Chapter 16: World of a cute cat robot

Jessi, Mark and Erik all three are in basement lab of Alex, where they are ready to say goodbye to him for his travels.

Erik: "Alex, be safe and remember your promise of coming back."

Alex: "You bet grandpa, when I master this dimensional travel thing, this will be first world I will visit and when I return I will talk about our adventures."

Jessi: "Though I don't like you going, but since you have already decided I will only say stay safe, safety is always first."

Alex: "you got that miss babysitter."

Jessi: " 😒drama queen."

Mark: "I have only one thing to say brother, even after you become a god-like being please don't turn into a asshole. Always be the cute kid Alex that we know."

Alex: "God-like, HUH well I can't say I will become something like that or not, but I will always be me. Promise."

Mark: "See you soon dude, OHH and thanks for the light saber, IT"S FREAKING AWSOMEEEEE!!!!!!"

When they were talking suddenly the door behind Alex open and a elderly man wearing a butler suit came from inside. At this three of them got alerted.

???: (elderly voice)"I am all ready to go, Master doraemon."

Alex: (smirk) "Looking dashing already Orion."

Erik, Jessi & Mark: !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessi: "Are you really ORION??"

ORION(new body) : "Yes mam, it is really me, to serve master doraemon better I asked him to made this body to connect."

Alex: "WAIT!!!, I will explain the perks of this new body not you Orion. (ahem ahem) as I was saying this body is a technological marvel, It's inner chassis is made by the high-displacement metal which can tank up to 49 nuclear blasts and it is the known strongest metal in the solar system, and the outer skin is coated by a liquid nanobots which will self repair the body and maintain a human look. It can fly by the same principles as my shoes, and It also have a inbuilt heat ray from the eye incase of emergency, all jam-packed and running by the help of a anti-matter engine. Say aren't I the smartest." 😉

Jessi & Erik: "....."(shocked expression)

Mark: "You sure ,you are not going for a war..."

Alex: "ohhh, so now it's a problem 🤬 when I was lacking safety, you guys are saying you are not safe and now when I have built weapons you guys are saying I am going for war, What the fuck guys."

Erik: "Leave it Mark, Orion please look over him and make sure he is safe."

ORION: "Please rest assure, Dr. Erik."

Jessi: "Come here you annoying kid."

By saying this Jessi hugged Alex followed by Mark and Erik. After that Alex and Orion stand together on a custom made platform Alex made to protect the house if anything goes wrong and the transfer failed.

Alex: "So, Orion how should I activate the ability ?"

Orion: "I don't have any information sir, but I can guess that maybe you need to activate it like you do with 'information pocket'. "

Alex: "You mean by closing my eyes and concentrate on it's name."

Orion: "Yes sir."

Alex closed his eyes and started to concentrate on the name 'Time-Space Randomizer Navigator' and as Orion guessed a blue screen appeared in front of Alex.

***Time-Space Randomizer Navigator***

Range selected: (kardashev scale) Type-0 to Type-2



Alex: Ready Orion."

ORION: "Ready Sir."

Alex: "Travel"

***scene change somewhere in Mars after Alex and Orion left***

A giant cross shaped hole opened in the sky and from there comes a triangle shaped thing

???: "HAHAHAHHHAAAA I am free I am free, I will show that piece of a shit Doraemon what I can do, HAHAHHAHAAAA"


(guess the character guys)

*** scene change back to Alex and Orion***

Both Alex and Orion feels as if they lost their consciousness for a second and then it returned , and when they opened their, eyes they found themselves in some street.

Alex: "That was the single most lamest dimensional travel in the history of dimensional travel" (imagine a 'What the fuck' face here)

ORION: "Yeah." (same WTF face)

<> Truck Horn

Truck Driver: "Hey asshole, get out of the road."

ORION: "Sir, I think we should go to a place where we can talk properly."

Alex: "Agreed"

Alex and Orion went to a near coffee shop, away from the streets to talk about their current situation.

Alex: "Orion are you make sure we really crossed a dimension and not just get teleported to japan."

ORION: "Absolutely sir, I have checked all the government files, some of the minor events are changed in history records and the technology is also a bit backward compared to our own world and the third most important thing is that QC virus was not present in the internet and we needed to upload it again. This concludes we are in a earth of another universe."

Alex closed his eyes to remote control the QC virus but after some seconds he opened his eyes again with a hint of annoyance.

Alex: "Dammit, this earth is of 1979 japan, no wonder the whole world is not properly internet connected. ORION search the government files as much as you can and find about recent events concerning mysterious technologies. I need to find out if toon force just send me here random or there is a alien tech hiding in this place."

Just as they were talking both Alex and Orion gets a notification from the toon force.


Main Quest:

Meet the Maker (5.97% / 90 %) <>

reward: Know the Truth


A somewhat intelligent being (1.5 / 2) <>

Body of a higher being <>

reward: compatibility with toon force increased

Knowledge Advancement Quest:

A cat and his pocket <>

reward: Activation of Time-Space Randomizer Navigator to next world


Alex was completely silent as he is experiencing many emotion together right now. He finally understands which world is he currently , his one of the favourite character's world "Doraemon" he like that character so much he even call himself Doraemon.

But he is also extremely sad as the quest requires him to complete the canon ending and he knows what's this canon ending is. Which is extremely sad for someone like him who is a hardcore fan of doraemon.

ORION: "Umm sir I-"

Alex: (serious sad face) "Not now Orion, (sigh) let's finish the job and went to next world. And I think I should be happy as I can at least meet doraemon in real life unlike those countless other fans right Orion?"

ORION: "Yes sir."

And so the Butler and a five years kid in a kid size lab coat started to head towards the famous house of 'nobi residence' to meet real doraemon.

***HEY GUYS, it's your favourite narrator #### here and all doraemon fans type '#dore-god' in the comments and also give some power stone to this author.

Author: You again, just let me find my eraser I will show you.

####: AHHHH!!!!!!!!!! author is abusing his character, somebody call the cops.
