
We walked into Jack's house and said hi he said hi back you hugged my brother then we went to his cinema room to watch a movie.

The movie ended and I told my brother that I was going to a job interview tomorrow. He asked me what for so I told him a mailman. He looked at me. He asked why. I told him I am tired of living with Mom. I want to get a drink. Jack told me that he wanted another drink to so I went to the fridge so I went back to his room and saw my brother and him kissing. Then I remember that when the ex came over he said that he cheated on her with a male and I was thinking maybe my brother was the one they cheated with. Luckily I got out of there before they saw me.

5 hours went by and we went home. I asked him " how do you know jack."

" we went to college together, and his father gave him his company, then something happened he went to a party and slept with this girl then found out he was gay and we were friends with benefits. "

" Ok, were you more than friends I know gain as friends in the family." Are dad was gay and he got my mom pregnant by accident with my brother then or Mom can turn to be her sperm donor but hoping for a good child again but she got me. He looked at me with a bit of anger and guilt. Then he change the subject "so how do you know jack."

" mom took me to work and put me and he put me to work." He interrupted me and asked "why did Mom take you to work?"

I said" I got suspended for hitting a boy and for two weeks are you still I am suspended for 7 days. Anyway she might come to the monthly BBQ and he was dressed to fancy so I asked me for clothes he asked me for clothes cuz I have been having sex for money. And that's how we met." He asked me male or female. I said both. " do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Or do you just do it for money."

" I have my eye on someone."

" how old is he/she"

" 22"

" Is he /she, rich? Tell me about him/her."

" okay he has a six pack, rich, has a big house, works with Mom, and is her boss." He looked at me and asked" is it Jack Maxwell."

"Yes" he frowned at me. Change the subject again and asked " what's your nickname."

" Ky"

" that's not that fantastic."

" I know but it's easier to say."

" people at my college were talking about how good you are they said you should be a professional."

" really?"

" yes, my sex life is not that great I need help. I can't talk to girls or do anything. You are a legend, can you help me."

" okay I will help you but in the morning."

" I went to sleep, and the next morning I called Topanga."

" Hi"

" hi you will never guess what my brother asked me last night."

" What"

" he wants tips on you know."

" Really"

" yeah I'm not joking. I got to go my brother is calling me."

" Ok ttyl." I got my phone and saw my brother at the door. I told him the tips and he left. Then I got text from Jack

Jack: I need to talk to you it's important.

Me: is it about my brother.

Jack: yes I went to college with him I'm just need to tell you something about him and I need to tell you how I feel about you.

Me: okay just wanted to let you know that when we visited you I saw you kissing my brother I don't know who started it but I just want to let you know that.

Jack: shit I didn't know you you saw that.

Me : I talked to my brother and he told me some things they didn't mention you I told him some things that I need to tell you.

Jack: okay do you want my car to pick you up or do you want to walk.

Me: no just pick me up. My brother is sleeping so he won't notice I'm gone.

Jack: see you in a little bit.

I got ready and saw a car outside I went downstairs open up the door.

It took about 15 minutes to get there and finally got there he opened up the door with a bottle of wine.

We went on to his couch and and was watching RuPaul Charles drag race. He turned off the TV and look at me and told me all about him and my brother. I told him " I love you and when I saw you kissing my brother I was shocked and I overheard you talking to your ex that you cheated on her with a male and I heard my brother say something about you and I knew that it was you." He looked at me and drank more. He leaned in to kiss me yeah I kissed him back. He had his neck open so I kissed it. He let out a moan. He went to take off my shirt I broke away and he looked at me and I told him you're my mom's boss. I can't do this. I kissed his neck and sucked leaving a hickey. He smiled as I walked out the door he said do you want to go to work with me tomorrow and the rest of the days you are suspended. I said yes. When I got home I saw my brother on the computer and I heard my website's song. I asked him to get off. He looked at me and said " I see you got a website. You are going. Close it down? Yes why do you care. Because I will take it over. I stared at him and said no you don't understand. He asked why. I do it when I'm drunk. That's why. He said I'm going to get a drink. I will drive you don't want to get arrested for drunk driving. Ok we got to the bar and he had a lot of shots. We were there for about 2 hours and he gave me keys and he was annoying drunk. He asked me to play a song.

He loves this song. We got home and he was passed out on the couch. The next morning I told him I was going to be gone for 6 days. He looked at me and said I have a headache. I told him I bet you did a lot of shots last night.

After I left I went to my mom's work. I saw jack.