04 - Completing the Power Ball and First Transformation








"Hmm MAP" as soon I said it the blue screen turned into a map that resembled a GPS with a lot of shades of green, in the center of it was a blue dot with a small triangle in front of it, the map also had a compass in the right inferior corner, I turned 90 degrees to the right, and the map adjusted with the dot with the triangle always forward, looking at the compass that always showed the cardinal directions I thought how useful it will be later when I began to travel.

'Now let's see how big this map is' I thought while zooming out of the island, I could see all the island in green, the sand in yellow/orange, and the sea in blue, a grand part of the sea around the island was blue but after what seemed a few kilometers everything was grey.

'I suppose everything showing is where I had looked when I had flown for the first time and the gray are 'unexplored areas,' zooming out some more all that I could see was black, zooming out more, I could see interrogations marks above the island.

Wanting to get the best grasp of the map continued to zoom out until I was greeted with a 3D view of the planet but everything that I could see was gray. The planet too had interrogations mark above it. I tried to zoom out more but it was to no avail.




I woke up and flew to the beach to continue the second step of my training plan to recreate the power ball technique.

Creating another blue ball I tried to make a sort of pre-programmed ball that would release its energy into the air to create more light than it normally did, my first task was to create a self-sufficient energy ball.

I took two days of grinding small improvements until I finally had satisfactory results.

I concentrated the ki of the sphere in the center and made it realize its energy to the outside like a star, while also maintaining its shape, after tirelessly training I finally had done it perfectly, in my hand was a blue sphere shining with a bright blue light making me entirely blue where the light touched, I knew it was done because I didn't have to pay attention to it not disperse, after two minutes of watching the ball it finally begun to disperse, seeing this success I nodded to myself but didn't celebrate this time for I was slightly irritated with the mental exercise that was control and shape ki and the hunger that was showing up was not helping.

I created another ki ball and this time I tried to keep it hovering on its own, using the same principle of flying I tried to imbue it to the sphere and after almost two an hour, I succeeded.

Letting out a tired breath I said: "This time it was easier because I knew what I wanted it to do, I didn't have to learn how to fly because I already knew how."

Seeing the position of the sun in the sky, I knew I had less than two hours before noon. 'I woke up when the sun came out so I still have time, I just have a couple more things to do!'

"Now let's test it out-" I made a blue ki ball and put the self-sustaining technique and the flying technique in it, this was a bit mentally straining but I got it done in less than 30 minutes, I took a couple of steps back and begun to count.

After less than a minute the ball faded away, frowning I thought- ' fifty-four seconds, I'll have to put more energy I didn't want it to disappear so quickly.'

With this in mind I moved on, I was trying to make a bigger ball, if it was an offensive technique it would be inefficient and dumb, first off I don't think I have the energy to create a ki ball bigger than one meter of diameter that was dense enough to be useful in a battle situation, even that much would be with all my ki, but this is not supposed to hit an enemy, so I could make it bigger if I wanted, it was like an air balloon, with the exterior big but inside practically hollow, with just the necessary to keep itself stable.

When I was done I had a ball of more or less 5 meters of diameter above my head in my two hands.

Looking up I couldn't help but think of the spirit bomb, but differently of that, if I threw the one I held in something the worse it would do is a few meters explosion, after all, it was just like a balloon of energy.

Concentrating again I focused on putting the two techniques into it, after a couple of tries, and small pauses to regain energy, I flew away and observed the gigantic ball floating a few meters of the ground while bathing the beach in blue-white light, after two minutes the sphere faded into little dozen of thousands of blue particles.

"I just have to make it last at least five minutes." I said while continuing trying until I got it right, After succeeding in this I made another normal ki ball and tried to control it from afar, after around 3 days of training I could move it around, expand, disperse much more easily.







NAME: Beat











"So flight has been added to technique hun." I said absentmindedly while sitting on a rock in front of the large tree trunk I had 'cut' down with the Kamehameha close to the shelter, after the fourth day I began carving the time in this tree, right now it has six vertical lines with one cutting the middle of them horizontally, two inches to the right were three more vertical lines, "This is my eleventh day in this world." I said while craving another line beside the others.

"My power increased to 70 in a couple of days, the LSS sure is a cheat, I have been doing nothing but try to better my ki mastery but it's still going up?" While thinking about this I quickly began to move.

'I have to quickly control the ozaru transformation while I still weak.'

I stood up and shot flying to the beach with my heart anxiously beating in anticipation of what I was about to do, arriving at the beach I took deep breaths, after calming myself I began.

After half a day of creating and dispersing the technique, I was confident enough in making it in one minute.

I took off my fur and put it in the inventory, I was butt naked. 'this is really awkward, be naked outside like that and not to take a bath.'

soon I made a white ball with the energy that caused me the strange sensation, but this time I put all the other steps of the technique too, the flight to it kept hovering in the air and the self-sustaining technique, and finally, I threw it in the air and when it was at least three hundred feet in the sky I closed my hand into a fist to make it expand.

Soon the beach was bathed in a white glow, keeping my head low I took a deep breath and looked up.

"argh!" I could sense the heat rising from my tail to all my body with extreme speed, five seconds my heart started pounding violently against my chest, it was so strong that I fell onto my knees when the heat finally reached my head, I felt an uncontrollable rage assault my mind. my body began to rapidly grow and fur started appearing all over me, my teeth began to turn into fangs and I began to see everything red.

"argh! ughhAAAHHHH!" The rage now was so intense that I felt the urge to scream, and that I did, the last thing I could remember was the trees began to look tinier in my vision and I released a stronger, aggressive, and primal roar.


~~~~~~~(3rd person POV)

In a wide golden dome-like structure, you could see a man clad in golden armor standing in a small altar localized in the middle of the dome, his eyes shone a golden light, it seemed like he was staring at nowhere, but to everyone who knew him could understand that that was far from the truth.

Holding onto a two-handed sword named Hofund or commonly known as Bifrost sword, the weapon who was made of the Uru metal, a metal so durable that to forge it you would need the heat of a star, enchanted be the AllFather himself this sword has yet to find something that it couldn't cut throw.

*Step* *step* *step*

Entering the golden dome was an old man also clad in golden armor, he wore a horned helmet that covered all his head with just his face showing, he had white hair reaching to his shoulders, a white beard, and a golden eyepatch, in the right hand he held a golden spear named Gungnir who saw this spear knew that the only one who held it was the Asgard ruler, the AllFather Odin, trailing behind him was a red cape, looking at him you could see and feel the aura of a king.

"So what have you seen about this individual, that caused you to call me from the palace, that you couldn't just say from here, Heimdall?" Asked the old man with a calm voice, but the atmosphere he exuded demanded a response.

"Don't be too hard on him my love he's just doing his job, don't mind him Heimdall." Said the woman with a small smile on her face, she was wearing a long-sleeved golden and green dress that touched the floor, her hair was tied into a single braid that fell to the right side of her chest, she wore a small crown-like tiara in her head and she had her hands resting in the AllFather left arm.

"AllFather, Queen Frigga." Saluted Heimdall with a bow to the two royals of Asgard, while beginning to explain.

"While watching the nine realms I came to see something strange if not slightly alarming if you could." He mentioned at his shoulders, the two right after resting one hand each in Heimdall's shoulders and closing their eyes.

With their eyes closed they could see the top of a mountain with nothing special about it, when the king was about to inquire, something perturbed the peaceful sight, a ripe in space appeared slightly above the ground, it shined with a blinding light that soon faded, and in its place rested a small boy clothing in animal fur.

"Do you know what was that?" Queen inquired her husband, who was by her side, but the man shook his head.

"Although I have had seen a great number of strange spells and mystic arts, this is different from many, and while I could see some semblance to some of them, I will have to investigate personally to understand it better." Said Odin with a small frown.

"My King there is more." Said Heimdall while glancing at the AllFather.

"What is it, show me." Said Odin while putting a hand on his shoulder again.

"Is it about the child?" Frigga asked the guardian of the BiFrost.

He nodded and began to explain while showing images of The Kid moving through the forest with speed and dexterity far above what even an adult of Midgard would have been able to do.

"He probably isn't from Midgard the way he appeared, the tail and this strength are more than enough to confirm it." Said the Queen

Heimdall nodded his head while showing them another

Memories of the boy utilizing some kind of energy to destroy a couple of trees, he tore down trees and carried them around with little to no difficulty. Soon they saw the boy flying around the sky and stopping on the shore of the island, he began making different kinds of energy balls for what seemed several days.

"He seems to be training." Observed the AllFather.

This continued until one day he got naked, he held his fur in one hand and right after it disappearing in the empty air, then he threw a ball of energy in the sky, and began to transform into a giant monkey-like form, after roaring to the air a couple of times it started going on a rampage, shooting beams of laser-like attacks from its mouth that caused explosions were it landed, ripping trees from the ground and throwing around, all of it while continuing madly roaring, it continued for almost five minutes until the energy ball in the sky vanished, soon the giant monster turned back into the small child, who was completely passed out.

"When did this happen?" Inquired Odin, opening his eyes to look at Heimdall.

"He appeared less than 2 weeks ago, I just discovered him because of this transformation that happened a few hours ago."

He nodded at this and said-

"Open the Bifrost."