02 - The Hunt

Atop a small mountain in a vast expanse of trees and more trees until where the eyes could see, The weather was forest-like, stuffy, and humid. But the heat was not a problem for now. in this inhabited place, there you can see one small boy sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, brows furrowed and hands connecting with each other through the tips of his fingers, the boy seemed to be wich difficult in the matter at hands.


'I have been sitting here for almost 2 hours and have achieved nothing,' I thought while walking in the direction of the spear a couple of feet away.

'I have been too hasty, in DBZ, Videl took days to manage to even feel her ki, and I wanted to use it right of the bat?' I scoffed at the past me for his naivete while walking down the mountain, it's early morning but I was extremely hungry, not 'I so hungry that I can't walk' but hungry nonetheless.

The walk down the mountain was uneventful but I was extremely tense the DBZ worlds were very unpredictable, dinosaurs and humans in the same era? How humans could survive in such a harsh environment without the use of ki is beyond me, let's not talk about other planets, I have no idea if I am on Earth or not.

'First I need to secure food, a shelter, and when I am confident enough I'll begin exploring this place.' With my goals set I begin walking into the deep forest in the base of the mountains, as I was walking I could hear the chirping of birds everywhere around me, twenty minutes in and I still had not found a living thing big enough to satiety my hunger.

'Perhaps I am too obvious to the wildlife, I don't even know how to track an animal, and I'm not stupid to eat fruits that I don't know if it's poisonous or not.' I thought while eyeing some yellow fruits the size of a tumb, 'the fact that the fruits are untouched mean that the animals don't eat it and they know their shit, I am a Saiyan but I'll not test my luck.'

I walked ten more minutes to finally see my prey, it's was scratching the ground with its talons while picking insects with its beak.

'A wild chicken? What is this, it's huge! Al least 1 meter tall!' I thought while eyeing the giant chicken cousin, cause the similarities ended in the fact that it has feathers and tiny wings.

'Wait, is that a fricking dodo!?' Observing the bird more carefully I began to see the similarities with the extinct animal.'Well between dinosaurs e birds I chose the extinct bird' while thinking that I began stalking closer to the bird until suddenly it looked in my direction and... kept looking, tilting its head to the side like a dog.

I kept still for a moment and the dodo the same, I slowly stood up from my crouching position and very slowly moved forward, until I was just two meters away from it, the bird still was looking at me with evident curiosity, I inwardly said 'what the he*k, this little sh*t has no fear or it's just that stupid?'.

Soon I remembered how the dodo became extinct, this bird evolved isolated on an island in Madagascar where it didn't have a natural predator so it became careless and when the humans came it was an easy target for the hunt, also the domestic animals kept eating their eggs until they vanished little by little.

'So I'm on some island huh? Though am I still on Earth? I'll find out soon I learn to fly' grinning I said. Just thinking of flying I became very excited.

Putting aside my daydreams I looked back to the dodo who had come back to the search for its food, looking at it with pity I said " sorry dude it's like they say survival of the fittest" as soon as I finished speaking I jumped forward with the spear in my hands directly below the bird wings, to my surprise the spear went all the way through and pierced the ground, while I held the spear the dodo flapped its little wings and let out a pained cry until after a minute or so it stopped and became limb.

[+2 COINS]


Two blues screens appeared in the right down corner of my vision, seeing this I stepped on the dodo corpse and removed the spear from the body, 'it was about time' I thought looking at the notifications, soon I moved my attention elsewhere.

'I completely forgot that I am much stronger than a normal human, I will test my strength later' I thought remembering how easily I killed the bird. I kept my hand over the body at the same time thinking of putting it in the inventory, I waited and nothing happened, seeing this I said "inventory?"



"Why didn't it work? " while thinking this I touched the bird's body and again thought of storing it and low and behold it disappeared.

"So it needs direct contact."

Looking at the INVENTORY and it now said 'Dodo's corpse', happy with the convenience of having an Inventory I began searching for dry wood putting it in the inventory. After twenty minutes I had a good amount so I stopped looking at it I give a nod [Dry wood (432)].

After that I began searching for a clearing, I wouldn't want to start a forest fire right? That would be horribly dumb, I soon found a nice place and begin removing the grass in a three-meter radius, put a couple of sticks in the middle, and paused, frowning "How do I start a fire? The normal way will take time and still, I don't know if I'll even if I can do it, honestly, it's quite troublesome and a waste of time..."

"I'll test that." Walking to one tree about four times my diameter I took a low stance with my right foot in the front and left in slightly more than shoulder length apart, I placed my hands on my left side with the palms facing each other like I was holding an invisible ball, then I closed my eyes and begun concentrating, trying to find some kind of energy inside, not feeling anything I frowned, then I said in a whisper-

"Ka..." I began imagining the nonexistent energy flowing through all my body.

...Me..." I imagined this energy begun to condense and became agitated.

"...Ha..." then from out of nowhere the imagined feeling became real, I quickly pushed this energy to my hands and begin trying to contain and control the energy in my hands, then I opened my eyes e looked at my hands,

A blue ball of energy the size of a tennis ball rested in my hands.

"...Me..." gradually the ball of energy becomes heavier and more difficult to contain, at this moment I was drenched in sweat, then with a thrust, I lunged my arms forward the ball in my hands seemed the heaviest thing I have ever held then with one last push I screamed-

"...HAAAA!" the ball of energy in my hands quickly exploded forward in a jet of energy at least thirty cm

Thicker, with extreme force it rapidly obliterated the trunk of the tree and continued forward without losing momentum, it was just when I stopped giving energy and at least a dozen more trees were penetrated that the beam of energy began to flicker until it was gone in a tiny flickering blue light.

I fell to my knees and hands all sweaty but with a huge grin from ear to ear and eyes shining in excitement on behalf of what I have just done.

"HAAHAHHAHAHAHA! *pant* *pant* I FU*KING DID IT! *pant* hahaha...hu- oh shit!-*THUD!* with ragged breaths I saw the first tree the beam destroyed inclining to the side, with a loud thud the tree fell bringing down with it other smaller trees in its wake.




After recuperating from the exhaustion I finally remembered why I did such a thing, remembering the feeling I try using ki again thought this time in the tip of my finger and much more weak, I also tried to make it laser-like and not just destructive, I had to try a couple of times to make it right and a couple more to make it a laser, when I was done I was deadly hungry.

Making a campfire with dry wood and rocks forming a circle I used a ki blast, a small jet of super-hot yellow energy left my finger, not even five seconds and the fire was raging on.

After that was done I took back the dodo from the inventory, after removing the feathers with my hands I used the spear to behead it and begin opening it to extract the organs, I put them in the inventory to discard later, I used my spear to cut pieces of the meat, using sticks I put them above the fire, minutes after when it was almost burned I took it back to cool down, I let it in the fire to kill the maximum microorganisms as possible because I didn't have a method nor know how to clean the meat.'I just hope that my Saiyan physiology takes care of everything' I thought with a sigh.

The meat was just plain, nothing special, after all, I didn't have any spice. Quickly I devoured everything, frowning right after I one more time remembered that now I'm a Saiyan, a true glutton.




Making sure so that the fire kept on I run into the forest again, though this time like a literal starving beast, without a care if I was being 'stealth' or not, it was not after five minutes that a saw two dodos one on top of the other flapping its tiny wings, quickly I took the spear with my left hand above my head and with a grunt I threw the spear, it traveled through the air in at least 100 m/s or little less than 400 km/h, I was at least 70 meters from the duo of horny birds, the spear was so fast that it pierced the one on top and the momentum threw the dodo directly into a tree with the spear penetrating it making it hang from the spear.

"Call me cockblocker!" Seeing the spear striking true I could not stop myself from shouting that out loud.

The other dodo was stunned and by the time it tried to flee I give it a kick to the head *CRACK*, and with an audible crack, the bird fell limb in the ground.

Rapidly storing my hunt I dashed in search of some more meat. In middle, I also found a river graying out one of my concerns for the time being, after drowning the thirst away and a quick bath, I continued the food search.

The hunt was good I found more dodos but also some other herbivores and small carnivores, this seemed to prove the absence of anything that could harm me in this forest.




By the time came back and finished eating, it was well past noon, with less than three hours to sunset I began constructing a shelter, I cut trees with the 'laser finger', after that I dug holes with my hands and erected trunks in a 5 square meters area with 3 meters height, more trunks for the roof plus a cover of some giants leaves I had found while hunting, I also used those leaves to make a bed.

As the night fell I put wood enough to keep the fire through the night and slept while dreading what I'm going to do from now on.