in the office-4

That day I texted my brother

Me:you will have the house all to your self for 6 days, I'm going to hang out with a friend.

Mike: ok I will hang with Jack.

When I saw that I panicked, and slightly sad that he would spend time with jack, when I told him I loved him. I texted back,

Me: my plans changed, I got a text Me and they had a family emergency.

Mike: ok, see you at home.

Me: no I can't go home because I will throw a party and I can't get drunk.

Mike: you are acting weird. We're are you now, I want to hang out.

Me: ok, I'm at mom's work with jack. I'm helping him.

Mike: ok be there in 30

As I was reading the text, I felt something wraps around my waist. I looked up and saw Jack. He kissed my neck, I could see the hickey I gave him. His hands went to the front of my shirt and i told him we can't do this. He ignored me and I felt his hand go to the front of my pants. I pull away and he looks at me and kisses me and his tongue was licking my bottom lip asking for permission I let him. He said "I love you." I pulled away and he said I want to take you out next weak. "

" ok"

He got back to work and I sent a message saying " hi will you call it a date"

He looks at me and nods I blush and he laughed a little. My brother finally came and the door opens. He asked " ready"

" Yes "

" what were you doing at mom's work? "

" talking. Where we going. "


" Ok"

The rest of the ride was quite. We got to the theater and saw the movie tomb raider. When we went in to the movie theater all I could think about was jack. The movie was over and Jack called me. " helo"

" hi"

" I'm in trouble and you need to be by my side"

" ok I'm with my brother tho"

" drop him of and come over"

" ok I'm on my way. "

We made it home and told him that I am going to Walmart. He said ok he dropped me off and I met up with jack. He smiled and told me that his x took a picture of us kissing. Shit. I did not like her anyway. How did she get it she hacked into the camera at work and got it from there. I went back to his place and it's 5 now so we were cuddling. He was asleep in my lap and was woken up by his phone ringing.  I told him I'd better go. I got a cab home and saw red cups all over the place and saw mike. He gave me drink I took it but that's all I'm going to have he had a whole bar. I told him " you throw better parties then me. " he smiled and him and I did tequila shots I won he gave me $20. I went up again till I saw jack. He said " I will go up. " I said game on. He was good he won and to be fair I had 20 already. I could tell he was his at partying. I had a sex on the beach after he looked at me and said " you should stop before you regret anything. I ran to the bathroom and barfed up my guts and I went to bed.

---------------------------------------- I know this was a short chapter but I will make the next one longer.
