Confusing Fight

Clang! Clang! Clang!

A loud noise came from outside the tent.  

The sound was similar to the sound of metal striking each other. 

The sound succeeded in making my eyes open wide. 

I woke up from my sleep and uncovered the tent entrance cloth to head outside.

Once I was outside, I could see where the noise was coming from. 

It turned out that the loud noise was coming from some poor soldiers slamming their swords against the trays they were carrying.

They were walking around the tents in the slave district to wake up the slaves.

"Hurry up and get up! How long are you going to sleep!"

Many of them were shouting.

I saw them walking around until I noticed that some poor soldiers suddenly entered a slave tent.

Soon, they were seen grabbing the slaves by the neck and dragging them out of the tent.

Not long after, the poor soldiers were spanking, punching, and beating up the slaves.

"Hehe, be our stretching aid! Don't make sad faces! Show us your happy faces!"