Four Hearts Melting

After hours of playing with Poncho. Christian felt a little hungry and was thinking everyone else would be too. "Do you all want to go somewhere and eat!??"

Rudy and Joseph agreed, but Jeanohntae was reluctant to leave Poncho. "Sweetheart. We could always visit him another day. You haven't eaten anything since this morning. Come on." Rudy said.

Jeanohntae pouted, but said her goodbyes to Poncho. "I'll come visit you later okay!??" The three men were smiling at the sight before them. It was like a mother duck reuniting with her young one.

Rudy and Joseph started walking to the exit. Christian turned around and was about to walk when Jeanohntae whispered softly to Poncho. "I'll come back soon. I love you Poncho." Christian stopped in his tracks when he heard Jeanohntae's last words to Poncho.

'She said it. She actually said I love you.' Christian smiled at the thought, but it instantly changed into a frown as he thought about it some more. 'She said I love you, but it wasn't to me.'

Jeanohntae turned around and saw Christian's gloomy expression. "What's wrong!?? Are you feeling sick or something!??" She asked. Christian looked at her and smiled softly. "Oh it's nothing. I'm just a little hungry."

Jeanohntae smiled and grabbed Christian's hand. "So let's go eat. I'm hungry too." She said happily. Christian was stunned to see Jeanohntae taking the initiative to hold his hand in public. She would mostly be too shy and a little embarrassed to do anything like that. She was finally relaxing and being herself.

As they all left the zoo, they still did not agree on what to eat. Christian took control of the situation and suggested a place that has dumpling. He called Dan and told him where to go. Dan did not say anything to Joseph or Rudy. Instead, he told Noah where to go.

As they arrived, Joseph and Rudy were looking out the window at the restaurant and it was a hotel with a restaurant by the beach.

Joseph was wondering what was going through Christian's head. 'This is not Christian's kind of place to eat at. He does not even like to go to the beach anymore.' He did not understand why his son would pick this place. No one understood his motives, not even Jeanohntae.

Christian did not care about what everyone else wanted. He did not even care about what he wanted. He only cared about the food Jeanohntae liked, and this was the place.

However, Christian had another plan in mind. A plan no one else knew.

As everyone else got out of the car, Christian ushered everyone inside. "Go on ahead and order, I'll be inside shortly. I just need to make a phone call."

Rudy, Joseph and Jeanohntae went inside and sat down, with their bodyguards, Kylee, Dan and Jojo following close behind.

Lennie stayed outside with Christian while he made his phone call. Christian called Ruth first.

Ruth saw it was her boss and answered immediately. "Yes sir." Christian wasted no time. "Buy a nice beach outfit for Jeanohntae. Something you think she will look good in. Please bring it to the Sunny Side Beach Hotel when you get it. I'll reimburse you for your troubles."

Lennie, who was not far, heard what Christian said and wanted to smile. Lennie knew it was wrong to eavesdrop on his boss, but he just could not help himself. It took him a lot of strength to restrain himself from listening any further.

Ruth's expression froze with confusion. She did not know what to say. "Umm... Yes sir. I'll call you when I'm there."

Christian was satisfied and hung up the phone. He then proceeded to call Butler Lu. "Hello Mr. Christian. How may I help you!??"

"Gather three pairs of swimwear for my father, Uncle Rudy and myself. Bring them to the Sunny Side Beach Hotel." Christian said.

Butler Lu had a pretty vague idea about what he was thinking. "Of course sir, but if I may. What about Ms. Jean!??"

"Don't worry about Ms. Jean. I have already taken care of that." Christian said with a polite voice.

"Understood Mr. Christian. I will bring them to you at once." Butler Lu did not hesitate to do as told. However, Christian did not want him to hurry.

Christian did not want anyone to know his plan. "Thank you. There is no need to rush, go ahead and take your time. Just call me when you're done." Christian hung up the phone immediately not wanting to look suspicious for taking to long.

He headed inside with Lennie and sat down next to Jeanohntae. They waited for Christian to return before ordering their food. Christian knew it was Jeanohntae's decision to wait. He wasn't the only one that bends to her command. Joseph and Rudy also does what she wants.

As they all received their food, Christian noticed that Rudy and Joseph were not eating. As soon as Jeanohntae started to touch her food, that is when they started as well.

Christian smiled to himself. 'I'm not the only one that bends to her every command. They do it too. She really is our princess. Wait! No. She's like our queen. Whatever she wants, she will get. I have no problem with that.' Christian's smile started to show on the outside.

"Chris, are you okay!??" Rudy asked. "Hmm!?? Oh I'm okay Uncle Rudy. I was just thinking about the time you guys teased me about bending to Jean's every command." Joseph and Rudy looked at each other in confusion. "What about it son!??" Joseph asked.

Christian cleared his throat and everyone listened. Including Jeanohntae and the bodyguards. They wanted to know what they were talking about. "Well, dad and uncle Rudy. You guys mentioned something about me doing whatever Jean wants. You both said I bend to her every command and I always do what she wishes."

Joseph and Rudy nodded and Christian continued. "However, I have been observing the two of you and you both do the same. When Jean got mad at both of you, you guys did not get mad about it. Instead, you apologized for making her angry. Then just earlier, none of you touched your food until Jeanohntae did."

Rudy and Joseph were dumbfounded. "Chris, we just wanted to make sure Jean ate first. That is all." Rudy explained a little awkwardly while scratching his head. Christian was not believing them.

Instead, he simply responded with a smile. "Ooh that's not the first time. I've seen the two of you do that ever since we all got together again. At the dinner when Jean brought Adrian. During breakfast, and even when we all went out to eat the last time. You old farts think you're so smart by trying to make it seem like I was the only one who does that."

When Christian finished, everyone was laughing. Especially Lennie, Kylee, Dan and Jojo. They tried to hold back their laugh, but it was too funny to them. They've never heard their boss say something like that. Christian looked at the bodyguards with is cold icy glare and they stopped laughing.

Jeanohntae was still laughing but stomped on Christian's foot under the table. "Don't look at them like that. You're the one that was talking. If we all laugh, then they get to laugh too. Besides, they need a little fun. They are the ones that are protecting us."

Christian apologize. "I'm sorry. Please continue to enjoy yourself." Dan, Jojo, Lennie and Kylee smiled. Their hearts were melting at the thought of Jeanohntae standing up for them. They rarely get to laugh.

That is when Jeanohntae had good idea. She stood up and walked to one of the waiters with Kylee following right behind. The six men were wondering what she was doing. "Excuse me ma'am." Jeanohntae called to one of the waiters. "Yes madam, how may I help you!??"

Jeanohntae smiled sweetly and asked. "Is it possible to get a another table for four next to the one we are at!??" The waiter looked over at the table and smiled. The waiter nodded. "Yes, I can have another table for you guys in just a minute. "Awesome, thank you. Ohh, may I ask what your name is!??"

The waiter looked at her shirt and realized she wasn't wearing her name tag. "Oh please excuse my rudeness ma'am. My name is Maya." Jeanohntae heard the waiters name and smiled. "That is a beautiful name. Thank you Maya."

Jeanohntae went back to her seat where the six men were still staring at her. "Jean, what were you guys talking about!??" Jeanohntae shook her head. "Ooh nothing. I was just asking her for a favor." Christian looked at Jeanohntae suspiciously.

Kylee was the only one that knew what Jeanohntae and Maya were talking about. She started to smile. The other three bodyguards look at Kylee with curiosity. However, Kylee shook her head knowing what they were thinking. She was not saying anything to them about the conversation.