01- I Don't even Know if I Died

I suddenly woke up in a cold sweat and with a terrible headache, I opened my eyes and closed them right away, the sun was high in the sky and I was lost, I couldn't help myself.

"Shit!" That was the first thing I managed to say, but who can blame me? I woke up very badly and was also without a roof on my head, not remembering how I found myself in this situation-

"What that fu-?" I muttered under my breath startled by the high-pitched sound that escaped my mouth, looking down at my body I noticed something alarming, I was small, like a kid small and skinny too, looking at my clothes I realize I was dressed in some kind of fur? it was a single piece of skin around my left shoulder and descending protecting my crouch area halfway up my thighs, like the kind of clothes you see cavemen wear in movies, and to complete the caveman cosplay there was a spear made of a wood bat tied to a sharp-looking rock not so far from me.

Putting aside my suddenly unwanted body change, the excuse of clothing, and ignoring the wind that was blowing into my lower parts I finally looked around.

"FU*K!" I confess that my vocabulary was very limited at that moment, looking around I was on the peak of a mountain, not that it was very high at most 1 km high, if only that it would not be so problematic but as far as I could see there were only green, trees, meadows and more mountains and without a single sign of civilization.

Shaking I sat on the floor I started to take a deep breath, closed my eyes and tried to calm down, suddenly I feel something touch my leg, opening my eyes I saw a long furry thing moving near my leg, I naturally like a grown man did the manliest thing I could-

"AHHH! what is this!" Rolling on the ground and crawling I moved away from the 'beast' that in my mind wanted to devour me, I quickly got up when I assumed I was a safe distance away and ran when I thought I was safe I glanced back to see if the monster was still following me, not seeing it I slowed down and again, not hearing even a noise that could give the impression that the animal was attacking, I turned back.

Soon seeing nothing but the grass I was sitting on... and everywhere for that matter, I looked around again vigilantly for danger, just as I was going to breathe a sigh of relief again I saw the furry abomination, this time I didn't startle and slowly looked at the... tail? Following the tail in hopes of finding its owner, I found myself looking at my own back.

I quickly touched my back just above my ass and let out a gasp, I was touching the tail and it was attached to me, paying attention I could feel my touch, then a thought came to my mind and I squeezed the tail.

"Agh! Ugh! shit, shit, shit, fuck!" Right after squeezing the tail I felt extremely weak and fell flat on my face.

"On second thought that wasn't a good idea...but is this for real? Am I a sayan?" I muttered in a skeptical tone right after looking around waiting for someone non-existent to show up laughing saying that this was all a big prank and somehow explaining that I wasn't crazy. The possibility that I was dreaming appeared and disappeared soon after, the headache being more than enough proof that this was indeed the reality.

'Calm down, calm down, first of all, I need to is remember how I got here, I'm sure my family is already looking for me-' thinking about my family I suddenly stopped.

'I can't remember anything about them, the faces the names, nothing... what's... what's my name? With my brows furrowed and my hands on my head I lay down on the floor and started to cry, in an unknown place far from any visible form of civilization where for all I know I can die if I'm careless and without remembering anything about myself or anyone, I collapsed.




When I woke up again it was morning and I was all wet from the morning dew, looking east I saw the sunrise from behind a mountain, with this inspiring sight I gathered strength and prepared myself to face this unknown world.

'First of all, I have to understand my situation, first I'm in an unknown place' looking again at all the green around me I once again asserted my situation 'yeah I'm pretty much fuck*d'.

'Second looks like I'm a saiyan' looking at my tail with a wry smile I shook my head but suddenly I realized-

'I Can remember DBZ? It's like the fics I loved to read' frowning I realized I could remember just about every form of entertainment I've consumed all my life.

'I can only remember these things but not my normal life? Do you mean those memories are more important? Who decided this?' Following this train of thought, I looked up to the sky and screamed "ROB YOU FUCK*R WHERE IS MY SYSTEM?" I wasn't afraid of offending the supposed being that transmigrated me into this world, he did it for some reason that only he knows, or he randomly chose me or worse for 'entertainment', I stood there waiting for something to happen, for a minute or so I waited when I was about to give up I saw appear in the center of my vision the words







"...well thanks I guess? Hello?"


"Hmm hello~ answer me system-san~"


"That's it? No annoying AI or anything?" I said as I looked at the panel in front of me.

"...well that's fine then, I won't have someone to talk to but I think I can manage just fine I'll find a Wilson or something." I said smiling bitterly.

Quickly forgetting my loneliness I let the excitement of having a system and being a Saiyan control me for a moment, giggling like a child, who as I seem to be at the moment. It felt like a dream, I was so excited that I even forgot my lack of basic necessities to live like a proper human but soon I calmed down. Recalling all the system trash novels I read I knew exactly what to do, so in my mind I said-

'Status' because if the system is linked with my soul or something, then I'm not going around yelling 'STATUS' out loud, that would be dumb. Soon a transparent blue panel with white letters appeared in front of my vision. It was sufficiently visible to read but also see-through depending on if I wanted to or not.



NAME: Beat








Ignoring everything else, I focused on the LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN, and I couldn't and didn't want to stop the smile from appearing on my face.

"hahahahaha! Look at this, hahaha I'm fucking Broly, I'm going to beat up everyone who tries to fight me hahaha, I can't wait." Thinking about it I looked again at my STATUS and saw that my name now was Beat, " What kinda name is that? Saiyan's and theirs weird names." As it was of no importance now I left this problem for later.

"hmm PL twenty, just slightly better than kid Goku but still trash, but soon..." Just thinking about training, getting stronger, and fighting the Z warriors my blood already started to boil, and I was smiling from ear to ear.

I quickly realized that this was the Saiyan instincts kicking in but I didn't care, after crying last night I've come to accept that I can't do anything but move on, even more so after finding out that I'm most likely not in my original world anymore. Leaving that aside I continued testing the system.

'Hmm system?'






"Ohh cool! I knew it hahaha" before when I saw the status I ended up skipping the initial screen, quickly I looked at it and said in my head.






"Aha! Thank God... or Rob? Fu*k that, senzu beans man! Now I don't have to worry about getting hurt, but I'll do my best not to have to use them."

" hmm what else, oh yeah," remembering so many games that had more information about things by pressing the option I did just that, and what I saw that was interesting was-



[A warrior race with immense hidden potential that few have managed to manifest, not due to difficulty but ignorance, a Saiyan's strength can be increased through extreme training or fatal wounds, but due to the behavior of most of the race, the only type of improvement they had was on the battlefield, and most of the time they didn't live long enough to experience those improvements. As ki is a living being life force, their users can break free of the natural process of aging through the training of their ki, the extend of the life span can be roughly calculated by the Power Level divided by ten. After reaching a certain threshold a ki user can achieve Eternal Life.]

"Basically I can be immortal as long as no one kills me, eh kinda of contradictory but well, who cares, it's true."

'Shop' I said in my head, a couple of seconds later nothing happened, frowning I looked at the system again, now seeing the shop was grayed out.

'It must mean it's locked, and what's the currency of the system?'

*Clap* "Well sooner or later I'll know, I just have to be patient, now to the fun stuff! Let's try using ki!" I clapped my palms and said with a huge grin on my face.