The Induction

Ugh, my head...

My eyes fluttered open as I was greeted with the familiar ceiling of my room within Draculos' home. The moment I saw that, I remembered what had happened for me to end up here. That's right, I fought him didn't I? I used my most powerful spell on him and watched as it brought him to his knee.

Even if he was holding back, I finally forced the God of Ishgar on his knee after being the one who was pummeled to the ground countless times throughout the year. Oh how that brings a small smile to my face. It's a shame that it'll be a very long time before I can ever pull that off again. Unfortunately that smile was wiped off my face as I was brought back to earth. Despite my performance, I still don't know if Draculos plans on speaking to the Chairman and vouching on my behalf to be selected as the newest Wizard Saint.

Speaking of long have I been unconscious? My eyes went to the window where the bright rays of the sun shot through the cracks in the curtain. That, and my room being warm right now...yeah, it's most likely the afternoon of the next day. Well, I suppose it's time to get a start on this new day.

(One hour later...)

How nice it felt to take a warm bath. I stepped out of my bathroom, breathing out a sigh of satisfaction as I got changed into a new set of clothes, my hair clinging to the back of my neck. Hm, I should probably get it cut...or keep it long and put it in a ponytail or a braid in the future.

Decisions for later.

I made my way to the kitchen with the intention of getting something to eat, when I found Master Draculos sitting at the table, drinking a glass of milk as he flipped through the newspaper, most likely seeing if there was anything noteworthy for him to read that wasn't something like a tabloid...Sorcerer Magazine.

Oh dear Truth...I'm going to need an alias when I'm out in the public, otherwise I might end up being hounded by one of those redactors who work for that magazine. I swear, on my life, one day if that buffoon Jason is the one who interviews me with his 'cool', I might just have to bury him somewhere.

"I'm glad to see you're up. Good afternoon." Draculos spoke up while he read the newspaper, breaking me from my admittedly threatening thoughts aimed at Sorcerer. Oops. Almost forgot where I was. My eyes drifted over to him, and spotted the date of the newspaper. May 17th? So it's been two days since the fight, not one then? Well, worse than I wanted, but better than I expected. It's not like there was someone in our immediate vicinity after the fight who could have treated me while I was in that condition.

"Good afternoon Master Draculos." I replied as I walked over to the fridge, grabbing my mug along the way, and opened it to pull out the bottle of milk from inside and served myself, watching as the white liquid smoothly poured out into the mug I had grabbed. Due to him letting me live here, I tended to pitch in for our groceries, paying careful attention to always buy a bottle of milk whenever I go out since the man really likes it, and as a result, I got used to drinking milk alongside him in the mornings. Honestly, it's kind of nice picking something like this up from your teacher. There are much worse things you can pick up from people, like stripping...Gray.

"So, two days then?" I asked him as I walked over to the table, grabbing an apple on the way, and sat across from the man, taking a sip of milk. Of course, that was a question that really didn't require an answer that we both already knew.

"Indeed. While it wasn't too life threatening, and I do understand why you took such a course of action against me in your test, I advise you to not repeat such a spell until you have grown stronger."

"Of course Master." I nodded, understanding that what I did was in fact very dangerous. The spell that I used against him was one that required an extremely large amount of Magic Power to use and it's not something I can just use whenever I felt like it. At least not as I am now. But with my Second Origin now unlocked, and with continued training, I'll definitely be able to pull it off. But first, to ask the question that I was almost afraid of asking.

"So test...did I...?" I trailed off, hiding how nervous I really was about his answer. Sure, if my efforts weren't enough at the end of the day, it's not the end of the world. I'm only twelve, nearing thirteen, years old, so I can still grow and be considered for the title in the future. But still, the title is something that I can use to my advantage in the future when everything begins, and I had made a promise to both of us that I planned to be one of the Ten Wizard Saints this year.

Draculos stared at me as he laid down his newspaper, and after what was a deafening silence...the corners of his lips turned up, the man giving me a nod.

"You passed Atro. Now that you are awake, I will be traveling to Era tomorrow in order to speak with the Chairman of the Magic Council about appointing you as the next Mage to enter our ranks while you stay here to further recuperate."

I did it! I really did it!!

"Thank you Master Draculos." I thanked him with a small grin on my face, hiding the full extent of how I felt before standing up.

"I think I'm going to go outside to enjoy my milk and apple. Some sun and fresh air will probably do me some good." I excused myself before standing up and walking to the front door to leave the house and do what I said I would do.

[Narrator POV - Draculos]

"Yesss! Yesss!!! I did it! Whooo!!"

And there his student goes, openly showing his jubilation and joy upon hearing the news. He supposed that it was to be expected, after all, his student worked hard for this, and even Draculos knew that the training was too much for him at times. He knew that there were times when Atro seemed to be on the verge of stopping the training they had been doing, but he would somehow draw on whatever inner strength he had to continue on.

'Still, it warms my heart to know that he can still be happy like this.' The God of Ishgar thought to himself.

After Atro returned and requested the harsher training from him and learning that his adoptive mother had passed away, Draculos noticed that he didn't smile as much as he used to. All Atro truly did from that point was study, train, eat, sleep, and repeat. It was almost enough for him to stop the training himself, knowing that no child should subject themself to such a hellish regimen.

At least prior to that, Atro gave himself time to actually rest and do something that wasn't just sleeping and recuperating just to continue at the earliest opportunity. It made the man worry that perhaps his student was going down a path of self-destruction. But, against his initial concerns, he said nothing and allowed the training to continue on as normal, and it seemed that it was the correct choice to make, and Atro found a measure of happiness that he seemed to have lost last year.

And so, Draculos merely picked up his newspaper and continued reading, fully aware of the smile that made itself present on the God of Ishgar's face.

[Narrator POV - Third Person - Days later]

And true to his word, Draculos found himself sitting in front of Crawford Seam as he explained why he is nominated Atro for the position of being one of the Ten Wizard Saints.

"His current strength is not the reason why I wish for him to become a Wizard Saint. While it's quite amazing for a child his age, his Magic Power already in the lower spectrum of what is required for a Wizard Saint, it still would not justify allowing him a placement within our ranks. No, that's not it at all. It is his potential that is the reason why I am nominating him. I believe that he has the power to one day become one of the Four Gods of Ishgar. Perhaps even replacing myself at the top of us current Wizard Saints. It may take one decade. Perhaps even two decades. But his potential and his drive to be greater than what he is already showing at this age is more than enough a reason for my student to uphold this mantle."

"Oh? You truly believe that your student may one day be able to become one of the Four Gods of Ishgar? How interesting." The Chairman said, more to affirm to himself that Draculos did in fact say this, rather than as a question.

In truth, the old man was quite curious about this answer. Draculos is often a man who kept to himself, so when the Chairman was contacted a few days ago regarding an important business that the God of Ishgar wished to discuss, he couldn't help but to be intrigued. After all, it's not often that Draculos says such things, but to find out today that the man found a suitable candidate for the position of a Wizard himself, and it was in fact the boy who was almost thirteen years old? The one that the first ranked Wizard Saint - the strongest God of Ishgar - trained no less in the past two years, and the one who even was willing to go on missions assigned by the Magic Council?

It would be no understatement to say that he was shocked and very interested, and while normally, the boy's age in itself would cause a bit of a ruckus, he decided to give Draculos a chance to explain what was so special about this student. And thus, they ended up here in this moment.

"You know that under different circumstances if the title of Wizard Saint was one that wasn't decided by myself, it would be under the majority's belief that a thirteen-year-old child, no matter how powerful he is, would not be mature enough to uphold the hidden responsibilities that are tied with this status, yes? After all the Ten Wizard Saints are those Mages who have either been chosen by myself or my predecessor to represent the strength of the most powerful in all of Ishgar. So it goes without saying that, even if no man or woman is perfect, they should be capable of and responsible for upholding the image and reputation of the Magic Council as we were the ones who chose them and must, in a moment's notice, rush to our continent's defense in the case of disaster.

And despite that, you believe that your student, Atro Heartfilia, is able to take up that mantle?"

"Yes, I do." Draculos merely answered, his voice unchanging as he answered the question, despite the implications and nature behind it, as if he was discussing the weather. That is the confidence that he has in his student, and what master would Draculos be if he thought that his student would not be able to handle that title with care after training and getting to know him after so long?

There was a brief moment of silence before Crawford sighed as if in resignation and gave Draculos a smile.

"I see...I made the right decision in appointing you as a Wizard Saint all those years ago when you were a young adult yourself Draculos, and you've never given me a reason to doubt my decision in doing so. And so, I will trust my instincts once more. But how about you tell me more about your student? Just to get an idea of the kind of man he may grow up to be of course."

And so a decision was made.

{June 21st, X778}

[Atro's POV]

At last I'm here. After the past year of hellish training, I finally made it. Despite the fact Warrod had told Fairy Tail that the Wizards Saints were just ten out of many wizards the Magic Council chose to be the embodiment of the strongest Mages in Ishgar, I still made it. Today, I'm officially becoming one of the Ten Wizard Saint.

I had learned that I was going to receive the lowest rank, which was obviously understandable since I'm young and objectively, I still have much to learn, compared to the current Wizard Saints, not to mention the fact that Draculos had vouched on my behalf when I was chosen despite being thirteen years old, which was why they were giving someone my age a chance in the first place.

But still, I've made it. I'm finally becoming a Wizard Saint.

"You seem nervous."

"Not quite Master. I think it's more like I'm shaking with excitement."

"You know, from now on, you don't have to call me Master anymore. We'll be fellow Wizard Saints from now on, so you may simply address me as Draculos from now on."

"I could. But I think I like Master Draculos more than just Draculos. After all, you're the reason why I made it to this point, and I will always be forever grateful to you for taking me in."

I stopped walking, prompting Draculos to stop, and turned to my teacher before bowing.

"Thank you, Master Draculos, for everything you have done for me up to this point. There is nothing I could ever do in order to repay you. And I hope that even after today, I can continue to seek you out for guidance."

I meant what I said from the bottom of my heart. While I'm sure I could have made it to this point some time in the future with enough hard work, even joining a guild if needed, the only reason why I am here right now is because of Draculos. He took my in as his apprentice, even if he didn't have to and in his own way, he raised, trained, and taught me, with the person I am now being the end result. It's because of him that I am standing here, and I've never been more happy that he was the one whose attention I caught two years ago. Our bond really has changed from what it was back then.

I felt a hand place itself on my shoulder.

"You've done very well Atro. I could not have asked for anyone better to be my one and only student, so know that my door is always open to you. If you wish to repay me, then I only ask that you remain a good man and dedicate your power to the happiness of Ishgar's people, as you had once told me you would. Now come. It's time for your induction, a day that we both have been looking forward to."

"Of course, Master Draculos."

And with a warmth in my heart that I thought had disappeared with Layla's death, I straightened myself and followed my mentor.

(Some time later...)

The two of us were waiting in the Chairman's office before the man made his appearance.

"Well hello there, Draculos. And I assume that you're Atro?"

Ah right. I genuinely forgot who this man actually was for a moment until my eyes laid eyes on him.

Crawford Seam. The Chairman of the Magic Council himself. The man who would, unknowing to everyone who knew him, turn traitor and join Tartaros. What I'm wondering is, when did he join them? I knew that Tartaros was part of the Balam Alliance, which is comprise of the guild of Etherious, Oración Seis, and Grimoire Heart. Even though the three guilds don't have any direct contact with one another, it still might just explain how Ultear and Jellal were able to join the Magic Council, despite there probably being limited public information of them before that point, seeing as that the former was studying under Hades and the latter studied under Brain while building the Tower of Heaven. Unless of course, Crawford somehow implanted false records.

So either he is already in league with Tartaros, or he will join in just a few years, which will allow Ultear and 'Siegrain' to join the Council either way. As much as I hate to admit it, I'll just have to let the pieces fall where they may in the future. As of now, I don't know if he's joined Tartaros yet, and even if he already has, I can't just attack the Chairman of the Magic Council for seemingly no reason, and I doubt that he would leave evidence of his treachery in plain view. So for now, I'll just bide my time and wait for Tartaros to make its move.

I wonder...Silver Fullbuster should be alive due to Keyes' experiment. Maybe if I can find him and recruit him until we take down Keyes? I know that he learned Devil Slaying Magic before joining Tartaros as one of the Nine Demon Gates, and while they knew why the man really joined, it didn't seem like they cared what he did with his life. So maybe, if I can give him a reason to keep living that isn't just revenge? Maybe let him and Gray reunite one day?

I'm thinking too much on this right now...maybe I should revisit this after today. After all, X784 is still six years away and there's a lot I can do in that time to prepare beforehand.

"Young man? Are you with us?"

I blinked as Crawford addressed me with a confused voice, with Draculos also looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Oops. Looks like I was too lost in my thoughts as I stared at the Chairman.

"I'm sorry Chairman, forgive me. I was just surprised to see you is all. While I knew that you were the one who chose the Ten Wizard Saints, I didn't think that you yourself would be the one to bestow the title, though you know what they say about hindsight. I guess I'm somewhat amazed that I would actually meet you in person." I smoothly lied and gave a fake, yet polite, smile. It was true in a round-about way. It was surprising to see the Chairman here today, but not entirely for the reason I had given him.

"Oh it's no worries whatsoever. I can understand why a young man would be surprised. How do you feel about becoming one of the Ten Wizard Saints on this day?" He asked me with a smile.

"Honestly, I'm trembling with excitement."

And I truly was. Even if the revelation of the reminder that Crawford Seam is or will be a traitor was at the front of my mind for the moment, it was currently overshadowed by this momentous day.

"Very well then. Let us begin."

I instinctively straightened myself up, but much to my confusion, Crawford turned around, not going to the door to leave. The man walked over to a small chest that was in the back of his office and opened it, his body blocking my field of vision to see what he was taking out. He had, in the next moment, turned around and revealed what seemed to be some kind of clothing and a piece of jewelry resting on top of his open palms before he walked in front of me and held out the items in question.

"Atro Heartfilia, I hereby declare that from this day forward, you are now inducted into the Ten Wizard Saints. Congratulations, young man."



I blinked in surprise, taking the items he held out to me.




... that all? I thought there would be a proper ceremony. All Draculos really told me was that I would be inducted at the Ishgar Headquarters, but I assumed it would be more than just this.

I looked over to my teacher in confusion, but he merely looked at me with a straight face...wait...his eyes actually had a glint of amusement in it! That sly vampire! Crawford seemed to notice this and let out a small laugh of amusement himself.

"Ohohoh, judging by your expression, you're probably confused as to why this took so little time correct?" Crawford asked me, and I couldn't help but subconsciously nod my head in agreement, my eyes moving back to the old man.

"Well you see, we don't try to make the induction of the Wizard Saints a grand spectacle. While it's one thing for Magic Council members being appointed to be public due to the very nature of our work for Ishgar, we try not to do as such regarding the Wizard Saints, who at the end of the day, are their own people and have their own private lives, as you can see with Draculos. While it is normal for the Ten Wizard Saints to hold meetings with one another, allowing you to meet your seniors at some point in the near future, we as the Magic Council try not to flaunt their identities, even that of the Four Gods of Ishgar. We merely make their presence known and that they are in Ishgar. So while people may know of your existence itself due to loose lips, it doesn't mean that they are liable to recognize you on sight or learn where you live unless you wish to openly reveal yourself or where you come from, much like how Makarov Dreyar and Jose Porla are the guild masters of Fairy Tail in Magnolia Town and Phantom Lord in Oak Town, respectively, and wear their clothing or items showing their status."

Ah, that makes sense honestly. Though a part of me thought that our status signifying our strength in itself would make people hesitate in approaching us in the first place. Not unless you were a public figure like the two guild masters in question.

"That said, as you requested, we will not divulge your family name so soon since I have recently learned of the Heartfilia Konzern in Fiore, so I can understand why you wish to keep your name hidden except for only those in the upper echelons in the Magic Council, such as the Unit Heads within the Rune Knights or other Magic Council members."

Of course he probably did a background check on me after learning my name. I honestly hate the fact that three potential dangers would have access to my family name, if only for Lucy's safety in the future because of our relationship, but I couldn't just *not* give my name to the Chairman. Thankfully by the time the gears start turning, Lucy will have been in Fairy Tail and I have grown strong enough that, even if I can be defeated by certain people, my ire is not one that people would like to earn. Still, at least the old man has the decency to do this much, since it is in his best interest to build up relatively good relations with those around him, assuming he's already working with Tartaros.

"Thank you Chairman Crawford."

I gave a small bow before looking at what was given to me. A pendant with the Wizard Saint's symbol hanging off of it, and a white hooded cloak with gold bordering and Wizard Saint symbol on the back. Master Draculos was probably the one who recommended this for me. He knows me all too well.

I looked over to my teacher with questioning eyes and as if answering an unasked question, he nodded his head.

And at that simple confirmation, I began to slowly, and probably reverently, don on the physical symbols of my status. I fastened the necklace around my neck before wrapping the cloak around myself, moving my hands to fasten the garment over my chest.

'Rejoice Atro Heartfilia...for your wish will one day become true.' I internally said to myself with a smile.

And it was on my thirteenth birthday, June 21st of year X778, that I formally became one of the Ten Wizard Saints.

{A/N: Check out the Creator's Thoughts!}