Maxwells House- 2

Dear zane,

If you want to hang at my house text me I took the next 9 days off if you want to hang out there and my driver will pick you up in a red car with tainted Windows were you can't see through them.

Sincerely mr. Maxwell


After I read the note I texted Maxwell.

Me: I would like that. What is  your first name?

Maxwell: jack. My car will pick you up at 12.

Me: OK

I got a text from my mom

Mom:I have to go out off town for work. I will be gone for 7 days. Also your brother is coming home from college tomorrow. 

Me: ok, see you in 7 days.

I look at the time it's 10 ate breakfast and watched TV till 11 I got a shower. When I got out I was half dressed , and heard a knock on the door. I went to see who it was it was jack. He was early. I looked at him and said " come in" he sat down on the couch and I put on a shirt.  I walked to his car

he was in the driver's seat. He said smiling " sit up front. I put my bag in in the back. He started talking to me about my mom. After 10 minutes went by. We drove up to a big house. It had trees lined up along the drive way. There's a big house.

He offered me an cocktail. I said yes he said " I'm going to get dressed, just go to the movie room and pick out three movies. "  I went into the room.

and picked out death note, hurricane Bianca,and dark shadows. He walks in with sweet pants on and shirtless, his abs were amazing, and had a six-pack. He picked dark shadows. I said

" that's my favorite movie. " He said

" mine to. Relax. Make yourself at home. "

I was slouching and he made popcorn and we were half way through the movie and my phone rang I looked at who it was and let it go to voicemail. He asked me who that was. I said " my brother he is coming home from college tomorrow. And he is a the golden child. He is really annoying. My mom wishes I was more like him. But I am not. "  He looked at me and said "I'm going to get more alcohol. Do you want another cocktail. " I said " no I'm good I don't want to regret anything later on." He said " I understand I was at a party and had sex with this woman and she moved after and I haven't seen her in years. "

We drank more and more till I said " I'm gay " then passed out.

Jack's POV:

He fell asleep so I picked him up and took him to a bedroom and a bucket for when he wakes up. I know how bad hangovers can be.

Luck POV :

In dream

Song was playing we were in  a bed and he kissed me. The next thing I know we are having sex.

Dream ends

I woke up with a headache and looked at the floor and saw two bottles of liquor. I thought oh shit I don't want to know what happened.

I went down stairs and saw jack he handed me a glass of water.  I asked " did we do anything I would regret. "

He said " no, but you told me that you were gay and I told you about my mistake." I asked " what was especially your mistake again. I don't remember most of the night. He said " a girl I had sex with moved away." I took the plate and my brother called me again I answered it this time. He said

"hi I'm home were are you. I'm at a friend's house. He told me you forgot I was coming home today. I will be there in a hour I was drinking last night.  "

"OK "

he said. I finished breakfast and asked jack if I could get a shower before you drop me off, my brother is home. He said yes. I went up stairs and heard a knock on the front door I here's a voice and could hardly hear but I heard son. And was wondering if he had the girl knocked up.   I got my shower and got dressed. When I got down stairs this woman looked at me and jack. She told jack something. I googled him and saw a picture of him and the girl that is down there.  I heard them say that you are the one who cheated on me with a man. And there's  a random kid in here in your house. My phone rang again. I said what do you want. You are supposed to be home by now. I'm sorry. I m on my way. he told me my driver will take you home. I got home and went to the front door and saw my brother he said "finally your home you took forever. I told him shut up I was just at friend's house. He said is this friend more than a friend? I told him I wish. He looked at me and said " I'm going to go to my friends house he was in college with me and his mom gave her company. Now he lives in a big house. I was wondering if he was the one who jack cheated with. We got into his car and we went to his friends house witch I recognize.

My brother's car.

What do you think about jack and lucks brother? Do you think jack and luck will get together?

- Sophi