
The battle between Ling Ran and Alkhanost was fierce. Fenrir who let out a roar stopped Alkhanost's movement in midair. while Ling Ran jumped up and hit Alkhanost.


The resulting damage is very small. Alkhanost didn't stay still he flapped his wings rapidly and threw Ling Ran 100 meters away.


Ling Ran was damaged by the attack, he hit several trees and fell. Before he could stand up, Alkhanost started to flap his wings again.

This time the thorns of the sharp wings shot toward Ling Ran like ice arrows.

Ling Ran tried his best to avoid it. The battle continued between the two. In the middle of the battle, Rock gave a skill book for Ling Ran to use.

[Explosion Energy Skill]:

Skill Book: Consumes 50 magic points as damage to the target. adds 100 constant non-attribute explosion damage and cools down for 5 seconds (upgradeable).

Ling Ran obtained the energy blast skill from Rock. It was enough to help him face Alkhanost. A rare skill that Ling Ran could learn from a skill book.

"Defeat Alkhanost using that skill," Rock shouted from a distance.

Ling Ran rushed to destroy Alkhanost, Ling Ran ordered Fenrir to step forward to block Alkhanost's movement.

At the same time Ling Ran jumped to strike back with his punch, but this time it wasn't as easy as before.

Alkhanost who realized the attack slammed Ling Ran's body with his sharp claws. Then Ling Ran fell and slammed into a rock, the damage was large enough that Ling Ran spat blood from his mouth. Not wanting to lose a lot of HP Ling Ran immediately drank a Bottle of Potion to recover his HP.

Ling Ran who recovered then he immediately stood up, he ran to dodge all of Alkhanost's attacks and his hand was pressed against Alkhanost's head. Ling Ran tried to restrain the monster's movements. With one chance Ling Ran took out the Energy Blast skill at that time.


Loud explosions could be heard from all over the area. Alkhanost the hell monster was blown to pieces. The loud bang indicated that Ling Ran had successfully used the skill.

Then a white light rose into the sky, forming a streak of light, which immediately pierced through the heavens and the earth. The place was filled with white light from a very clear sky.

Then Ling Ran's shabby body was being repaired at an extremely fast speed that was visible to the naked eye. In the white light, the waist, legs, and feet continued to appear, and they regrouped. The whole body is rebuilding. Evolve and become more new powers.

When killing that Alkhanost, gaining immediate experience allowed me to break through level 25, the concentration of cultivation skills was activated and attributes increased instantly.

[Ding!! Congratulations on completing the first SubQuest]

[Contribution points are being calculated]

[Ling Ran 154,000 points']

[Kaguya 120,000 points']

[Huofeng 102,000 points']

[Kaiga 94,000 points']

[The four players with the highest contribution are entitled to the quest reward, please view your inventory]

As soon as the notification appeared all the players were relieved the battle was over they could rest for a while there.


Class: Summoner

Level: Level 25

HP 1000

MP 850

Attack 500 (original 395 + bronze tiger finger 100 + glove 5)

Defense 445 (real bone 25 + wolf bone 10 + endurance 310)

Reputation 25

Lucky 0

Own Summoner: Fenrir (in evolution)

The attributes that Ling Ran currently has are truly terrifying, and his attributes are now on par with warriors, but the difference is that warriors don't have abundant MP, it's different from Ling Ran who has nearly 1000 points' Mana. 500 attack power, 445 defense power, plus 1000 HP, this is not Due to the attributes that summoners are supposed to have. When the white light faded, the body was rebuilt.

[Ding~! Your Fenrir Wolf has evolved and is allowed to be summoned!]

The system informed that his Fenrir had re-evolved. Ling Ran looked at Fenrir and saw that the beast was filled with shimmering white light. Now the little Fenrir had become a huge white wolf that was very elegant, and at the same time accompanied by a howling roar.

Name: Fen

Species: Fenrir

Race: Wolf God

Quality: Legendary

Is it expandable: Yes.

HP: 805 points.

Attack: 945 points.

Defense: 600 points.

Skills: Crystal Ball, Rage, Bite, Blue Flame.

The Fenrir now had more power than a typical level 15 pepper player. In addition, he acquired 2 useful skills. Ling Ran tried to see the description of the new Skill that his pet had.

[Crystal Ball: Creates and fires a crystal-shaped Ice Ball, dealing 200 damage to enemies. Cooldown Time 15 seconds]

[Blue Flame: The sacred fire of Goddess Amaterasu, throws fire attacks at the opponent. The Blue Flame cannot be extinguished until the target is exhausted. inflicts 300 points' damage every second. Cooldown time 30 seconds]

Seeing that description Ling Ran fell silent. Ling Ran thought how unreasonable the skill his pet had. A fire skill from the Goddess Amaterasu, a fire that cannot be extinguished until the opponent is destroyed. The skill is very terrible when used.

After confirming everything Ling Ran went to her inventory to see what she got from defeating Alkhanost.

Ling Ran obtained 1 skill book, 1 staff, 1 summoning book, and 1 set of armor. besides that Ling Ran also obtained 100 gold coins, 300 silver, and 102 copper coins.

Ling Ran was very happy to see what he had obtained. He tried to open one by one the gifts he got. first, he opened the skill book.

[Soul Chain Skill]:

Skill Book: Spawns a chain capable of capturing everything animate around the user. captured souls will be consumed to raise the skill level. Consumes 100 magic energy as damage to the target. Warning: Available only 5 times a day.

"This skill is amazing, I can easily defeat the monsters that come in groups." Ling Ran seemed happy to think about his new skill.

[Staff Of Necromancy]

Grade: Legendary

Attack +100

Required Level: 20

Effect: Able to resurrect creatures from the dead to help the attack. the use of Necromancy armor will increase the attack effect by 35%. mana consumption is 30 mana per second. consumption will increase according to the ability and number of summoned beasts.

Ling Ran obtained the legendary item, the staff of necromancy. The staff made Ling Ran not only fight alone with Fen but also be able to summon a shadow beast from hell. The staff allowed Ling Ran to turn every monster he killed into his army.

"Does this work?" Ling Ran was curious about the abilities of his new staff. Ling Ran approached the corpse of the Alkhanost he just defeated. He tapped the corpse with the staff, but nothing happened.

[Choose the command word to resurrect]

a notification appeared in front of Ling Ran asking him to add some kind of password for the generation program.


Ling Ran spoke a word of command which the system greeted.

[The command word has been saved, you can resurrect it by saying the command word]


Ling Ran spoke the command while tapping the staff on Alkhanost's corpse. A moment later Alkhanost was truly awakened.

"I'm here to answer your call, sir, please give me a name." Alkhanost knelt before Ling Ran.

Ling Ran was thinking of a suitable name to give.

"Okay your name is now Alkho" Ling Ran gave a name.

[You have successfully named your first shadow beast, all Alkho stats will be increased]

Name: Alcho

Species: Shadow Beast

Race: Demon Beast

Quality: Legendary

Is it expandable: Yes

Attack: 1500 points.

Defense: 1230 points.

Skills: Hell's Verse, Tornado, Wing Blade

"Thank you for the name you gave, I will always carry out your orders" Alkho paid his respects.

With Alkho Ling Ran already has 2 summoned animals to help him fight. What's more, the stats they had seemed unreasonable.

"It's like I've used a cheat" Ling Ran muttered watching what he got.

Ling Ran still had 2 more gifts he tried to look at for a while.

[Legendary Summoning Book]:

Special Book: Used to permanently obtain summoned animals. the possibility of summoning a Unique legendary level animal.

Seeing that description Ling Ran felt that he had enough for today. He decided to skip it and save the book for later use.

The last item drop he got was an equipment set. Ling Ran decided to open that set of equipment.

[Cloak of Witches of Darkness]

Grade: Legendary

Defense +150

Required Level: 25

Effect: Restores 20% of mana capacity every second. Reduces Mp consumption by 10%.

[Heracles shoes]

Grade: Legendary

Speed ​​+150

Required Level: 25

Effect: Increases the user's speed by 20%.

"Recovers 20% MP per second?, doesn't that mean my MP will increase by 170 points every second?. I can use the staff without having to worry about running out of MP."

Ling Ran noticed what he got and decided to put on the gear.


Class: Summoner

Level: Level 25

HP 1000

MP 850

Attack 500 (original 395 + bronze tiger finger 100 + glove 5)

Defense 595 (real bone 25 + wolf bone 10 + endurance 310 + Armor cloak 150)

Reputation 25

Lucky 0

Summoner: Fenrir