the accident -5

The next morning i woke up with a bad headache. I went down stairs and saw mike and lyric on the sofa sleeping together. I took a photo and sent it to mom. She said how cute. I got a text from jack after that.

Jack: thanks for your $20.

Me: what?

Jack:you did shots with me and I won.


Jack: lol

Me: shut up it was only one victory and I had gone up agents other people before you.

Jack: do you want to hang today?

Me:yes just pick me up.

Jack: I'm my way right now.😘

Me: my mom called last night and said she is coming home tomorrow morning.And there's red cups and it's a mess will you help clean up.

Jack: yes anything for my boo.

Me: ok

I heard a car pull up and I let Jack in. He looked at the mess. He woke Mike up and he ran to the bathroom. Me and Jack were trying not to laugh. He looked on the sofa and saw lyric. She woke up and looked under the covers. She was yelling " I'M NAKED MIKE DID YOU USE A CONDOM. "

He looked scared and said yes.

Me and Jack left and Mike followed us. We were in my room and I found clothes for her and she changed and walked out. Jack and I knew Mike was lying. We both looked at him and asked " did you really use a condom. " he said " no"

" your stupid" i replied

" if she's pregnant you are screwed. " Jack said.

There was a silence for a while. I broke it and said " let's clean before mom comes back. "

2 hours later

The house was clean and and Mike was thinking in his room.I went to Jack's house and he made lunch and I asked him ""do you love my brother. "

" no it was only a one time thing. "

" ok"

We had lunch and were sitting in his living room. And he asked me " will you be my boyfriend "

I kissed him and said " yes"

We were kissing and he was reaching up my shirt and I told him" let's wait to have sex I don't want to mess up a great relationship. "

We were cuddling and my phone went off. I did not recognize the number.

" hi"

" hi this is doctor Jonathan, your mom and her friend Haley were in an accident and they are not that well and not make it so if you want to see them I would go now. "

" ok me and Jack are on our way thank you. "

I looked at Jack and he heard all of it.

~ At the hospital ~

Jacks POV

I went into halie room and Zane went into his moms room they were right by each other. I look at my mom she brought a little boy with her she left right away. He looks about a month old. He crys I picked him up and hold him when I hear her heart monitor beep rapidly. I take the boy out of the room and he was crying more he was happy. they put a sheet over her and I check on zane. He was so crying and holding his moms hand he said " I'm scared. " I look at him and he was whispering something in her ear.

I saw the doctor who covered my ex and said " excuse me but did the girl you just covered up say anything about this baby. "

" Yes she said that if your name is jack Maxwell your the father. Also she handed me papers for you to sign. I Know who you are. Here. "

I look at the child and felt my life go down in pieces.

Zane POV

Mom I'm gay and I'm dating jack.

Her eyes opened up and she looked around the room and said " it's ok" Jack asked her " what did he tell you"

She was about to say something but she got out you to. Then her heart monitor did the same as Tonys ex . The doctor told us to leave. A few minutes later a cop came and told us what happened. There is a baby  asleep and Jack was holding him. Haley wanted to kill my mom. They had a fight and she got what she wanted. The ride home was quite till we got my house and told Mike he gives me a huge and said sorry. He started to cry we all drank that night and his son was sleeping in my bed me and Jack were sleeping on my mom's bed. The baby sleep in a pack n play.

In the morning I made breakfast and woke everyone up. I got ready for school and saw lyric and her friends she said hi and sorry for your loss. That day at school everyone was looking at me and new I was gay.

The day finally ended and Jack picked me up. He was staying with me till Mike gets his own place.

A weak went by and it was my birthday in 3 days and spring break yay. I woke up and saw Jack was gone and I went into the kitchen and saw him without a short on and he said I have to take Tony ( he decided on that name. ) to the doctor today do you want to come.I was happy and asked "what for"

" when he was born he had both boy and girl reproductive systems. He gets them checked on today. "


I ate breakfast and got dressed.

At the hospital I was holding Jack's hand he got some looks but his name was called and we went back. The doctor asked him if this your brother or boyfriend. He said boyfriend. Do you want him to hear what we talk about. Yes . I looked at him he was happy. The doctor told me" he has to pick mail or  female Reproduction system." I look at Jack and he told the doctor " mail. "

He smiled at me and we went home his son was at the doctor getting one out. We got home and I went to bed. His son was home now and he is better and he woke me up and jack. I made breakfast and Jack took me to McDonald's and I asked him " you want to go to McDonald's. " he smiled at me and I saw lyric she wanted to talk to us. I asked her " what do you want to talk about. "

" I know that you know when Mike lies.Did he use a condom because I'm pregnant and I think he is the father. "

" he did not use a condom and are you going to keep it. " I asked.

" no I was hoping you would adopt the baby. I will tell Mike he is not the father. "

" ok. "

We left and she gave us papers to have her baby. We got home and i slept.