Chapter 15: Preparations before travels

Alex is currently sitting on his chair in his lab and thinking about what to prepare for his trip to the multiverse because he wants to know the truth about the toon force as soon as possible.

Alex: "So, Orion I was thinking about my gadgets, I have force field for durability, QC virus for information and hacking, A bionic computer for managing things but what about attacks and mobility."

ORION: "Sir, what about versatility in your tools."

Alex: "Oh no no, I have information pocket for that, For handling unique situation I have unique gadgets to take out."

ORION: "Then sir, what do you have in mind ?"

Alex: "Hmm well I have some ideas but I am a bit confused on which gadgets to make."

ORION: "For attacking you could make a EM gun sir and for mobility a booster shoe will suffice."

Alex: "Jesus Christ Orion, you are boring, how could you give me those lame ideas, ok I have decide what I will use for attack and mobility."

ORION: "Ohh , what is it sir."

Alex: "Just watch me ORION."

Alex starts to use all the robots and the fabricators in his lab to make two gadgets one of which is shaped like a wrist watch and another one is a pair of gloves and sport shoe.

***2 hours later***

Alex: "Hah, finally done."

Alex said while holding the item after taking them out from his fabricator.

ORION: "What are these sir ?"

Alex: "Heee, well Orion these are something worthy to be wear by me, First the pair of shoes and gloves, the lower side of the shoe can shoot highly dense muon(search in google for detail) particles which will create a force and lets the user fly and the hand gloves can also shoot highly dense muon particles which can work both as flight stabilizer and repulsion cannons. And for the wrist watch it can shoot a positron(search in google for detail) beam which will disintrigate any matter on contact."

ORION: "So, you made a super sonic flight device and a disintegration beam? but sir at high altitudes you will face problem."

Alex: "Orion do you think me that stupid? I have installed proper insulation and counter mechanism to deal with the sudden change in momentum. why do you think I needed two hours for a pair of gloves and shoes."

ORION: "So, what now sir."

Alex: "Well you know what they say, You can't validate a product without a test run. Let's get ready Orion."

ORION: "As you wish sir."

***In backyard of the house***

Alex is wearing his gloves and shoes and getting ready for the test run, he is also surround by many robots for technical support and in worst case scenario they will help him get down.

Alex: "Alright Orion are you ready to touch the sky."

ORION: umm sir, how can you touch the sky??"

Alex: "Orion, that a catch phrase. dude" 😑

ORION: "OHH! In that case I am ready sir."

Alex: "Good, now in 3....2....1....LET's GOOOOOO"

As the shoes and the gloves gives a faint glow, Alex's body started to lift of the ground with a sonic boom and he started to travel upward in a remarkable speed.


ORION: "Sir, we are entering the stratosphere, we have crossed the ozone layer you should activate the all climate insulation system."

Alex: "Already at it Orion, from outside my suit may look like just a pair of gloves and shoes but it's a complete suit made from nanotech with all climate protection systems and a clocking features."

ORION: "Clocking sir? what type ?"

Alex: "Well it's the best invisibility technique I can come up with right now, See the suit projects the background image to the front by an omni-directional projector. So, no light pass through you that will make you blind."

ORION: "Truly genius sir."


Alex: "umm Mark is calling me? but why?"

ORION: "Did you forgot something Sir??"

Alex: "Let's see (Alex pickup the call) Hey, Mark what's the matter dude?"

Mark: "Oh, sorry Alex for calling you but Is my Light saber ready ?"

Alex : OH SHIT!!!!!!!

Mark: "umm is there a problem ?"

Alex: "Whaaaaat 😅 no way I will have a problem, I am just giving some finishing touches."

Mark: "OH hell YEAHHHH, I am coming to basement right now."
