Advanced Attack

The crack that appeared this time was enormous, bigger than before. Nearly a quarter of the players in the front row suffered damage from the appearance of the crack.


Level 25

Elite Beast

A notification suddenly appeared in front of everyone. All the players suddenly fell silent at what had just appeared. a swarm of giant worms with mouths full of sharp spines and they is level 25.

"Damn it!"

A Level 20 Warrior complete with rare equipment cursed at the sight of the monster. Ling Ran who was on the other side was speechless looking at the monster that had appeared.

A moment later the Tunnelworm began to launch its first attack. he spits out hundreds of poisonous spikes from his mouth at the players.

-200, - 200, -140

- 399, -242, - 402

Red numbers are scattered in every corner of the area.

"Damn it!, the amount of damage they inflicted was incredible" Ling Ran was both amazed and shuddered in horror at the monster's attack.

"Everyone retreat, rearrange the formation." Someone shouted a command.


"Ah... Please"

When everyone was running to avoid the Tunnelworm, the sound of people screaming could be heard from the north. Everyone was shocked to see the battle area on ​​the north side.

From a distance, Ling Ran watched as a flock of birdmen flew towards the troops on the north side. One of the herds was a larger figure 3 meters tall.

"Alkhonost" said one of the soldiers in the northern area.

[Alkhonost has been resurrected]

[Requirements met the first subquest created]

[Awakening of Alkhonost]

[Quest: The monster guarding the abyss of hell has been resurrected, defeat them before they rule the world]

[Difficulty C, Unlimited Time]

[Reward: legendary equipment]

a notification sound appeared on the screen of every player who was there. The first quest in the game Arcandria Online has been triggered by a Tunnelworm attack.

The quest rewards are amazing, namely legendary items. Ling Ran who knew that was tempted by the legendary equipment.

The problem is how the team is divided into 2 because they not only have to beat Alkhanost but also there are Tunnelworms.

before they had time to arrange their attack suddenly heard a singing voice from Alkhanost


Ling Ran felt as if his body had been affected by the sound. Likewise, the other players who were in the front row near Alkhanost were.


damage figures started coming out of the players. Nearly 100 players respawned due to running out of HP due to Alkhanost's chant. The remaining players in the area suffered mental damage from the attack.

"We have to complete this quest if we don't want to be killed" Huofeng explained to Ling Ran and Rock.

"I agree, I will try to talk to the soldiers" Ling Ran walked over to the Warrior.

"Friends, we must divide the two teams to face those two monsters, otherwise we will be the ones to perish in this battle." Ling Ran explained.

"What is your plan? I will follow it"

After a short discussion, they split the team into two parts. Team Flowerhorn and Team Ling Ran faced Alkhanost and the rest would face Tunnelworm.


Kaiga Aita who was the leader of the team that faced the Tunnelworm along with about 300 players took the lead facing them.

The elite magicians of the group began to cast their magic. Fireball, Fire Tornado, and all fire-type magics were released simultaneously.

A tunnelworm is a worm-type monster that is weak against Fire magic and Ice magic. The barrage of guesses made by the magicians was enough to make Tunnelworm react.




The tunnelworm began to weaken due to the magician's attack. At the same time, the Warriors began to advance to face the Tunnelworm. One by one the Tunnelworms were defeated.

Notifications appear indicating the monsters have been defeated. There are a lot of experience points. some players go up 2 to 3 levels thanks to defeating these monsters.

"Everyone, quickly finish the monsters, don't give them a chance to counterattack!" Kaiga gave instructions to all the players who were there to attack again.

Simultaneously the players come back forward and repeat the same strategy as before.


On the other hand, Ling Ran and Flowerhorn's team was trying to face Alkhanost. Ling Ran who was a summoner took Fenrir out of his inventory to do battle.

Huofeng launched his fiery arrows at the Harpist troops. The 3 Harpists were shot down by Huofeng's fiery arrows.

"Good job, now it's our turn to help"

"Everyone prepare for the Thunder Storm!"

Kaguya gave instructions to the Flowerhorn team to cast their lightning-type magic.

Flowerhorn itself is indeed a clan that contains elite lightning-type magicians. they hone their skills specifically in that area.

With an attack from the Flowerhorn, they managed to overthrow some of the Harpists there.

Alkhonost who seemed angry again let out his song. The attack gave an electric shock effect that made them stop moving for a few seconds. Alkhanost quickly hit the Flowerhorn players who were being stunned.

The Flowerhorn members bounced off the tree behind them. 2 of their players immediately respawn due to the attack.

"I will distract Alkhanost, you guys defeat the Harpists." Ling Ran gave them advice.

"Alright, be careful he's a completely different monster."

Kaguya again launched a Thunder Storm attack assisted by Huofeng with her arrows. The fight lasted almost 15 minutes. There are only 5 Harpists left.

"A little bit more we all finish with the final blow" Huofeng shouted. together they unleashed their ultimate attack.

[Harpist has been defeated]

[Congratulations on getting 15000 points' experience]

"Wow, 15,000 how many did Huofeng beat" Ling Ran was surprised by the notification he received. After that, he got another notification saying he had leveled up.

[Congratulations points' your experience has been maxed out your stats have been increased]


Class: Summoner

Level: Level 18

HP 650

MP 500

Attack 205 (original 100 + bronze tiger finger 100 + gloves 5)

Defense 150 (real bone 25 + wolf bone 10 + endurance 115)

Reputation 25

Lucky 0

Own Summoner: Fenrir (in evolution)

Ling Ran's entire stats had been increased due to a fairly significant level increase. Now he focused on the Alkhanost he was dealing with.

Ling Ran tried to find a way so he could withstand the attacks from Alkhanost. Ling Ran remembered the object given by the village head of Secreta. He looked for it in his inventory.


Wolf Feather

Ordinary Class

Effect: Eliminates all mental attacks from enemies for 1 hour, one use

"This effect is amazing, how did the village chief know that this item would be useful." Ling Ran mumbled thinking about it.

Without further ado, he immediately used the equipment to fight Alkhanost. Fenrir was prepared to fight because he had just evolved.

"Fenrir A roar give him" Ling Ran ordered his summoner.


Fenrir roared inflicting an attack on Alkhanost.