grandson to a unknown place with no safety what's so ever."

Alex: "But I need to go, I need to understand high level technologies!!!!!Please grandpa."

Jessi: "NOO, you need to care about your safety first."

Alex: "Seriously guys, I can blow an entire planet and can also survive the wrath of 15 nuclear bombs detonate in front of me, if that's not safety to you, then go to a doctor."

Mark: "Yeah, but according to you there are also other civilization out there who could do the same thing."

Alex: "..... 😑 Mark remember the light saber I promised you to give at Christmas day."

Mark: "Yeahhhhhh????"

Alex: "Well you can forget about that." 🙂

Mark: "WHAT!!! you can't be serious here!!!!"

Alex: "I am serious."


Jessi: "ENOUGH!! both of you, stop this child's game now."

Alex: "umm but I am a child."

Jessi: "(sigh) my point is you can't go to other universe without safety, use your brain and increase your knowledge here, at worst case you can just wait for 5 years and let the toon force to increase your knowledge level."

Alex: "And what if there is more to it than just being a skill."

Jessi: "What do you mean?"

Alex: "This could be me overthinking, but I can't believe that something as powerful as toon force will just give a skill without a reason."

ORION: "I would like to agree with master Doraemon here."

Mark: "What do you mean Mr. AI?"

ORION: "As master doraemon have already said, I believe that there is something that the toon force or it's creator wants us to see by traveling throughout the multiverse and this is just me being optimistic."

Jessi: "Why you are being optimistic in this case, from what I understand it could be trap."

Alex: "Jessi, do you really think someone who built a system like toon force needs a plan to kill us."

They all were silent for sometime until Alex moved towards Erik, and said something.

Alex: "Grandpa, I need to go, please."

Erik: (deeply stare at Alex's eyes) "... will you return."

Alex: "I will only try, as my knowledge increase my technology will also increase and I am sure one day I will master the dimensional travel and when I do this will be the first place I will visit."

Erik: "...."(looks at Alex with sad eyes) "Promise me what you said just now."

Alex: (similes) "I promise, Grandpa"

Jessi: "Wait! Dr. Erik you are agreeing to let him travel?"

Erik: "What else can I do, our Alex is not a normal kid and I was having a gut feeling that this will happen someday."

Jessi: "But Doctor even so"

Erik: "Jessi I know you see Alex just like your own kid but we can't just hold his potential because of our love and he is right about one thing, he is more than capable to defend himself."

Although Jessi was a bit reluctant, but she eventually agreed after some persuasion from both ORION and Alex.

Mark: "UMM Mr. kid scientist, will you give me a light saber now that you can go to travelling." 😅

Alex: "HAAAAA, seriously Mark I am going to miss you the most and don't worry dude I will make you a light saber right now. Orion"

ORION: "Yes sir."

Alex: "Prepare the equipment, let's go to the LABBBBBB."

Mark: "Yes, finally a LIGHT SABERRRRRR."