05 - A Small Talk and Where I am

On an isolated island in the middle of nowhere a giant beam of light fell from the sky completely disintegrating the plants below, burning the ground in an intricate runic pattern, from the light walked out a couple clad in golden, the man in armor and the woman in a long dress. They were Odin and Frigga, the King and Queen of Asgard.

"I will investigate the place where he appeared."Said the AllFather before walking off, while the Queen nodded at him and began walking to the forest without much thought.

The night was falling and the clouds in the sky made it darker than normal, you could hear the nocturnal animals and insects begin to awake. After walking a few minutes Frigga reached an area where the trees had fallen recently, going past the trees, she could see a giant crater that resembled a hand or a monkey footprint, it was more than one meter deep and a few meters wide, looking around she could see several others craters that indicated that the giant monster walked through there.

Following the footprints for ten minutes, the Queen finally caught sight of the culprit, the child with spiky hair, he was sleeping face down and covered in dust, seeing this and frowning the Queen waved her hands above his body while reciting strange words in a murmur, soon the child began to levitate and all the filthy on him disappeared, but Frigga didn't stop there she made another spell and with a flash of green light, clothes appeared on his body, it wasn't anything fancy, just brown leather pants with a hole for the tail, a brown leather armor protecting the torso area and a brown linen long-sleeved undershirt bellow it, the shoes were of hard leather with animal fur inside to make it more bearable to walk around on, it was a basic warrior armor that favored dexterity over defense, it was the simplest she could think of after all Asgard clothing and armors are much better than what the current humans could craft. Again she entered the forest with the kid floating behind her.




Sitting down on a tree trunk facing a bonfire was Frigga, she had carried the kid to his 'home' and now was waiting for Odin to come back while watching the child sleep, not even five minutes and she could hear footsteps, looking to the side Frigga saw Odin with a small frown on his face.

"Have you found out who send the child here?" She asked, though for her husband's face she already knew the answer.

"No, whoever did this, made such of erasing every possible track that could be used to trace them." Odin said while frowning harder, glancing at the kid on the ground said: "he sure is taking longer than I thought to wake up."

Almost as if he had heard the AllFather the child began to move, he sat up, put one hand on his head, and murmured something in an unknown language, after shaking off the sleep, he frowned while glaring at the fire, his face changed of absentmindedly to confused, surprised and finally suspicious when he started recognizing the area where he was and the new clothes he was wearing, when he tried to stand up Frigga who had been silent the whole time spoke.

"You're finally awake." To her amusement, the kid when heard a voice behind him jumped a good distance forward in fright while turning around in mid-air to the direction of the voice, with a wary expression he looked to them and said.

"#########!?" When the couple heard this they frowned.

"This will be a problem." With a sigh Odin looked at Frigga with an expression that seemed to say 'you handle this' the Queen smiled at it and turned to the child with a calm and gentle voice.

"You're safe, calm down, we won't hurt you." While she knew that he probably couldn't understand her, she said it more to show him that they were not threats to him, while she gently spoke, slowly she closed the distance between them, until she put a hand in his head, during all this the kid had a constant change in emotion, from confusion, recognition, fear, and uncertainty.

"########?" Looking up at Frigga he said something again, she just smiled and mentioned to Odin to come over.




(Beat POV)

In front of me were two people I knew, I never met them before, but I recognized them from movies of my past life, a big franchise that had millions of fans all across the world, from a company that had created many of the most known comics superheroes of the world and much more.

Patting my head was a beautiful blonde lady that didn't seem to have passed the forties, walking in our direction was an old man, he had an eyepatch in his right eye, his hair and beard were white and he wore golden armor, although the white hair, to me he looked not past fifty.

It was a surprise to me, I woke up with a campfire in front of me, so I was understandably confused, the last thing a could remember was trying to control the oozaru transformation, I knew I wouldn't do it on the first try, so I was certain that I would wake up naked in the middle of the forest or something, but imagine my surprise when I found myself back at the shelter, with the bonfire lit, and clothing different clothes.

More strange and mindboggling than that was what these people in front of me represented, all these days I thought I was in the DBZ universe, but now I doubt it. While I was thinking in what universe I might be, the couple who I guess is Odin and Frigga, were discussing something too, but I didn't understand anything.

While they spoke I was confused, 'Why aren't they speaking English? And why they don't seem to understand me? Asgard should know it right? Thor didn't have any problems speaking with humans.' Then I remembered about the Allspeak, though thinking back It was never stated that the MCU has it, even Thor said he learned Groot language because they taught it in Asgard, I was completely lost in what to make of this situation, so I waited.

After a few words with her husband, Frigga left my side and sat down again, Odin looked at me and approached, if I said I wasn't a little scared it would be a lie, he was the AllFather! A fucking God, thousands of years old, what if he deemed me a threat to Asgard and the nine realms? He would imprison me, kill me, or in the best case scenario throw me on some random planet outside the nine realms.

While I was dreading these possible outcomes Odin put a hand on my head and murmured some strange words, after that I felt a tingle and an alien feeling in my head, when he saw the questioning look I gave him, he said

"I put a translation spell in your head you will understand our words and we will understand yours, it works transmitting the meaning of what you want to say to us while doing the same to you." He said taking a seat beside his wife, touching two fingers in her forehead he used the same spell in her, he remained always with the spear in hand and an oppressive aura around him, I don't know if it was my mind playing games on me or it was truly his doing.

He gestured to a tree trunk in front of him motioning me to sit, so I did it, ignoring the magic he just used that completely destroyed the language barrier, after all besides the fact that in front of me was The AllFather it is obvious that although in the movies he didn't do anything magical but the incantation on Thor hammer, he is fricking old its evident that as a king of a magic realm he knows a lot of things about magic. He kept staring at me for a few seconds until I heard a small laugh from his side.

"Sorry, don't worry, we just want to know who you are, care to share with us? My name is Frigga, I am the Queen of Asgard." It was after Frigga spoke I saw how tense I was, I took a deep breath and again looked at them.

Nodding his head the AllFather introduced himself, "I am Odin Borson, King of Asgard."

Taking the cue I introduced myself.

"My name is... Beat and I'm a saiyan... sorry if I sound rude but what the King and Queen of Asgard could possibly want in a deserted island like this one, and how did you get here?" I said with caution, now that I know where I am, I decided to be careful, I could tell that because they were now in front of me that they most likely knew everything I had done in the past days, but I couldn't show that, it would bring suspicion of how much I know, I'm certain that they saw that I somehow recognized them, my priority now was at least show them that I wasn't a threat nor wanted to be.

"So you know about Asgard? Well to someone from out there it isn't hard to know who protects this realm, about how we arrived you will find out soon." Said Frigga with a playful smile.

"We saw how you arrived, and what you have done recently, so I came to see you, find who sent you here and what is their and your purpose. " Odin said while sternly looking me in the eyes. I gulped and said a slightly altered truth.

"I don't know who send me, and all I can remember is things about this energy, my race, my name, and a few things concerning this planet, one of them is that it is part of your nine realms, but how did you find me? From what I saw this island is completely uninhabited yet here you are." I said playing dumb, and trying to change the subject before I said something that I would regret later.

Frowning Odin said, "you don't remember anything beyond your name and your powers? And I never heard of this race of yours" He eyed me suspiciously, seems like Odin didn't think that my answer was good enough, but Frigga said something that eased the AllFather's worries about me.

"He speaks the truth, although I can see he's hiding something. About how we found you, we have a friend who can see pretty far." Commented Frigga on the side, at which Odin nodded.

I let slide the vague explanation while reluctantly nodding to her, I don't care about it, because every interested fan of the MCU should know about Heimdall and the Bifrost.

"I can guarantee you that the things I'm not saying won't bring harm to this planet... I'll make sure of it, after all, I have nowhere else to go..." I said with the most serious face I could muster, as to show them my resolve.

Odin glared at me for a few seconds as if searching for any sign of deception, after a few moments, he nodded and said;

"If you're so sure about this I'll not inquire further, we won't stop you from living here, we just interfere when danger from the outside appears or if it seemed that the inhabitants of this planet wouldn't be able to protect themselves, I can see that you are much stronger than the people of this planet so be mindful of what you do, if you are true to your words then we won't have problems." Odin easily dismissed my worries with a wave of his hands, after this Frigga began to speak.

"Now, with this matter dealt with, I would like to know about that transformation that you suffered, we saw it, how that work? And why would you willingly turn into that beast?" To the rather curious words of his wife, Odin nodded his head and said:

"What you're trying to achieve by transforming into that form?" Odin questioned me.

"I call it Oozaru, and I was... trying to control it." I said them the truth, there's no reason to lie about it, and they seem able to see through it anyway, besides the current Asgard is a peaceful kingdom, so I don't see a reason to not befriend them.

"And why that? For what would you need such a form, there are few to nothing that could possibly hurt you if you live quietly in Midgard, with your special abilities and actual strength, you won't have any problems, more than that, you are still a child, when you grow up you will become much stronger, I don't see the need for that form." Said Frigga with worry on her face.

I was surprised seeing the worried look on her face, but then a remembered that I now looked like a 12-year-old kid, shaking my head I said "That's not so simple, if I didn't control, I might sooner or later hurt people around me, you see, I can trigger the transformation, but it also can happen naturally with certain conditions that are out of my control, yeah I could avoid these situations but who can say I won't slip a few times, and if that happens and I didn't have control over it then I will most likely destroy everything around." It's technically true, I could cut my tail to not worry about the transformation but it could regrow just like Goku and Gohan, besides I don't want to cut the possibility of SSJ4, the coolest transformation ever.

Also, what I said about control is true, can you imagine a legendary super saiyan going Oozaru without controlling it? One ki blast to the ground and its game over for me and the world, I can't survive in space, yet.

"Besides I know that there are things much stronger than me out there," I added while looking up to the cloudy night sky, trying to look to the stars but failing miserably, frowning and looking back to the royalty that was looking to the sky with pensive expressions I broke the silence once again.

"More so, that form is part of me, I want to control it." I said with finality.

Frigga had a troubled expression on her face but did not say anything else, Odin just nodded his head.

After seeing that they didn't have anything more to say,

I decided to say: "Thanks for the clothes, by the way, I really liked them." I said, and it's true, I had been walking around with a piece of fur to protect from the wind, because it did just that, it was just to me not walk around naked, but this clothes I'm using right now checks in everything that a modern person would need to call it clothing, it wasn't a 10/10 but compared to the other option it certainly was the best.

With a small smile on her face, she nodded, standing up she said "I couldn't let you naked while we waited for you to wake up."

"We will take our leave now, perhaps we will meet again boy, until then farewell." Odin said while also standing up and walking away.

"Farewell and take care Beat, make sure to eat fruits or other things too, it's not good to just eat meat, you're still growing you have to eat more healthy food." She said while standing a few meters away besides Odin, while the AllFather looked at her strangely.

"Heimd-" "Ah wait! There's something I wanted to ask!" When they were trying to go I remembered something and stopped then, when they looked at me I asked-

"Do you know what it's the year right now on Earth?" With this piece of information, I could better know where I stood in the timeline if I had time to train calmly or not, I don't know how my presence in this universe changed things or if they changed at all, and if I wanted to participate or just be safe I will have to be stronger. If it's the beginning or before Iron-man I was good, later and I will be on short time to prepare for Thanos, I don't have the hyperbolic time chamber or a Bulma to make a gravity room, I will have to depend on the LSS and improvisation.

The two of them looked at each other then at me and Odin said, "I suppose what you call 'Earth' is Midgard right, if so we don't know, the Midgardians didn't register a unified calendar yet, right now they have differents depending on the city and their necessities."

Listening to this I began to have a bad premonition about my situation, so I asked, "And how many of those cities are there?"

"There are a few of them I don't remember the exact number, usually they don't prosper for much time, but the largest city is part of the Babylonian empire, their rise was not so long ago." this time it was Frigga that answered, and I was stunned with this piece of information.

"Are you alright, child?" Frigga asked, I quickly put myself together and waved goodbye to them.

"Yeah, I... I'm good! Thanks!" They just nodded and with a flash, they were gone. As soon they left I sat down, holding my head in panic I started thinking.

'I'm at the fucking bronze age or the iron age!? Whatever it is I'm more than two fucking thousand years back in time! Thinking back it makes sense, I'm on a relatively large island with no civilization with a supposedly extinct species, I must have been on the same island where the dodos will be extinct in a few thousand years.'

"Holy shit..." I said with a sigh.

Trying to calm myself I thought, '...I'm technically immortal, so I'll not die of old age in this era, but it will be a pain to get used to a world without all the modern things... let's look at the bright side, I now have all the time of the world to train!'


'Fuck! The Babylon was before the common era, right? So I was transmigrated more than two thousand years back, seriously!?'

With this final realization, I called it a day, although I had just woken up I didn't think I could do anything significant with what was going through my head, besides it was already night so one more reason not to do anything.